
TraceLink Releases Opus Reports and Dashboards, the First End-User Reporting and Dashboarding Capability Purpose-Built to Gain Real-Time Visibility and Insights From Supply Networks

TraceLink Releases Opus Reports and Dashboards, the First End-User Reporting and Dashboarding Capability Purpose-Built to Gain Real-Time Visibility and Insights From Supply Networks

PR Newswire ·  09/24 22:00

Any user can easily and seamlessly create views by supply networks, supply chain partners, and business transactions


BOSTON, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TraceLink, the largest end-to-end digital network platform for intelligent orchestration of the supply chain, has announced the availability of Opus Reports and Dashboards as part of the Magnum release of its Opus Platform. This advanced capability, designed and configured through no-code tools, enables business users to monitor supply chain performance metrics in real time, identify potential issues before they escalate, and make data-driven business decisions with confidence.

波士頓,2024 年 9 月 24 日 /PRNewswire/-- TraceLink作爲供應鏈智能協調的最大端到端數字網絡平台,它宣佈Opus報告和儀表板作爲Magnum發佈的Opus平台的一部分推出。這種高級功能是通過無代碼工具設計和配置的,使業務用戶能夠實時監控供應鏈績效指標,在潛在問題升級之前識別潛在問題,並自信地做出數據驅動的業務決策。

With Opus Reports and Dashboards, customers and their supply chain partners can access a single, consistent view of business performance, helping to enhance service levels across the customer's supply chain. Drawing insights from data using charting tools, users can identify cost-saving opportunities, optimize inventory levels, and streamline shared processes such as order-to-cash or procure-to-pay cycles. In addition, customers can benchmark historical business performance and create dynamic partner scorecards to ensure process changes are improving key metrics.

藉助 Opus 報告和控制面板,客戶及其供應鏈合作伙伴可以訪問單一、一致的業務績效視圖,從而幫助提高整個客戶供應鏈的服務水平。使用製圖工具從數據中汲取見解,用戶可以發現節省成本的機會,優化庫存水平,並簡化共享流程,例如訂單到現金或採購到付款的週期。此外,客戶可以對歷史業務績效進行基準測試並創建動態合作伙伴記分卡,以確保流程變更改善關鍵指標。

"Complete supply chain visibility through real-time, longitudinal reporting and dashboarding has long been at the top of every chief supply chain officer's wishlist, yet this capability has remained elusive—until now," said Shabbir Dahod, President and CEO of TraceLink. "Modern supply chain organizations need tools that not only meet business user requirements, but can also be quickly configured to reflect real-time network data and shared with supply chain partners for joint visibility. Opus Reports and Dashboards fills a critical gap, empowering organizations to achieve true supply chain collaboration."

TraceLink總裁兼首席執行官沙比爾·達霍德表示:「通過實時、縱向報告和儀表板實現全面的供應鏈可見性長期以來一直是每位首席供應鏈官的願望清單的重中之重,但這種能力一直難以實現——直到現在。」「現代供應鏈組織需要的工具不僅要滿足業務用戶的需求,而且可以快速配置以反映實時網絡數據,並與供應鏈合作伙伴共享,以提高共同的可見性。Opus 報告和儀表板填補了關鍵空白,使組織能夠實現真正的供應鏈協作。」

Key benefits of Opus Reports and Dashboards:

Opus 報告和儀表板的主要優點:

