
BluSky Carbon Secures US$105 Million Biochar Sales Agreement

BluSky Carbon Secures US$105 Million Biochar Sales Agreement

BluSky Carbon安全了1.05億美元的生物炭銷售協議
Accesswire ·  09/24 22:00

Ten-year contract for agricultural grade soil amendments in Southern USA


OLD SAYBROOK, CT and VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / BluSky Carbon Inc. (CSE:BSKY)(OTCQB:BSKCF)(FWB:QE4)(WKN:A401NM) ("BluSky" or the "Company"), an innovative entry into the carbon removal clean technology sector is very pleased to announce that it has entered into a sales agreement (" Sales Agreement ") with a U.S. based purchaser (" Purchaser ") pursuant to which the Company has agreed to supply, and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase, up to 382,213 tonnes of biochar over a period of 10 years substantially on the schedule and pricing terms as set forth below:

康涅狄格州OLD SAYBROOk和溫哥華BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年9月24日 / BluSky碳股份有限公司 (CSE:BSKY)(OTCQB:BSKCF)(FWB:QE4)(WKN:A401NM) ("BluSky" 或 "公司"),作爲碳減排清潔技術行業的創新者,非常高興地宣佈已與美國買家簽署了銷售協議 ("銷售協議"), 根據該協議,公司同意向美國的買家供應,買家同意購買,長達10年期間總計382,213噸的生物炭,基本上按照以下規定的進度和價格條款:

Table 1 (Left) Blusky Carbon monthly biochar scale-up sales for year 1.
Table 2 (Right) BluSky Carbon monthly biochar sales for years 2 to 10
All currency stated as US dollars. Net 60 days. Delivery: FOB BluSky production site.
(as of September 24, 2024)

表格1 (左) BluSky碳一年內生物炭規模化銷售情況
表格2 (右) BluSky碳生物炭銷售情況 (第2至10年)
所有貨幣均以美元表示。60天淨期。交貨地點:FOb BluSky生產基地。

Table 3: BluSky Carbon annual biochar sales for years 1 to 10 (as of September 24, 2024)

表格3: BluSky碳第1至10年的年度生物炭銷售情況 (截至2024年9月24日)

The Agreement sets forth a delivery schedule (see tables 1 to 3 above) designed to achieve an initial volume of approximately 22,200 short tons [1] within the first year of operation, scaling up to approximately 40,000 tons per year for the remainder of the of the Agreement. Biochar will be supplied on as-is basis. The moisture content will be verified with a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) at delivery. Based upon a negotiated rate of two hundred and seventy-five dollars (US$275) per ton, the sales value under the Agreement is approximately US$105 million.


Biochar is black carbon produced from biomass sources (i.e., wood chips, plant residues, manure or other agricultural waste products) for the purpose of transforming the biomass carbon into a more stable form (carbon sequestration). [2] It can persist for long periods of time in the soil at various depths, typically thousands of years. Biochar is produced by heating biomass or waste materials containing carbon through pyrolysis. Pyrolysis involves thermal and chemical decomposition of biomass in limited or zero supply of oxygen, typically at temperatures ranging from 300°C to 1000°C. Biochar can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil physical and chemical properties, enhance water retention, and sequester carbon. It also contributes to climate change mitigation by stabilizing carbon in soils for thousands of years, preventing it from being released as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Biochar has shown promise in increasing crop yields, improving soil fertility, and reducing environmental pollution through its ability to retain nutrients and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. [3]


The Company notes that its ability to meet scheduled delivery of biochar beyond year 1 is conditional upon its commissioning and receiving an additional two (2) Vulcan Heavy biomass pyrolysis systems (Vulcan Heavy). The Company anticipates that each Vulcan Heavy will cost approximately US$3 million and take up to nine months to be manufactured and delivered to the job site. BluSky's ability to commission any Vulcan Heavy will be contingent on its ability to secure financing on acceptable terms, and no assurance can be given this will occur. At present, the Company believes that it will have the ability to produce 15,000 tons annually (with a sales value of approximately US$4 million under the Agreement) once it completes the build out of its "Kiloplex" facility, including testing and optimization of its Vulcan Heavy system.

