
Matrix Service Company Publishes Fiscal 2024 Sustainability Report

Matrix Service Company Publishes Fiscal 2024 Sustainability Report

matrix service公司發佈2024財年可持續發展報告
GlobeNewswire ·  09/25 04:09

TULSA, Okla., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Matrix Service Company (Nasdaq: MTRX), a leading contractor to the energy and industrial markets across North America, today released its Fiscal 2024 Sustainability Report.

2024年9月24日,位於俄克拉何馬州塔爾薩(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- 全球能源及工業市場領先承包商 matrix service 公司(納斯達克股票代碼:MTRX)今天發佈了其 2024 財年可持續發展報告。

"In addition to our focus on strengthening our operational excellence and financial performance, in fiscal 2024, our teams continued to advance sustainability at Matrix, which is embedded in our core values," said Matrix Service Company President and CEO John R. Hewitt. "Notably, we completed our first Materiality Assessment to help inform and prioritize our sustainability work and help us meet stakeholder expectations. We are committed to quality and efficiency in everything we do, including sustainability."

「除了我們專注於增強運營卓越性和財務表現外,在2024財年,我們團隊繼續推動 matrix service 的可持續發展,這已融入我們的核心價值觀,」 matrix service 公司總裁兼首席執行官約翰·R·休伊特表示。「值得注意的是,我們完成了首次關鍵事項評估,以幫助制定和優先考慮我們的可持續發展工作,並幫助我們滿足利益相關者的期望。我們致力於在我們所做的一切工作中保持質量和效率,包括可持續性。」

Key highlights include:


  • Completion of the Company's first Materiality Assessment
  • Third-party evaluation and investments in systems and processes to:
    • Achieve maximum quality and efficiency in end-to-end project management and execution;
    • Ensure we can meet future federal and state ESG reporting requirements;
    • Drive global supply chain compliance and performance, reduce risks, and enrich our supplier diversity spend; and
    • Ensure accurate capture and reporting of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions, and related audit readiness.
  • Continued focus on operational excellence and financial performance; and
  • Further strengthening of the balance sheet to support business strategy and objectives.
  • 完成公司首次關鍵事項評估
  • 第三方評估和投資於系統和流程:
    • 在端到端項目管理和執行中實現最大質量和效率;
    • 確保我們能夠滿足未來聯邦和州esg報告要求;
    • 推動全球供應鏈合規性和績效,減少風險,並豐富我們的供應商多樣性支出;和
    • 確保準確捕獲和報告scope 1和2 ghg排放量,並做好相關審計準備。
  • 繼續專注於運營卓越和財務績效;和
  • 進一步加強資產負債表,以支持業務策略和目標。

Reporting Standards and Framework


Consistency and transparency are critical for ESG planning and, as such, beginning with the 2021 Sustainability Report, Matrix has adopted the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) reporting standards and included a SASB reference table that details where the information set forth by SASB for the construction and engineering sector can be found in our public reporting. In fiscal 2022, the Company also began reporting under the Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations, as governed by the ISSB and IFRS Foundation.

一貫性和透明度對於esg規劃至關重要,因此,從2021年可持續發展報告開始,matrix service已經採納了可持續會計準則委員會(sasb)的報告標準,幷包含了一個sasb參考表,詳細說明sasb針對施工和工程行業設定的信息在我們的公開報告中可以找到。在2022財年,公司還開始根據《金融穩定委員會氣候相關金融披露任務組》(tcfd)的建議進行報告,由issb和ifrs基金會管理。

By following SASB and TCFD, the Company strives to identify, disclose, and communicate sustainability information considered to be materially important to all stakeholders, and believe information reported under these frameworks will result in more consistent, comparable, and meaningful reporting.


The complete report is available on Matrix Service Company's Investor Relations website at

完整報告可在matrix service公司的投資者關係網站上找到。

About Matrix Service Company

關於Matrix Service Company

Matrix Service Company (Nasdaq: MTRX), through its operating companies, is a leading North American industrial engineering, construction, and maintenance contractor headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma with offices located throughout the United States and Canada, as well as Sydney, Australia and Seoul, South Korea.

matrix service公司(納斯達克:MTRX)通過其運營公司,是一家領先的北美工業工程、施工和維護承包商,總部位於俄克拉荷馬州塔爾薩,辦公室遍佈美國和加拿大各地,以及澳洲悉尼和韓國首爾。

The Company reports its financial results in three key operating segments: Utility and Power Infrastructure, Process and Industrial Facilities, and Storage and Terminal Solutions.


With a focus on sustainability, building strong Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, and living our core values, Matrix ranks among the Top Contractors by Engineering-News Record, has been recognized for its Board diversification, is an active signatory to CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, and is recognized as a Great Place to Work. To learn more about Matrix Service Company, visit and read our most recent Sustainability Report.

致力於可持續發展,建立強大的環境、社會和治理(ESG)實踐,秉承核心價值觀,Matrix躋身《工程新聞記錄》的頂級承包商之列,獲得董事多樣化方面的認可,積極簽署了《CEO行動計劃》,並被認定爲優秀的工作場所。要了解更多關於Matrix Service Company的信息,請訪問,閱讀我們最近的可持續發展報告。

For more information about Matrix, please contact:


Kellie Smythe
Matrix Service Company
Senior Director, Investor Relations, Marketing, Communications
and Sustainability
T: 918-359-8267

Kellie Smythe
Matrix Service Company
高級董事, 投資者關係, 市場營銷, 通訊和可持續發展

This release contains forward-looking statements that are made in reliance upon the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are generally accompanied by words such as "anticipate," "continues," "expect," "forecast," "outlook," "believe," "estimate," "should" and "will" and words of similar effect that convey future meaning, concerning the Company's operations, economic performance and management's best judgment as to what may occur in the future. Future events involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those we currently anticipate. The actual results for the current and future periods and other corporate developments will depend upon a number of economic, competitive and other influences, including those factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" and "Forward Looking Statements" sections and elsewhere in the Company's reports and filings made from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Many of these risks and uncertainties are beyond the control of the Company, and any one of which, or a combination of which, could materially and adversely affect the results of the Company's operations and its financial condition. We undertake no obligation to update information contained in this release.


