
F5 Honored as Winner of the 2024 SC Awards

F5 Honored as Winner of the 2024 SC Awards

F5 Inc ·  09/23 12:00

F5's API security solution recognized by the 2024 SC Awards, highlighting the company's commitment to innovation and customer trust

F5的API安全解決方案獲得了2024年SC Awards的認可,突顯了公司對創新和客戶信任的承諾

SEATTLE – F5 (NASDAQ: FFIV) is proud to announce that it has been named a winner in the prestigious 2024 SC Awards. F5 Distributed Cloud API Security has been recognized in the Best API Security Solution category, underscoring the company's commitment to excellence and leadership in the cybersecurity industry.

西雅圖 - F5(納斯達克:FFIV)很榮幸宣佈,已被評爲備受推崇的2024年SC Awards的獲獎者。 F5分佈式雲API安全在最佳API安全解決方案類別中獲得認可,強調了公司在網絡安全行業的卓越承諾和領導地位。

View the full list of 2024 SC Awards winners here:


The SC Awards, now in its 27th year, recognize the solutions, organizations, and individuals that have demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the security of information systems. This year's awards were presented across 33 categories, celebrating both established industry leaders and emerging innovators.


F5 Distributed Cloud API Security stood out among a competitive field of entries, demonstrating innovation in addressing the evolving cybersecurity landscape. The Best API Security Solution award highlights F5's efforts to deliver practical, effective solutions that safeguard against today's complex threats.


"These award recipients represent the very best of what the cybersecurity community has to offer," said Tom Spring, Editorial Director at SC Media. "Each winner has shown a commitment to advancing the industry with forward-thinking solutions and an ability to adapt to new challenges. Their contributions help drive progress in securing our digital environments."

「這些獲獎者代表了網絡安全社區的最佳成果,」SC Media的編輯總監Tom Spring表示。「每個獲獎者都表現出了推動行業發展的承諾,以及適應新挑戰的能力。他們的貢獻有助於推動保護我們的數字環境的進步。」

The SC Awards are presented by SC Media, a trusted cybersecurity resource, and evaluated by a panel of independent industry experts. Winners are selected based on their contributions to innovation, their ability to address the cybersecurity industry's critical challenges, and their demonstrated impact on protecting organizations.

SC獎項由值得信賴的網絡安全資源SC Media頒發,並由獨立行業專家評審。獲獎者是基於他們在創新方面的貢獻、解決網絡安全行業的關鍵挑戰的能力以及對保護組織產生的實際影響而被選中。

"The 2024 SC Award serves as tremendous validation for the investments that F5 is making toward API security, and better serving our customers," said Derek Yee, Senior Director of Product Marketing at F5. "Not only being mentioned as a finalist, but then being selected as the winner is incredible. SC Media has a trusted place in the mindshare of security buyers, and helps parse the noise for them to understand who they need to pay attention to. Recognition like this really helps drive familiarity among our current and prospective customer base."

"2024年SC Award是對F5在API安全方面所做投資的巨大肯定,更好地爲我們的客戶服務," F5產品營銷高級總監Derek Yee表示。"不僅被提名爲入圍者,而且被選爲獲獎者是不可思議的。SC Media在安全購買者的腦海中有着一個值得信賴的位置,並幫助他們理清需要關注的人。此類認可確實有助於在我們當前和潛在客戶群中建立熟悉度。"

For more information on F5 Distributed Cloud API Security and this award win, please visit the Distributed Cloud API Security product page and a companion blog from F5's Ian Dinno.

如需了解更多有關F5分佈式雲API安全以及此次獲獎信息,請訪問分佈式雲API安全產品頁面以及F5的Ian Dinno撰寫的相關博客。

About CyberRisk Alliance

About CyberRisk Alliance

CyberRisk Alliance provides business intelligence that helps the cybersecurity ecosystem connect, share knowledge, accelerate careers, and make smarter and faster decisions. Through our trusted information brands, network of experts, and more than 250 innovative annual events we provide cybersecurity professionals with actionable insights and act as a powerful extension of cybersecurity marketing teams. Our brands include SC Media, the Official Cybersecurity Summits, Security Weekly, InfoSec World, Identiverse, CyberRisk Collaborative, ChannelE2E, MSSP Alert, LaunchTech Communications and TECHEXPO Top Secret.

CyberRisk Alliance提供業務情報,幫助網絡安全生態系統連接,分享知識,加快職業發展,並做出更加聰明和迅速的決策。通過我們信任的信息品牌,專家網絡,以及超過250個創新的年度活動,我們爲網絡安全專業人士提供行動建議,並充當網絡安全營銷團隊的有效延伸。我們的品牌包括SC Media,官方網絡安全峯會,Security Weekly,InfoSec World,Identiverse,CyberRisk Collaborative,ChannelE2E,MSSP Alert,LaunchTech Communications和 TECHEXPO Top Secret。

Learn more at .

更多了解請訪問 .

About F5


F5 is a multicloud application security and delivery company committed to bringing a better digital world to life. F5 partners with the world's largest, most advanced organizations to secure every app—on premises, in the cloud, or at the edge. F5 enables businesses to continuously stay ahead of threats while delivering exceptional, secure digital experiences for their customers. For more information, go to (NASDAQ: FFIV)

F5是一家多雲應用安全和交付公司,致力於爲數字世界帶來更好的用戶體驗。F5與世界上最大、最先進的組織合作,以確保每個使用本公司服務的應用(無論是在本地、雲端還是在邊緣)都獲得安全保障。F5使企業能夠在持續應對威脅的同時,爲其客戶提供卓越的、安全的數字體驗。欲深入了解更多信息,請訪問。(NASDAQ: FFIV)

You can also follow @F5 on X (Twitter) or visit us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn about F5, its partners, and technologies.


F5 is a trademark, service mark, or tradename of F5, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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