
Red Cat Holdings Sees Guidance Of $50M-$55M For Calendar Year 2025 Exclusive Of Government Or NATO Programs Of Record

Red Cat Holdings Sees Guidance Of $50M-$55M For Calendar Year 2025 Exclusive Of Government Or NATO Programs Of Record

Red Cat Holdings預計2025年日曆年指導額爲5千萬至5千5百萬美元,不包括政府或北約的紀錄項目。
Benzinga ·  09/24 04:05

First Quarter 2025 Financial Highlights:


  • Quarterly revenue of $2.8 million, representing 59% year-over-year growth.
  • Ended the quarter with cash of $7.7 million.
  • Guidance of $50-$55 million for calendar year 2025 exclusive of government or NATO programs of record.
  • Record backlog of $13 million.
  • 季度營業收入爲280萬美元,同比增長59%。
  • 季末現金爲770萬美元。
  • 2025年日曆年度指南,不包括政府或北約檔案項目,目標範圍爲50-5500萬美元。
  • 1300萬美元的備貨記錄。

"Red Cat continues to see significant global demand and year-over-year growth with a strong pipeline and backlog," said Jeff Thompson, Red Cat Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "This is being driven by strong domestic and international adoption and sales across our entire Family of Systems, which now includes the Edge 130 Blue. Our guidance for the upcoming 2025 calendar year of $50 - $55 million will continue our growth trend as we await news around the U.S. Army's Short-Range Reconnaissance Program of Record and prepare to scale up production capacity."

「Red Cat繼續看到強勁的全球需求和年度增長,擁有強大的訂單和備貨,」Red Cat主席兼首席執行官Jeff Thompson表示。「這得益於國內外強勁的採用和銷售,包括我們整個系統族的銷售,現在包括Edge 130 Blue。我們對即將到來的2025年日曆年的指導範圍爲50-5500萬美元將繼續我們的增長趨勢,同時我們也在等待美國陸軍短程偵察項目的消息,並準備擴大生產能力。」

"We are reporting 59% year-over-year growth and $13 million in backlog for the first quarter of fiscal 2025," stated Leah Lunger, Chief Financial Officer. "Having officially closed the acquisition of FlightWave Aerospace System, we look forward to integrating the Edge 130 Blue into our Family of Systems, which will open new revenue streams and partnership opportunities with companies in our Futures Initiative. We also have significant market potential for NDAA compliant FPV precision strike drones within our innovation roadmap."

「我們彙報了2025財政年度第一季度59%的同比增長和1300萬美元的備貨記錄,」致富金融(臨時代碼)Leah Lunger首席財務官表示。「正式完成對FlightWave航天系統的收購,我們期待將Edge 130 Blue整合到我們的系統族中,這將爲我們開啓新的營收渠道並與未來倡議中的公司合作機會。在我們的創新路線圖中,對於符合NDAA法案的FPV精確打擊無人機,我們也有巨大的市場潛力。」