公司指出,其能夠在第1年後按期交付生物炭的能力取決於其啓用並收到額外的兩個(2)個Vulcan重型生物質裂解系統(Vulcan Heavy)。公司預計每個Vulcan Heavy的成本約爲300萬美元,並需要九個月的時間製造並交付到工地。BluSky能否啓用任何Vulcan Heavy將取決於其是否能以可接受的條款獲得融資,目前無法保證這將發生。公司目前相信,一旦完成其「Kiloplex」設施的建設,包括對其Vulcan Heavy系統進行測試和優化,將有能力年產15,000噸(根據協議價值約爲400萬美元)。

The Company notes further that if either party fails to fulfill the terms of this Agreement, the other party may give written notice detailing the breach; thereafter, if the defaulting party does not remedy the breach within ninety (90) days, the Agreement may be terminated for cause. Moreover, the Agreement provides that if congressional funding to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is reduced relative to the funding provided to USDA in 2024, then either party shall have the right to require the other to engage in good faith negotiations to amend the price and material terms of this Agreement; in the event such terms cannot be renegotiated, the Agreement will terminate with no further obligation or liability owed by either party.


The Agreement was concluded with the assistance of Emlia Partners (Emlia), an entity which provides specialized consulting services and an extensive network of brokers and developers with the aim of facilitating access for project financing opportunities focused on biochar solutions for agricultural enterprises.

協議是在Emlia Partners(Emlia)的幫助下達成的,該實體提供專業的諮詢服務和廣泛的經紀人和開發人員網絡,旨在爲農業企業提供項目融資機會,專注於生物炭解決方案。

Notes Emlia Partners' Managing Director, Mr. John Harty, "Biochar's inherent properties are vital to building a sustainable circular economy, offering long-term environmental benefits, while sequestering carbon. The Agreement is a testament to BluSky's innovation and leadership, positioning them at the forefront of the biochar and carbon removal industry. We are proud to be working with their team."


BluSky CEO Will Hessert comments, "This sale positions BluSky as a growing force in the increasingly important carbon removal economy. As with any emerging sector, there is a lot of work yet to be done. Operationally, many of the key elements are already in place, including our first large-scale Vulcan Heavy biomass pyrolysis unit. The system is currently undergoing setup and testing. The Vulcan Heavy is designed to be a capital-efficient module that can produce industrial quantities of biochar. We founded BluSky Carbon to remove gigatonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This Agreement is a great step forward in that direction, and we aim to take many more."
About BluSky Carbon Inc. (CSE:BSKY)(OTCQB:BSKCF)(FWB:QE4)(WKN:A401NM)
BluSky is a renewable energy company that is in the business of putting Carbon back into the ground - where it belongs! The Company converts organic and industrial waste into biochar, renewable power and carbonate rocks, as well as the development and sale of carbon capture technology. BluSky's primary objectives are to (1) construct carbon removal equipment; (2) sell the biochar produced by the carbon removal equipment; and (3) sell carbon credits ‎generated from the production of biochar. The Company's business model is based on the growing need for carbon neutrality and demand to reduce CO2 emissions.

BluSky首席執行官威爾·赫塞特評論說:「這項交易使BluSky在日益重要的碳去除經濟中成爲一個日益增長的力量。與任何新興行業一樣,還有很多工作要做。從運營角度來看,許多關鍵要素已經就位,包括我們的第一個大型Vulcan Heavy生物質熱解裝置。該系統目前正在進行設置和測試。 Vulcan Heavy設計爲可以生產工業量生物炭的資本高效模塊。我們創立了BluSky Carbon來從大氣中去除數千噸的二氧化碳。該協議是朝這個方向邁出的重要一步,我們的目標是取得更多的進展。」
關於BluSky Carbon Inc. (cse:BSKY)(otcqb:BSKCF)(fwb:QE4)(WKN:A401NM)
BluSky是一家可再生能源公司,專注於將碳排放物質回歸地下 - 其歸屬之地!該公司將有機和工業廢料轉化爲生物炭、可再生能源和碳酸鹽巖,同時開發並銷售碳捕集技術。BluSky的主要目標是:(1) 構建碳清除設備;(2) 出售碳清除設備生產的生物炭;以及(3) 出售由生物炭生產產生的碳信用。公司的商業模式建立在碳中和需求的增長以及減少二氧化碳排放的需求基礎上。

BluSky Carbon is publicly listed in Canada on the CSE with the trading symbol BSKY, on the OTCQB as BSKCF, and in Frankfurt, Germany (FWB) with the identifier QE4. BluSky's public filings and related documents are available on the Company's profile page on SEDAR+ at . For more information about the Company, please visit , watch our video, and sign up to receive news alerts or join us on social media at Facebook, X (formerly twitter), Instagram, or LinkedIn.