  • End-to-End Visibility for All Supply Chain Partners: TraceLink's dashboards extend beyond traditional data sharing by providing a holistic view of supply chain orchestrations for both TraceLink customers and their partners. Both parties can access real-time data on transactions such as order confirmations, shipment statuses, and inventory levels, all consolidated within a single dashboard. This comprehensive visibility empowers customers and partners alike to collaboratively manage complex multienterprise processes, like procure-to-pay and order-to-cash, minimizing errors, preventing disruptions, and ensuring On-Time In-Full (OTIF) delivery at every step of Commerce, Manufacturing, and Logistics orchestrations.
  • Real-Time Decision-Making Across Business Ecosystems: By leveraging sophisticated features such as dynamic lookups, contextual filtering, and cross-object relationships, TraceLink reports and dashboards provide instant visibility into critical business processes for all partners involved in your supply chain network. Advanced capabilities like drill-down reporting and dynamic filtering enable users to swiftly navigate through data, diagnose issues, and respond to evolving conditions in real-time. This agility supports quick resolution of exceptions and enhances overall supply chain resilience.
  • Configurable Dashboards for Tailored Orchestration Management: Adapt dashboards to meet the unique requirements of diverse orchestration scenarios, from managing procure-to-pay workflows for commercial transactions to overseeing production quality in external manufacturing or tracking key logistics milestones. TraceLink Administrators can design and save configured company views that dynamically update based on the most recent orchestration data, ensuring the right information is always accessible for proactive monitoring and decision-making.
  • Actionable Insights for Continuous Process Optimization: Integrated analytics offer more than just data visibility; they provide actionable insights into the performance of your supply chain orchestrations. For example, by analyzing late delivery patterns across multiple suppliers, a manufacturer can identify recurring delays linked to specific regions or partners. Armed with this information, the manufacturer can proactively adjust lead times, renegotiate terms, or explore alternative suppliers, resulting in improved on-time delivery rates and reduced supply chain risk. Another scenario could involve tracking the correlation between order volume and production delays, enabling the company to better align capacity planning with demand, ultimately improving overall supply chain efficiency and responsiveness. This data-driven approach not only optimizes current operations but also drives continuous enhancement of supply chain processes, fostering long-term strategic success.
  • Dynamic User Interfaces for Enhanced Usability: TraceLink's dynamic UI capabilities for query objects, reports, and dashboards provide a flexible and intuitive user experience. Users can seamlessly create, modify, and interact with query objects using a no-code interface, allowing for rapid configuration of queries, reports, and dashboards without technical expertise. Features such as drag-and-drop report building, real-time data filtering, and interactive charting enable business users to explore data from multiple perspectives and generate insights on the fly. This level of configurability reduces the dependency on IT, accelerates decision-making, and enhances user adoption by providing a tailored experience that aligns with individual business needs.
  • 所有供應鏈合作伙伴的端到端可見性:TraceLink的儀表板爲TraceLink客戶及其合作伙伴提供了供應鏈協調的整體視圖,從而超越了傳統的數據共享。雙方都可以訪問交易的實時數據,例如訂單確認、發貨狀態和庫存水平,所有這些數據都整合在一個控制面板中。這種全面的可見性使客戶和合作夥伴能夠協作管理複雜的多企業流程,例如採購到付款和訂單到現金,最大限度地減少錯誤,防止中斷,並確保在商業、製造和物流協調的每個環節按時全額交付 (OTIF)。
  • 跨業務生態系統的實時決策:通過利用動態查詢、上下文篩選和跨對象關係等複雜功能,TraceLink報告和儀表板可爲供應鏈網絡中涉及的所有合作伙伴提供關鍵業務流程的即時可見性。向下鑽取報告和動態篩選等高級功能使用戶能夠快速瀏覽數據、診斷問題並實時響應不斷變化的情況。這種敏捷性支持快速解決異常情況,增強整體供應鏈彈性。
  • 用於定製協調管理的可配置儀表板:調整儀表板以滿足不同編排場景的獨特要求,從管理商業交易的採購到付款工作流程,到監督外部製造的生產質量或跟蹤關鍵的物流里程碑。TraceLink 管理員可以設計和保存已配置的公司視圖,這些視圖會根據最新的編排數據進行動態更新,從而確保隨時可以訪問正確的信息,以進行主動監控和決策。
  • 爲持續流程優化提供切實可行的見解:集成分析提供的不僅僅是數據可見性;它們爲供應鏈協調的績效提供切實可行的見解。例如,通過分析多個供應商的延遲交付模式,製造商可以識別與特定地區或合作伙伴相關的反覆延遲。有了這些信息,製造商可以主動調整交貨時間、重新談判條款或尋找替代供應商,從而提高準時交貨率並降低供應鏈風險。另一種情景可能涉及跟蹤訂單量與生產延遲之間的相關性,使公司能夠更好地使產能規劃與需求保持一致,最終提高整體供應鏈的效率和響應能力。這種數據驅動的方法不僅可以優化當前的運營,還可以推動供應鏈流程的持續改進,從而促進長期的戰略成功。
  • 增強可用性的動態用戶界面:TraceLink 針對查詢對象、報告和儀表板的動態 UI 功能提供了靈活直觀的用戶體驗。用戶可以使用無代碼界面無縫創建、修改查詢對象並與之交互,從而無需技術專業知識即可快速配置查詢、報告和儀表板。拖放式報告構建、實時數據篩選和交互式圖表等功能使業務用戶能夠從多個角度探索數據並即時生成見解。這種可配置性通過提供符合個人業務需求的量身定製的體驗,減少了對 It 的依賴、加快了決策並提高了用戶採用率。

