
Designed for a New World: Herman Miller Gaming Collaborates With FAILE and Deluxx Fluxx

Designed for a New World: Herman Miller Gaming Collaborates With FAILE and Deluxx Fluxx

爲新世界設計:Herman Miller arvr遊戲與FAILE和Deluxx Fluxx合作
MillerKnoll ·  09/23 12:00

New York, NY, September 23, 2024 – Herman Miller Gaming unveils its collaboration with FAILE, Brooklyn-based artists Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller. Taking inspiration from FAILE's immersive Deluxx Fluxx experience, including arcade games, music, nightlife and original artwork, the brand's shared dedication to play and craftmanship will come to life through a selection of colorful new works.

紐約,2024年9月23日—Herman Miller Gaming揭開與FAILE的合作,Brooklyn藝術家Patrick McNeil和Patrick Miller。從FAILE沉浸式Deluxx Fluxx體驗中汲取靈感,包括街機遊戲、音樂、夜生活和原創藝術作品,兩個品牌對遊戲和工藝的共同執着將通過一系列色彩繽紛的新作品得以展現。

Featuring one-of-a-kind expressions of the Herman Miller Embody Gaming Chairs, limited-edition hand-carved wood, painted "Joysticks," and print editions created specifically for Herman Miller Gaming, the FAILE and Deluxx Fluxx for Herman Miller Gaming collection will be presented during a special art installation in New York later this month. For those who want to bring home a piece from this collection, the Joysticks and prints will be available for purchase on October 1, 2024.

展示Herman Miller Embody Gaming椅子獨特表達,限量手工雕刻的木頭,「遊戲杆」,以及專爲Herman Miller Gaming打造的印刷版本,FAILE和Deluxx Fluxx爲Herman Miller Gaming打造的系列將在本月晚些時候在紐約的特別藝術裝置展示。對於想要帶回家收藏此係列作品的人來說,遊戲杆和印刷品將於2024年10月1日開始發售。

"FAILE, Deluxx Fluxx, and Herman Miller Gaming represent play at all levels," commented Jon Campbell, Vice President and General Manager of Herman Miller Gaming. "The celebration of creativity and self-expression is at the core of both of our fundamental values, and that shared ethos is clear in this assortment. FAILE has played a role in shaping culture today, and we look forward to bringing their distinct point of view to our communities."

「FAILE、Deluxx Fluxx和Herman Miller Gaming代表了各個層次的遊戲,」 Herman Miller Gaming副總裁兼總經理Jon Campbell評論道。「對創意和自我表達的慶祝活動是我們兩個基本價值觀的核心,並且這種共同的精神在這一系列作品中得到清晰體現。FAILE在塑造當今文化方面發揮了重要作用,我們期待將他們獨特的觀點帶給我們的社群。」

Chairs as Canvas: Transformed Embody Gaming Chairs
FAILE has created 12 one-of-a-kind interpretations of the Herman Miller Embody Gaming Chairs, which bring the spirit of the collaboration to life by celebrating the natural canvas of the chair. By turning the chairs into bold, vibrant works of art, FAILE's Embody Gaming Chair designs bring a new perspective to the iconic seating. Inspired by the ergonomic, multi-part Embody Gaming Chair design, FAILE took advantage of all surfaces, with the goal of creating playful pieces that evoke a sense of joy and fun. Following a series of launch activations, the chairs will be inducted into Herman Miller Gaming's archives and will provide inspiration for future designers.

椅子作爲畫布:轉化的Embody Gaming椅子
FAILE爲Herman Miller Embody Gaming椅子創作了12種獨一無二的解讀,通過慶祝椅子的天然畫布,將合作精神展現。通過將椅子變成大膽、充滿活力的藝術品,FAILE的Embody Gaming椅子設計爲這個標誌性座椅帶來了新的視角。受到符合人體工程學的多部分Embody Gaming椅子設計的啓發,FAILE充分利用所有表面,旨在創造出引發快樂和樂趣感的嬉戲作品。在一系列發佈活動之後,這些椅子將被列入Herman Miller Gaming的檔案,並將爲未來設計師提供靈感。


"With gaming culture, there's so much about color and fantasy and the experience of these wild things coming to life. We felt that was not yet celebrated through the Embody Gaming Chair," commented McNeil and Miller. "We saw this as an opportunity to bring that to life and showcase the chair not only as a design object but also as an art object."

