
VS Industry 4Q Earnings Beats Expectations

VS Industry 4Q Earnings Beats Expectations

Business Today ·  09/25 16:45

VSI reported a record 4QFY24, leading to a full-year core net profit of MYR191m, beating Maybank's and consensus expectations by 19%/11%, thanks to better-than-expected margins. The house has adjusted its FY25E/FY26E earnings by +2%/- 1% due to housekeeping and introduced FY27E. It has also raised the TP by 2% to MYR1.49 (on unchanged 20.5x CY25E PER; +0.5SD to the 5Y mean).

VSI報告了創紀錄的 4QFY24,使全年核心淨利潤達到19100萬令吉,比馬來亞銀行和市場普遍預期高出19%/11%,這要歸功於利潤率好於預期。由於家政管理的緣故,衆議院已將其25財年/26財年的收益調整了+2%/-1%,並推出了 FY27E。它還將目標股價上調了2%,至1.49令吉(CY25E 市盈率爲20.5倍不變;至5年平均水平爲+0.5美元)。

Notably, 4Q driven by higher utilisation, better product mix VSI's 4QFY24 core net profit (CNP, excluding one-offs) surged 75% QoQ to MYR92m (+81% YoY) as revenue increased 20%, driven by improved plant utilization and a better product mix. 4QFY24 EBIT margin rose 1.8 ppt QoQ to 9.0%. FY24 CNP was down 8% YoY to MYR191m, with revenue down 7% YoY due to lower sales orders from a key customer in 1H.

值得注意的是,受利用率提高、產品組合改善的推動,第四季度VSI的 4QFY24 核心淨利潤(CNP,不包括一次性利潤)環比激增75%,至9200萬馬幣(同比增長81%),這要歸因於工廠利用率的提高和產品組合的改善。4QFY24 息稅前利潤率環比增長1.8個百分點至9.0%。24財年CNP同比下降8%,至19100萬馬幣,收入同比下降7%,這是由於上半年來自主要客戶的銷售訂單減少。

Geographically, Malaysia's PBT in FY24 rose 3% YoY to MYR259m despite an 11% YoY revenue decline, driven by a better sales mix and improved plant utilization in 2H. In contrast, Indonesia's PBT fell 13% YoY to MYR6m, despite flat revenue, as strong 4QFY24 sales from a key customer were offset by 1H losses.

從地域上看,儘管收入同比下降了11%,但24財年馬來西亞的PbT同比增長了3%,至25900萬令吉,這要歸因於下半年銷售組合的改善和工廠利用率的提高。相比之下,儘管收入持平,但印度尼西亞的PbT同比下降13%,至600萬令吉,原因是主要客戶強勁的 4QFY24 銷售被上半年的虧損所抵消。

Maybank said it remains optimistic about VSI's outlook. After streamlining operations and expanding, VSI is well-positioned to benefit from increasing sales orders, especially with new model launches. Value chain enhancements, already showing progress in 2HFY24, should further boost profit margins. Additionally, its new operations in the Philippines are expected to contribute significantly, with potential upside from a prospective customer expected to be concluded by end-CY2024. Key risks include geopolitical factors and forex fluctuations, which could pressure margins.

馬來亞銀行表示,它對VSI的前景仍然持樂觀態度。在精簡運營和擴張之後,VSI處於有利地位,可以從不斷增加的銷售訂單中受益,尤其是在新車型的推出中。價值鏈的增強已經在 2HFY24 中取得了進展,應該會進一步提高利潤率。此外,其在菲律賓的新業務預計將做出重大貢獻,潛在客戶的潛在上升空間預計將在2024財年底前完成。主要風險包括地緣政治因素和外匯波動,這可能會給利潤帶來壓力。