"Opus Reports provide users with configurable access and analysis of their platform data," said James Mills, Vice President, Collective Intelligence Products at TraceLink. "Opus Dashboards enables users to stay on top of the full breadth of their business by combining multiple user-optimized visualizations of their reports. The seamless integration of Reports and Dashboards delivers a no-code, interactive environment for data-driven analysis and decision-making."

TraceLink集體情報產品副總裁詹姆斯·米爾斯說:「Opus Reports爲用戶提供了對其平台數據的可配置訪問和分析。」「Opus Dashboards通過整合多個用戶優化的報告可視化效果,使用戶能夠全面掌握其業務的各個方面。報告和儀表板的無縫集成爲數據驅動的分析和決策提供了一個無代碼的交互式環境。」

Learn more about the release of TraceLink's Opus Magnum, the only no-code network digitalization platform designed to democratize access to end-to-end supply chain integration and orchestration.

了解有關發佈的更多信息 TraceLink 的 Opus Magnum,唯一的無代碼網絡數字化平台,旨在普及端到端供應鏈集成和協調的接入。

See Opus Magnum live at FutureLink Barcelona 2024, the only thought-leadership, education, and networking event for life sciences and healthcare leaders needing critical intelligence and better collaboration across supply chain relationships, from October 2-4, 2024. With keynotes headlined by the industry's top thought leaders, a full day of TraceLink University educational sessions, three orchestration tracks led by customers and solution partners, and an immersive product and solution exhibition, this year's FutureLink will focus on the end-to-end digitalization of your supply chain to link your enterprise systems and processes to the network. Register now.

觀看 Opus Magnum 直播 2024 年巴塞羅那未來鏈接,2024年10月2日至4日,爲需要關鍵情報和改善供應鏈關係協作的生命科學和醫療保健領導者舉辦的唯一一次思想領導力、教育和社交活動。今年的FutureLink將重點關注供應鏈的端到端數字化,將企業系統和流程與網絡連接起來,將重點介紹供應鏈的端到端數字化,以及由客戶和解決方案合作伙伴主導的三場協調活動以及沉浸式的產品和解決方案展覽,其主題演講由業界頂級思想領袖主持,爲期一整天的TraceLink大學教育會議。 立即註冊

About TraceLink:

關於 TraceLink:

TraceLink Inc. is the largest end-to-end intelligent supply chain platform for life sciences and healthcare, enabling end-to-end orchestration by connecting more than 291,000 healthcare and life sciences entities through its B2N Integrate-Once network. Leading businesses trust TraceLink to deliver complete global connectivity, visibility, and traceability of healthcare products, ensuring that every patient gets the medicines they need when needed, safely and securely.

TraceLink Inc. 是最大的生命科學和醫療保健端到端智能供應鏈平台,通過其 B2N Integrate-Once 網絡連接超過 291,000 個醫療保健和生命科學實體,實現端到端協調。領先的企業信任 TraceLink 能夠提供醫療保健產品的完整全球連接、可見性和可追溯性,確保每位患者在需要時安全可靠地獲得所需的藥物。

SOURCE Tracelink, Inc.

來源 Tracelink, Inc.


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