
Spectral Capital Corp (FCCN) Welcomes Quantum Visionary Dr. Wolf Kohn to Its Quantum Bridge Advisory Board

Spectral Capital Corp (FCCN) Welcomes Quantum Visionary Dr. Wolf Kohn to Its Quantum Bridge Advisory Board

Spectral Capital公司(FCCN)歡迎量子先驅Wolf Kohn博士加入其量子橋諮詢委員會
Accesswire ·  09/24 18:00

Revolutionizing the Future of Quantum Computing and AI with Industry Luminary Dr. Wolf Kohn

通過與行業泰斗Wolf Kohn博士一起,革新量子計算和人工智能的未來

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / Spectral Capital Corporation (OTCQB:FCCN), a trailblazer in Quantum-as-a-Service (QaaS) and decentralized cloud infrastructure, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Dr. Wolf Kohn, Ph.D., a globally recognized leader in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and data optimization, to its Quantum Bridge Advisory Board. Dr. Kohn's deep expertise will play a pivotal role in guiding Spectral's ambitious journey to revolutionize the tech landscape.

紐約,紐約(ACCESSWIRE)/ 2024年9月24日 / Quantum-as-a-Service(QaaS)和分散式雲基礎建設中的開拓者Spectral Capital Corporation(OTCQB:FCCN)非常高興宣佈任命全球公認的量子計算、人工智能和數據優化領域****入其量子橋諮詢委員會。Kohn博士的深厚專業知識將在指導Spectral雄心勃勃的旅程中發揮關鍵作用,革新科技領域。

Photo: Sean Michael Brehm, Chairman of Spectral Capital Corporation

照片:Spectral Capital Corporation董事長Sean Michael Brehm

This appointment signals a major leap forward for Spectral Capital as it gears up to accelerate the development of its QaaS platform-one that blends quantum computing with green, decentralized data centers. By incorporating cutting-edge innovations such as Green Wave Technology and the Distributed Quantum Ledger Database (DQLDB), Spectral Capital is positioning itself to lead the charge in creating a scalable, energy-efficient quantum infrastructure that promises not only to redefine cloud computing but also to reduce carbon footprints.

此任命標誌着Spectral Capital踏上加速發展其QaaS平台的重要一步,該平台將量子計算與綠色、分散式數據中心相結合。通過整合諸如Green Wave Technology和分佈式量子分類賬數據庫(DQLDB)等尖端創新,Spectral Capital正將自己定位爲引領創建可擴展、能源高效的量子基礎設施的先鋒,這不僅重新定義雲計算,還將減少碳足跡。

A Quantum Pioneer Joins the Mission


Dr. Kohn's illustrious career includes over 25 patents, four authored books, and more than 300 academic papers spanning topics from optimal hybrid control to quantum systems. His recent contributions to Optimal Meta-Control Theory have been published in the Encyclopedia of Optimization, underscoring his role as one of the foremost thought leaders in his field. His deep understanding of AI and quantum control will be instrumental in guiding Spectral Capital's expansion into the quantum-enabled future.

Kohn博士光輝的職業生涯包括超過25項專利、四本著作以及涵蓋從最佳混合控制到量子系統的300多篇學術論文。他最近在「最佳元控制理論」領域的貢獻被髮表在優化百科全書上,凸顯了他作爲該領域最主要思想領袖之一的角色。他對人工智能和量子控制的深刻理解將在指導Spectral Capital向量子啓用的未來擴張中發揮關鍵作用。

"We are honored to welcome Dr. Wolf Kohn to our advisory board," said Jenifer Osterwalder, CEO of Spectral Capital. "His unparalleled expertise aligns perfectly with our mission to transform industries through quantum computing and decentralized cloud systems. Dr. Kohn's insights will accelerate our mission to solve complex, real-world challenges across sectors, from finance to healthcare, through the power of quantum technology. We are confident that his contribution will significantly accelerate our progress and create substantial value for our investors and partners."