BluSky Carbon在加拿大CSE上市,交易標的爲BSKY,在美國OTCQb上的標的爲BSKCF,在德國法蘭克福的標的爲QE4。BluSky的公開申報文件和相關文件可在SEDAR+公司資料頁面上查閱。有關公司的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,在我們的視頻,註冊以接收新聞警報,或加入我們的社交媒體Facebook、X(前twitter)、Instagram或LinkedIn。



William ("Will") Hessert
Chief Executive Officer


BluSky Carbon Inc.
35 Research Parkway,
Old Saybrook, CT, 06475\
Tel. (860) 577-2080

BluSky Carbon Inc.
35 Research Parkway,
Old Saybrook, Ct, 06475\
電話 (860) 577-2080

Sales or partner opportunities:
Greg Pakiela, Business Development

Greg Pakiela, 業務發展

Forward-Looking Information Disclaimer
This news release contains statements and information that constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such information is based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, projections, beliefs and assumptions made by management of BluSky. Forward-looking information may include financial and other projections, as well as statements regarding future plans, strategies, prospects, objectives or economic performance, or the assumption underlying any of the foregoing. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as "may", "would", "could", "will", "likely", "except", "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "plan", "forecast", "project", "estimate", "outlook", or the negative thereof or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Examples of such statements within this news release include, but are not limited to: the anticipated term of the Agreement; that the counterparty thereunder will fulfill its obligations; that the Company will be successful in scaling its operations, which requires, among other things, the acquisition of multiple Vulcan Heavy machines; that the Company will be successful in completing the buildout of its Kiloplex facility, including testing and optimization of its Vulcan Heavy system; that the Company will be able to complete financings required to scale its operations; and that the Company will be able to meet its commitments under the Agreement.

本新聞發佈包含構成適用證券法"前瞻性信息"的聲明和信息。此類信息基於藍天管理層就當前預期、估計、預測、投影、信念和假設制定的。前瞻性信息可能包括財務和其他預測,以及關於未來計劃、戰略、前景、目標或經濟績效的聲明,或前述任何信息的基礎假設。在某些情況下,前瞻性聲明可通過"可能"、"將會"、"可以"、"將"、"可能"、"除外"、"預計"、"相信"、"打算"、"計劃"、"展望"、"項目"、"估計"、"展望"或與此類似的表達,涉及非歷史事實的事項。本新聞發佈中此類聲明的示例包括但不限於:協議的預期期限;其中對方將履行其義務;公司將成功擴大其業務,其中包括多臺Vulcan Heavy機器的收購;公司將成功完成其Kiloplex設施的建設,包括對其Vulcan Heavy系統的測試和優化;公司將能夠完成必要的融資以擴大其業務;公司將能夠履行協議下的承諾。

Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates, forecasts, projections, analysis and opinions of management made considering its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. The material factors and assumptions used to develop the forward-looking information contained in this news release include, but are not limited to: regulatory requirements being maintained; ‎general business, economic and political conditions; the Company's ability to successfully execute its plans ‎and intentions; the availability of financing on reasonable terms; the Company's ability ‎to attract and retain skilled staff; market competition; the products and technology offered by competitors; that good relationships with service providers and other third parties will be ‎established and maintained; continued growth of the carbon capture technology industry and positive public ‎opinion with respect to the carbon capture technology industry.


Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, including, without limitation the Company's limited operating history; negative cash flow; financial position and results of operations differing materially from expectations; the expectation of incurring future losses and never becoming profitable; requiring additional capital to continue operations; reliance on the third-party service providers; strong competition from competitors in the carbon capture technology industry; technological changes in relation to carbon capture that may adversely affect adoption of current technology or the Company's ‎products; supply and demand for the reduction of carbon emissions; ‎ and other risk factors described in the Amended Prospectus. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking information. Further, any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for the Company's management to predict all such factors and to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on the Company's business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking information to reflect information or events after the date on which it is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law, including securities laws.


Investors are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information, and to carefully review the risk factors described in the Company's Final Prospectus dated May 27, 2024, as amended by Amended No. 1 dated June 11, 2024, available on under the Company's profile


The CSE has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this release.


[1] The short ton is a measurement unit equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18 kg). It is commonly used in the United States, where it is known simply as a ton.

[1] 短噸是一個相當於2,000磅(907.18公斤)的計量單位。在美國常用,簡稱爲噸。





SOURCE: Blusky Carbon Inc.

來源:Blusky Carbon Inc.

