
KB Home (KBH) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

KB Home (KBH) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

kb home(KBH)2024年第三季度業績會成績單摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/25 08:44  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the KB Home (KBH) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是kb home (KBH) 2024年第三季度業績電話會議實錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • KB Home reported double-digit year-over-year growth in revenues and diluted earnings per share in Q3 2024.

  • Total revenues were over $1.75 billion, with diluted earnings per share of $2.04.

  • The company projects $6.9 billion in revenues for 2024, at a gross margin exceeding 21%.

  • Housing revenues grew by 11% compared to the previous year, driven by an increase in the number of homes delivered and an overall average selling price increase.

  • kb home報告稱,2024年第三季度營收和每股攤薄收益同比增長了兩位數。

  • 總收入超過$175億,每股攤薄收益爲$2.04。

  • 公司預計2024年收入爲$690億,毛利率超過21%。

  • 與上一年相比,住宅收入增長了11%,這主要是由於交付的住宅數量增加和整體平均售價上漲驅動。

Business Progress:


  • KB Home has advanced its Build-to-Order model, focusing on customer satisfaction and community count growth.

  • The company has accelerated land investment, with a significant increase of over 50% year-over-year in land acquisition and development costs.

  • -Community counts and geographic expansion are also notable, especially in new markets like Boise, Charlotte, and Seattle.

  • kb home已推進其訂單制模式,專注於客戶滿意度和社區數量增長。

  • 公司加快了土地投資,土地收購和開發成本同比增長超過50%。

  • -社區規模和地理擴張也值得關注,尤其是在波伊西、夏洛特和西雅圖等新市場。



  • The company sees further investment in land and development as a strong pathway for growth, with plans to increase the lot position by 21% year-over-year.

  • Strategic geographic expansion into new markets contributes to their growth strategy.

  • 公司將土地開發進一步投資視爲增長的重要途徑,計劃將地塊位置同比增加21%。

  • 戰略性地進入新市場的地理擴張有助於他們的增長策略。



  • Elevated interest rates and economic slowdown concerns have caused buyer hesitancy, impacting demand.

  • Trade-offs are necessary in pricing adjustments to maintain sales momentum amid these economic pressures.

  • 提高的利率和經濟放緩引起購房者猶豫,影響需求。

  • 在這些經濟壓力下,必須在定價調整中進行權衡以維持銷售勢頭。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