「在arvr遊戲文化中,色彩、幻想和這些狂熱事物的體驗非常豐富。我們覺得這種體驗還沒有通過Embody Gaming Chair得到應有的讚美,」 McNeil和Miller評論道。「我們認爲這是一個將其栩栩如生地展現出來,不僅將椅子作爲設計物體展示,也將其作爲藝術物體展示的機會。」

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Hand-Carved Joysticks
With a long history of woodcraft, FAILE created 100 unique, one-of-one, hand-carved wood and painted sculptures titled "Joysticks" for Herman Miller Gaming.For McNeil and Miller, craft movements have been a key source of inspiration, reflected in these unique and meticulously crafted objects meant to inspire joy. FAILE had previously made carvings for Deluxx Fluxx spaces, and the Joysticks were an ideal way to reference that world. The pair wanted to create distinct, tangible objects rooted in whimsical game-like characters and something "that could live in the home, that had its own personality and could come to life in a unique way as an object."

FAILE以悠久的木工歷史創作了100件獨一無二、手工雕刻並上色的雕塑,「手柄」 ,爲Herman Miller Gaming所用。對於McNeil和Miller來說,手工藝運動一直是靈感的重要來源,這些獨特而精心製作的物體旨在激發喜悅。FAILE之前爲Deluxx Fluxx空間製作過雕塑,而「手柄」是參考那個世界的理想方式。這對組合希望創造獨特的、實體的物體,根植於荒誕的像遊戲角色一樣的角色,創作出「能夠生活在家中,有自己個性並以一種獨特的方式展現出來的物體。」

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"The Joysticks came about based on the drawings that were always happening in the background in our work. While we are creating, these characters were always sort of in the sketches and doodles that filled up loose pages in the background," commented McNeil and Miller. "It was the perfect encapsulation of the play within the Deluxx Fluxx experience and these colorfully crafted characters."

「樂棍」是根據我們工作背景中經常發生的繪圖而產生的。麥克尼爾和米勒評論說:「在創作過程中,這些角色總是在草圖和塗鴉中,在背景中填滿鬆散頁面。」 「這完美地封裝了Deluxx Fluxx體驗中的遊戲內容,以及那些色彩繽紛的角色。」


Printed Matter
FAILE has created three prints that reflect the worlds of gaming and arcades. As the cornerstone of FAILE's practice, developing printed matter was a natural extension of this collection. The artwork features Deluxx Fluxx imagery that hasn't previously been released. The graphic pieces are ideal for the walls of any gamer looking to incorporate this vivid aesthetic into their own spaces.

FAILE創作了三幅反映遊戲和街機世界的印刷品。作爲FAILE實踐的基石,開發印刷品是這個系列的自然延伸。這幅藝術作品展示了以前未發佈的Deluxx Fluxx圖像。這些圖形作品非常適合任何希望將這種生動美學融入自己空間的遊戲玩家的牆壁。

The prints retail for $250 and the Joysticks retail for $995. Both are available to purchase in North America through


Sign up to learn more and purchase the collection.


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View the Collection in New York
From Friday, September 27 through Sunday, September 29, visitors to Herman Miller's Gansevoort location in New York's Meatpacking District will be able to view a special FAILE and Deluxx Fluxx for Herman Miller Gaming installation. This will include the Embody Gaming Chairs, Joysticks, and printed matter.

