
Despite Container Volume Decline, Swift Remains Undervalued: MIDF

Despite Container Volume Decline, Swift Remains Undervalued: MIDF

Business Today ·  09/24 12:26

Swift Haulage Berhad is poised for a recovery in the second half of the financial year 2024 (2HFY24) despite challenges faced in the first half, as MIDF Stock Broking House maintains a BUY rating with an unchanged target price of RM0.54. Container haulage is anticipated to strengthen, alongside improvements in warehouse utilisation rates and potential growth in the land transportation segment through cross-selling opportunities.

儘管上半年面臨挑戰,Swift Haulage Berhad仍有望在2024財年下半年(2HFY24)實現復甦,因爲MIDF股票經紀公司維持買入評級,目標價爲0.54令吉不變。預計集裝箱運輸將得到加強,同時倉庫利用率將提高,並通過交叉銷售機會實現陸路運輸領域的潛在增長。

In the second quarter of FY24, Swift reported a year-on-year decline in container volumes of 11.0%, primarily due to inefficiencies stemming from port congestion exacerbated by the ongoing Red Sea crisis. This situation led to a decrease in profit before tax (PBT) margin by 2.3 percentage points. However, the second half typically sees a stronger performance, historically contributing 55% of the group's annual volume. Projections indicate that container volumes for 2HFY24 could reach 332,376 TEUs, reflecting a growth of 3.0% for the full year. Additionally, a recovery in container haulage volumes is expected to boost freight forwarding activities, as Swift internally manages approximately 30% of its container haulage for its freight forwarding needs.

在24財年第二季度,斯威夫特報告稱,集裝箱量同比下降11.0%,這主要是由於持續的紅海危機加劇了港口擁堵導致的效率低下。這種情況導致稅前利潤(PBT)利潤率下降了2.3個百分點。但是,下半年的表現通常會更強勁,歷來佔該集團年交易量的55%。預測表明,2HFY24 的集裝箱運量可能達到332,376標準箱,反映了全年3.0%的增長。此外,集裝箱運輸量的恢復預計將促進貨運代理活動,因爲Swift內部管理着約30%的集裝箱運輸,以滿足其貨運代理需求。

The warehousing and container depot segment is also expected to improve as utilisation rates increase. After completing renovations, the Tebrau warehouse, which spans over 200,000 square feet, is set to welcome an FMCG customer in the fourth quarter of FY24, potentially raising its utilisation from below 50% to around 80%. The newly acquired Perai Warehouse, covering 118,000 square feet, is already fully rented out, while the Westports Warehouse, measuring 269,000 square feet, boasts a utilisation rate exceeding 90%. Collectively, these developments contribute to a 30% increase in Swift's own and leased warehouse capacity for this year.


In the land transportation segment, Swift experienced a 23.1% year-on-year increase in the number of trips during 2QFY24, although the PBT margin fell by 2.0 percentage points due to reduced rates amid softer festive demand compared to the previous year. Nonetheless, there is optimism for further growth in this segment as warehouse utilisation improves, offering additional cross-selling opportunities in upcoming quarters.

在陸路交通領域,在 2QFY24 期間,斯威夫特的出行次數同比增長了23.1%,儘管與去年相比,節日需求疲軟,PbT利潤率下降了2.0個百分點。儘管如此,隨着倉庫利用率的提高,人們對該細分市場的進一步增長持樂觀態度,未來幾個季度將提供更多的交叉銷售機會。

Despite revising FY24F earnings downward by 12% to align with first-half operational statistics, the FY25F and FY26F estimates remain unchanged. The average land transportation rates have been adjusted downwards. Swift remains undervalued, trading at -0.5 standard deviations below the sector's historical mean. Key risks to the outlook include lower-than-expected gateway container throughput and reduced profit margins resulting from diseconomies of scale.

儘管將 FY24F 的收益下調了12%以與上半年的運營統計數據保持一致,但 FY25F 和 FY26F 的估計保持不變。平均陸路交通費率已向下調整。Swift 的估值仍然被低估,交易價格比該行業的歷史平均值低-0.5個標準差。前景面臨的主要風險包括網關集裝箱吞吐量低於預期以及規模不經濟導致的利潤率降低。

