
Embracing Diversity in Communities We Serve

Embracing Diversity in Communities We Serve

道明尼資源 ·  09/23 12:00

CAYCE, S.C. (Sept. 23) – After moving with her family to the United States from Panama when she was just 10 years old, Amair Pralour knows the importance of embracing different cultures.

阿梅爾·普拉洛爾(Amair Pralour)從巴拿馬移居美國後只有10歲,她深知擁抱不同文化的重要性。

"I can hear the relief in their voice when customers realize I speak Spanish," said Pralour, a South Carolina-based bilingual credit specialist with Dominion Energy. "I know what it's like to move somewhere new and not know the language. It's scary and frustrating. But getting to see or speak with someone who can relate or just understand you makes the world of a difference."

「當客戶意識到我會說西班牙語時,我可以聽到他們聲音中的寬慰。」Dominion Energy位於南卡羅來納州的雙語信用專家普拉洛爾說:「我知道搬到新的地方不會說當地語言是什麼感受。這是一種令人害怕和沮喪的感覺。但能看到或與能夠理解你的人交流,真的能帶來很大的改變。」

In her 16 years with Dominion Energy, Pralour said she's excited to see the company's growth in diversity, reflecting the customers it serves.

普拉洛爾在Dominion Energy工作的16年中表示,她很高興看到公司在多樣性方面的增長,反映了其服務的客戶。

"I think some companies forget the importance of diversity in their employees, but here you can see the values of the company really embrace what makes everyone different," Pralour said. "And the best part is we get to serve an amazing community that's growing in diversity just like us."

「我認爲一些公司忘了員工多樣性的重要性,但在這裏,你可以看到公司的價值觀真正擁抱了每個人的不同之處,」 普拉洛爾說。「最好的部分是我們可以爲一個與我們一樣多樣化增長的社區提供服務。」

In alignment with Dominion Energy's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, the company has Employee Resource Groups. The groups allow employees with shared interests and backgrounds to work together to create community, provide networking opportunities and encourage professional development.

爲了與Dominion Energy對多樣性、公平性和包容性的承諾一致,公司設立了員工資源群體。這些團體讓擁有共同興趣和背景的員工一起工作,創造社區、提供建立人際關係的機會,並鼓勵專業發展。

"One walk down our campus and you'll see how much we love to celebrate all the cultures in the office. It's what makes us more than just colleagues but really a family," Pralour said.

「走在我們公司的校園裏,你會看到我們是多麼熱愛慶祝辦公室中的所有文化。這讓我們不僅僅是同事,更像是一個大家庭,」 普拉洛爾說。

Pralour is an active board member of ¡Hola!, the company's Hispanic and Latino Employee Resource Group, and was one of the founding members of the group's South Carolina chapter. ¡Hola! welcomes employees from any background to join to learn about the different cultures, experiences and contributions of the Hispanic and Latino community.


In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, ¡Hola! will be host employee events to recognize the tremendous influence Hispanic Americans have had in history and continue to make.


Dominion Energy is committed to cultivating a work environment where all employees can demonstrate their different talents and perspectives and are empowered to realize their true potential. To learn more about Dominion Energy's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, visit

Dominion Energy致力於培育一個工作環境,在這裏所有員工都可以展示他們不同的才華和觀點,並被授權實現他們的真正潛力。要了解更多關於Dominion Energy對多樣性、公平和包容性的承諾,請訪問。

About Dominion Energy


More than 4.5 million customers in 13 states energize their homes and businesses with electricity or natural gas from Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va. The company is committed to providing reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy every day and to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. Please visit to learn more.

位於弗吉尼亞里士滿市的Dominion Energy(紐交所:D)爲13個州的450萬客戶提供家庭和商業用電或天然氣。公司致力於提供可靠、經濟、越來越清潔的能源,並致力於在2050年之前實現淨零排放。請訪問DominionEnergy.com了解更多信息。