從9月27日星期五到9月29日星期日,訪問紐約肉聯廠區的Herman Miller Gansevoort位置的遊客將能夠查看專爲Herman Miller arvr遊戲而設計的FAILE和Deluxx Fluxx特別裝置。 這將包括Embody arvr遊戲椅,手柄和印刷品。

About Herman Miller Gaming
Founded in 2020, Herman Miller Gaming is a global design brand delivering the best gaming products in the world, uniquely designed to unlock a player's full potential. Powered by industry-leading research, exclusive partnerships, and the world's premier design and engineering teams, Herman Miller Gaming is redefining competitive performance. From gamers to esports athletes, Herman Miller Gaming provides the ultimate ergonomic setup, promoting healthy play for all players.

成立於2020年,Herman Miller arvr遊戲是一家全球設計品牌,提供世界上最好的遊戲產品,獨特設計旨在釋放玩家的全部潛力。憑藉行業領先的研究、獨家合作伙伴關係和世界一流的設計和工程團隊,Herman Miller arvr遊戲正在重新定義競技表現。 從玩家到電子競技運動員,Herman Miller arvr遊戲提供了終極人體工程學設備,促進所有玩家的健康遊戲。

The brand harnesses the legacy of Herman Miller, founded in 1905, translating decades of research and problem-solving into products and solutions suited for everyone.

該品牌利用Herman Miller的傳統,該品牌成立於1905年,將數十年的研究和問題解決轉化爲適合所有人的產品和解決方案。

For more information, visit


FAILE is the artistic collaboration of Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller, founded in 1999. Recognized in contemporary art as pioneers in the urban art movement, the duo is known for a multi-disciplinary approach which takes inspiration from pop culture, architecture, art history, mass media and contemporary issues in the digital age.

FAILE是Patrick McNeil和Patrick Miller 1999年創立的藝術合作品牌。在當代藝術中被公認爲城市藝術運動的先驅,這對合作夥伴以多學科方法著稱,從流行文化、建築、藝術史、大衆傳媒到當今數字時代的問題汲取靈感。

Their pop culture images, rooted in collage, have allowed FAILE to diversify into other areas encompassing fine art, sculpture, design, fashion, music, and ceramics, but the core of their work remains printmaking, installation, and painting. FAILE's work has been exhibited all over the world in exhibitions and public installations.


About Deluxx Fluxx
Deluxx Fluxx originated in 2010 as an innovative art installation, envisioned by Brooklyn-based artists FAILE (Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller) and artist BÄST. Breaking away from traditional gallery norms, they crafted an interactive and fun experience that combined the worlds of arcade gaming and art – where art is not just seen but felt and interacted with. This immersive installation featured custom-programmed vintage arcade cabinets, adorned with original artwork and games imagined by FAILE, and the instantly iconic blacklight room. After captivating audiences at various venues and popups around the world, including Art Basel and Brooklyn Museum, Deluxx Fluxx evolved into a unique nightlife destination, maintaining its artistic roots while adding a dynamic club atmosphere with locations in Detroit and New York City.

關於Deluxx Fluxx
Deluxx Fluxx起源於2010年,是由布魯克林藝術家FAILE(帕特里克·麥克尼爾和帕特里克·米勒)和藝術家BÄSt構想的創新藝術裝置。他們擺脫了傳統畫廊規範,打造了一個融合街機遊戲和藝術的交互式有趣體驗 - 在這裏,藝術不僅僅是可見的,而且可以被感受和互動。這個沉浸式裝置採用定製編程的復古街機機櫃,裝飾有FAILE原創藝術作品和遊戲,並配有即時標誌性的黑光房間。在世界各地的各種場館和快閃店,包括巴塞爾藝術展和布魯克林博物館,吸引了觀衆的目光,Deluxx Fluxx發展成爲一個獨特的夜生活場所,保持其藝術根基的同時,爲底特律和紐約市的場地增添了充滿活力的俱樂部氛圍。

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2020年成立的Herman Miller Gaming是一個全球設計品牌,提供世界上最好的遊戲產品,獨特地設計,以釋放玩家的全部潛力。憑藉業界領先的研究,獨家合作伙伴和世界一流的設計和工程團隊,Herman Miller Gaming正在重新定義競技表現。從遊戲玩家到電子競技運動員,Herman Miller Gaming爲所有玩家提供終極符合人體工程學的設置,促進健康的遊戲。公司博客

