
Snap Partners With Google Cloud to Power Multi-Modal Generative AI Experiences Within Its My AI Chatbot

Snap Partners With Google Cloud to Power Multi-Modal Generative AI Experiences Within Its My AI Chatbot

Snap與谷歌雲合作,爲其My AI聊天機器人提供多模生成人工智能體驗支持
Benzinga ·  09/24 19:22

Google Cloud today announced an expanded strategic partnership with Snap Inc. to power generative AI experiences within My AI, Snapchat's AI-powered chatbot and one of the largest consumer chatbots available today.

谷歌雲今天宣佈與snap inc.擴展戰略合作伙伴關係,以推動生成式人工智能體驗,應用在My AI中,Snapchat的人工智能聊天機器人之一,也是當今最大的消費聊天機器人之一。

Snapchat will leverage the strong multimodal capabilities of Gemini on Vertex AI, particularly the technology's ability to understand and operate across different types of information like text, audio, image, video, and code, to offer more engaging and innovative features for the Snapchat community through My AI. For example, with Gemini on Vertex AI integrated into the app, Snapchatters can ask My AI to translate a photo of a street sign while traveling abroad, or take a video of different snack offerings to ask which one is the healthiest option.

Snapchat將充分利用Vertex AI上Gemini的強大多模態功能,尤其是該技術理解並跨越文本、音頻、圖像、視頻和代碼等不同信息類型的能力,爲Snapchat社區提供更加引人入勝和創新的功能,通過My AI。例如,將Gemini整合到應用程序中,用戶可以讓My AI翻譯在國外旅行時拍攝的街頭標誌照片,或拍攝不同零食,詢問哪一種是最健康的選擇。

