
Kia OTA Update Adds SoundCloud and Enhances EV Route Planner and Voice Control

Kia OTA Update Adds SoundCloud and Enhances EV Route Planner and Voice Control

Kia OTA更新添加了SoundCloud,並增強了電動車路線規劃和語音控制功能
PR Newswire ·  09/24 16:00
  • The latest Kia over-the-air (OTA) update includes music streaming from SoundCloud and improvements to planning EV charging
  • Update has more than 150 changes, with additional voice commands enhancing the in-car experience
  • Driver speed assistance warning can be turned off using the mute button at the steering wheel
  • 最新的Kia空中更新包括從SoundCloud音樂流以及改進電動車充電計劃
  • 更新包含150多項更改,添加額外語音命令以增強車內體驗
  • 駕駛員速度輔助警告可以通過方向盤上的靜音按鈕關閉

FRANKFURT, Germany, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Telematics-equipped Kia vehicles from the model year 2022 onwards are eligible to get over-the-air (OTA) updates. The latest batch of updates available includes 153 changes, with music streaming service SoundCloud, enhancements to the EV Route Planner and new voice commands all added.


Kia OTA update adds SoundCloud and enhances EV Route Planner and voice control

Using the Kia Connect App, customers can benefit from a range of digital features and services from the Kia Connect Store that can elevate the vehicle's capabilities and performance, with the vehicle being updated remotely via OTA. A bandwidth that is three times wider than before now enables OTA updates to be completed faster. The latest updates available are designed to enhance and improve the in-car experience. Driver speed assistance warnings can now be deactivated simply by using the mute button at the steering wheel*, while a split screen for the EV Route Planner provides easier viewing of arrival time, state-of-charge and charging point information.

通過Kia Connect App,客戶可從Kia Connect Store獲得一系列數字功能和服務,可提升車輛的功能和性能,車輛可以通過空中更新進行遠程更新。帶寬比以前大三倍現在使空中更新能夠更快地完成。最新的更新旨在增強和改善車內體驗。

"The array of intelligent changes available in this latest update is strong proof that over-the-air updates deliver significant improvements that enable the vehicle to get better throughout the ownership experience," said Sjoerd Knipping, Vice President of Marketing and Product at Kia Europe and Managing Director of Kia Connect. "At Kia, we are always looking at ways to make our vehicles better, and our customers now get to enjoy these improvements several times a year, without having to do anything."

「此次最新更新提供的智能更改範圍廣泛,證明了空中更新能夠帶來重大改進,使車輛在整個擁有體驗中變得更好,」Kia歐洲市場營銷和產品副總裁兼Kia Connect董事總經理Sjoerd Knipping表示,「在Kia,我們始終在尋找讓我們的車輛更好的方法,而我們的客戶現在每年可以多次享受這些改進,而無需做任何事情。」

Wireless technology is used to download the latest available software, and, once the download is complete and the ignition is turned off, a confirmation window appears on the infotainment screen. SoundCloud is a leading music streaming service offering more than 375 million tracks from 40 million artists. In Kia vehicles, SoundCloud joins Amazon Music – now supported by voice recognition – as the second method for music streaming.


The Kia EV Route Planner, one of the first updates made available through the Kia Connect Store, enables the vehicle's navigation system to detect charging stations along the route and add them as waypoints automatically. Now, it is available in a split screen, to give the driver an improved overview of key charging information. It can also now automatically add charging stations to the route if the set destination cannot be reached with the vehicle's current charging level, resulting in faster route calculation.