Spectral Capital首席執行官Jenifer Osterwalder表示:「能夠歡迎Wolf Kohn博士加入我們的諮詢委員會,我們感到非常榮幸。他無與倫比的專業知識與我們通過量子計算和分散式雲系統改變行業的使命完美契合。Kohn博士的見解將加速我們解決金融到醫療保健等各個領域複雜現實挑戰的使命,通過量子科技的力量。我們相信他的貢獻將顯著加速我們的進展,併爲我們的投資者和合作夥伴創造實質性價值。

Forging a Sustainable Quantum Future


With its Quantum Bridge Program, Spectral Capital is building a powerful link between classical computing and quantum technologies, enabling industries to transition smoothly into this new frontier. Dr. Kohn's leadership will guide the program's evolution, ensuring the creation of secure, sustainable, and forward-thinking solutions. His work will be particularly vital as Spectral continues to attract top-tier talent and strategic partners to solidify its leadership position in the quantum revolution.

通過其量子橋計劃,Spectral Capital正在構建經典計算與量子技術之間的強大聯繫,使各行業能夠順利過渡到這個新的前沿領域。Kohn博士的領導將引領該計劃的發展,確保創建安全、可持續和前瞻性的解決方案。在Spectral繼續吸引頂尖人才和戰略合作伙伴以鞏固其在量子革命中的領導地位方面,他的工作將尤爲重要。

Dr. Kohn's expertise extends beyond academia. As Chief Scientist of CrowdPoint Technologies, he continues to push the boundaries of quantum control and optimization. His previous roles at Veritone, Inc., and Citigroup's SEQA Capital Advisors, along with his academic appointments, provide a foundation of experience that will help Spectral navigate the future of quantum computing and decentralized data systems.

Kohn博士的專業知識不僅限於學術界。作爲CrowdPoint Technologies的首席科學家,他不斷推動量子控制和優化的邊界。他在Veritone, Inc.和花旗集團SEQA Capital Advisors的先前職務,以及他的學術任命,爲Spectral幫助導航未來的量子計算和去中心化數據系統奠定了經驗基礎。

Building Tomorrow's Quantum Leaders


Spectral Capital is positioning itself as a driving force behind the quantum revolution. With the addition of Dr. Kohn, the company is now more equipped than ever to deliver cutting-edge solutions for enterprise AI, cybersecurity, and climate-focused data optimization. Through the Quantum Bridge Program, Spectral is setting the stage for a future where quantum computing becomes an everyday reality, delivering transformational benefits to industries around the globe.

Spectral Capital正在將自己定位爲量子革命的推動力量。隨着Kohn博士的加入,公司現在比以往任何時候都更有能力爲企業人工智能、網絡安全和以氣候爲中心的數據優化提供尖端解決方案。通過量子橋計劃,Spectral正在爲一個將量子計算成爲日常現實、爲全球各行業帶來變革性利益的未來奠定基礎。

For more information about Spectral Capital and its Quantum Bridge Initiative, visit Spectral Capital Website.

要了解更多關於Spectral Capital及其量子橋計劃的信息,請訪問Spectral Capital官網。

Company Contact

公司聯繫 Marcia Novero Innodata Inc. (201) 371-8015

Jenifer Osterwalder

Jenifer Osterwalder

Media Contact


Anna Stukkert
Phone: +49 162 2328333

Anna Stukkert
電話:+49 162 2328333

About Spectral Capital

關於Spectral Capital

Spectral Capital Corporation is a pioneer in Quantum as a Service (QaaS) creating a bridge from classical technologies to quantum computing, focused on creating profitable, sustainable, secure, and scalable solutions for global industries. The company is committed to revolutionizing the future of quantum computing through its Quantum Bridge Initiative. For more information, please visit Spectral Capital.

Spectral Capital Corporation 是量子即服務(QaaS)領域的先驅者,通過構建從經典技術到量子計算的橋樑,致力於爲全球行業創造有利可圖、可持續、安全和可擴展的解決方案。該公司致力於通過Quantum Bridge計劃改變量子計算的未來。欲了解更多信息,請訪問Spectral Capital的網站。

For more information about investment, please visit Invest Spectral Capital.

有關投資的更多信息,請訪問Invest Spectral Capital的網站。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) concerning future events and FCCN's growth and business strategy. Words such as "expects," "will," "intends," "plans," "believes," "anticipates," "hopes," "estimates," and variations on such words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although FCCN believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of FCCN. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, changes in FCCN's business; competitive factors in the market(s) in which FCCN operates; risks associated with operations outside the United States; and other factors listed from time to time in FCCN's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. FCCN expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in FCCN's expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based.


SOURCE: Spectral Capital Corporation

來源:Spectral Capital Corporation