Kia EV路線規劃器是通過Kia Connect商店提供的首批更新之一,可使車輛導航系統檢測路線上的充電站並自動將它們添加爲途經點。現在,它可在分屏上使用,以提供駕駛員對關鍵充電信息的改進概覽。如果目的地無法用當前電量到達,它還可以自動將充電站添加到路線上,從而加快路線計算速度。

Other key updates include:


  • Battery conditioning being activated when the customer searches for charging stations via voice recognition
  • Voice control that supports new commands for flight information, date/time, ambient lighting and cluster information
  • Changing the priority related to the parking button; when the parking button is on, the nearest EV station is displayed with a higher priority than the parking icon
  • 當顧客通過語音識別搜索充電站時,電池調節將被激活
  • 支持針對航班信息、日期/時間、環境照明和儀表板信息的新命令的語音控制
  • 更改與停車按鈕相關的優先級;當停車按鈕啓用時,最近的新能源車站將以比停車圖標更高的優先級顯示

An initial one-year trial bundles two free OTA updates for the vehicle's navigation maps and infotainment. After that, a subscription service is available on the Kia Connect Store from 89 EUR* per year, with the update packages delivered twice per year. Prices may vary depending on the country.

初始一年試用包括兩次免費的車載OTA更新(針對車輛導航地圖和多媒體信息系統)。之後,Kia Connect商店提供訂閱服務,每年費用爲89歐元*,更新包每年提供兩次。價格可能根據所在國家而有所不同。

Notes to editors
(*) Only available for some models. Remaining models will only follow with the next software update.


About Kia Europe
Kia Europe is the European sales and manufacturing division of Kia Corporation – a global mobility brand that is creating innovative, pioneering and leading sustainable mobility solutions for consumers, communities and societies around the world. As a Sustainable Mobility Solutions Provider, Kia is spearheading the popularization of electrified and battery electric vehicles and developing a growing range of mobility services, encouraging people around the world to explore the best ways of getting around.

歐洲Kia是Kia Corporation的歐洲銷售和製造部門-一個爲全球消費者、社區和社會創造創新、開拓和引領可持續出行解決方案的全球移動品牌。作爲可持續出行解決方案提供商,Kia領跑推廣電動化和電池電動車,並開發日益豐富的出行服務範圍,鼓勵世界各地的人們探索最佳出行方式。

Kia Europe, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, employs in total over 5,500 employees from 40 nationalities in 39 markets across Europe and the Caucasus. It also oversees European production at the company's state-of-the-art facility in Zilina, Slovakia.
Kia's innovative products continue to attract great acclaim, notably the EV6 battery electric vehicle becoming the first Korean car to be named European Car of the Year in 2022.
Further information can be found here:


About Kia Connect
Kia Connect is the European subsidiary of Kia Europe delivering connected car services to Kia customers. Headquartered in Frankfurt, it covers more than 30 markets.
Kia Connect in-car and app-based telematics services are designed to make driving and charging a smarter and more intuitive experience. Features include accurate traffic and ETA prediction, 'best-in-class' data provision, remote access to vehicle information, and now over-the-air software updates. Kia Connect's suite of on-board technologies can be accessed through the vehicles' head unit.

關於Kia Connect
Kia Connect是歐洲Kia的歐洲子公司,向Kia客戶提供聯網汽車服務。總部位於法蘭克福,在30多個市場提供服務。
Kia Connect的車載和基於應用的遠程信息技術服務旨在使駕駛和充電體驗更智能、更直觀。功能包括準確的交通和預計到達時間預測、「最佳數據提供」、遠程訪問車輛信息,現在還有空中軟件更新。Kia Connect的車載技術套件可通過車輛的主機單元訪問。

EV owners can also use the Kia Connect smartphone app to set climate control levels, view their vehicle's charging status, plan smart charging schedules and check the range radius based on the remaining charge. Users can also check and change their vehicle settings directly from their smartphone, including navigation, radio and Bluetooth preferences. The Kia Connect smartphone app is available for download via the Google Play and Apple App stores.

EV車主還可以使用Kia Connect智能手機應用程序設置氣候控制水平,查看車輛的充電狀態,規劃智能充電時間表,並根據剩餘充電量檢查續航半徑。用戶還可以直接從智能手機檢查和更改車輛設置,包括導航、收音機和藍牙偏好。Kia Connect智能手機應用程序可以通過Google Play和Apple App商店下載。

Pablo Gonzalez Huerta
+49 69 850 028 100
[email protected]

Pablo Gonzalez Huerta
+49 69 850 028 100
[email protected]

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SOURCE Kia Europe GmbH

來源 Kia 歐洲有限責任公司




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