
Steelcase 2024 Impact Report Spotlights New Net-Zero Commitment, Building Community and Belonging

Steelcase 2024 Impact Report Spotlights New Net-Zero Commitment, Building Community and Belonging

steelcase 2024影響報告聚焦全新的零排放承諾,建設社區和歸屬感
PR Newswire ·  09/23 21:00

"Our Work Toward Better Futures" Impact Report outlines goals and progress that demonstrate the organization's commitment to improving the wellbeing of people and the planet.


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Steelcase (NYSE: SCS), a global design, research and thought leader in the world of work, today announces the release of its 2024 Impact Report, "Our Work Toward Better Futures." The report shares recent goals and progress to build community and belonging in the workplace, as well as the company's new commitment to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

密歇根州大急流城,2024年9月23日 / PRNewswire / - Steelcase(紐交所:SCS)是全球工作領域的設計、研究和思想領袖,今天宣佈發佈其2024年度影響報告 「我們致力於更美好未來」。報告分享了最近的目標和進展,以建立工作場所的社區歸屬感,並表明公司將力爭在2050年前將碳排放減少至淨零的新承諾。

"This report reflects our commitment to the wellbeing of people and the planet. It shares data about our progress toward our goals and it also represents all the hard work our employees do to create better futures," said Kim Dabbs, Steelcase vice president of Impact. "We are proud of the cross-functional collaboration that reflects the collective action needed to make a difference in the world we share."

「這份報告反映了我們對人類與地球福祉的承諾。它分享了關於我們邁向目標的進展數據,也代表了我們員工所做的一切努力,爲創造更美好未來,」 Steelcase影響副總裁Kim Dabbs說道。「我們爲這種跨職能協作感到自豪,這反映了我們所需集體行動在這個共同分享的世界中產生影響。」

Better Futures for People
Steelcase is working toward building community and belonging so that all people feel seen, heard and valued. The company is focused on helping communities thrive, fostering inclusion and acting with integrity. Progress includes:


  • Hosting the first annual "Better Is Possible" Design Challenge, bringing together employees, dealers and community members in 11 cities around the world to consider bold ideas for climate action.
  • Contributing more than $9.9M in charitable giving, including employee donations, employee matching gifts, and grants from the Steelcase Foundation, a separate 501c3 organization
  • Volunteering more than 62,270 hours since 2021, moving toward the goal of 100,000 hours by 2030.
  • Growing the number of employee Business Inclusion Groups to 12. These employee-led groups play a critical role in creating cultures that foster inclusion.
  • Building the Steelcase inclusive design practice by collaborating with global partners.
  • 舉辦首屆「更美好可行」設計挑戰賽,彙集了來自全球11個城市的員工、經銷商和社區成員,共同探討應對氣候行動的大膽構想。
  • 捐贈超過990萬美元用於慈善事業,包括員工捐款、員工配捐以及來自Steelcase Foundation的補助金,後者是一家獨立的501c3組織。
  • 自2021年以來,志願服務時間超過62,270小時,朝着2030年完成100,000小時的目標邁進。
  • 將員工商業融合小組的數量擴大到12個。這些由員工領導的團體在營造促進包容的文化方面發揮着關鍵作用。
  • 通過與全球合作伙伴合作,打造Steelcase包容性設計實踐。

Steelcase has been recognized for its leadership in improving the wellbeing of people. The organization was named one of America's 50 Most Community-Minded Companies by Points of Light, a Best Employer for Diversity by Forbes and an MVAA Silver-Level Veteran-Friendly Employer and more.

Steelcase因改善人們的福祉而獲得認可。該組織被Points of Light評爲美國50家最注重社區貢獻的公司之一,被Forbes評爲最佳多樣性僱主,被MVAA評定爲銀級退伍軍人友好僱主等。

Better Futures for the Planet
Steelcase is working toward a better future for the planet by reducing its carbon footprint, designing for circularity, and choosing and using materials responsibly.


Earlier this year, Steelcase announced its commitment to a net-zero future. The company's plan is to reduce carbon emissions over 90%* throughout its entire value chain by 2050. The organization became the first in its industry to publish a net-zero transition plan, The Power of Possibility: A Net Zero Future Needs Us All, which describes how the company plans to reach its goal of net-zero emissions. Additional progress includes:


  • Being on track to reach its goal of reducing carbon emissions in its operations 50% by 2030*. Over four years, Steelcase has already achieved a 30% carbon emissions reduction in its operations.
  • Partnering with suppliers to set their own science-based carbon emissions reduction targets, thereby leading the industry through supplier engagement.
  • Expanding the breadth and regional availability of products with CarbonNeutral product certification, which helps customers offset carbon emissions for the entire lifecycle of a product.
  • Piloting new ways to package, ship and deliver products. The company now averages 40% recycled content in all Steelcase brand product packaging, which builds on efforts to phase out single-use plastics and increase recycled content.
  • Leading the industry in the number of BIFMA LEVEL certified products, a rigorous sustainability standard.
  • 爲實現2030年前將運營中的碳排放減少50%的目標而正走在軌道上。在過去的四年中,Steelcase已經實現了運營中30%的碳排放減少。
  • 與供應商合作,讓其設定自己的基於科學的減少碳排放目標,從而通過供應商參與引領該行業。
  • 通過CarbonNeutral產品認證,擴大產品的廣度和區域可用性,幫助客戶抵消產品整個生命週期的碳排放。
  • 試點新的包裝、裝運和交付產品的方式。該公司現在在所有Steelcase品牌產品包裝中平均含有40%的可回收內容,這是爲了逐步淘汰一次性塑料並增加可回收內容而努力。
  • 在BIFMA LEVEL認證產品數量上引領行業,這是一項嚴格的可持續性標準。

Read the 2024 Impact Report and learn more about the organization's work at


*Reductions are measured from a FY2020 base year.


About Steelcase
Established in 1912, Steelcase is a global design, research and thought leader in the world of work. We help people do their best work by creating places that work better. Along with more than 30 creative and technology partner brands, we design and manufacture furnishings and solutions for the many places where work happens — including learning, health and work from home. Our solutions come to life through our community of expert Steelcase dealers in approximately 770 locations, as well as our online Steelcase store and other retail partners. Founded in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Steelcase is a publicly traded company with fiscal year 2024 revenue of $3.2 billion. With approximately 11,300 global employees and our dealer community, we come together for people and the planet — using our business to help the world work better.

成立於1912年,Steelcase是全球工作設計、研究和思想領袖。 我們通過創造更好的工作場所來幫助人們做出最好的工作。 我們與30多個創意和技術夥伴品牌一起設計和製造傢俱和解決方案,適用於許多工作場所,包括學習、健康和家庭辦公室。 我們的解決方案通過我們約770個位置的專業Steelcase經銷商社區以及我們的在線Steelcase商店和其他零售合作伙伴活力呈現。 Steelcase總部位於密歇根州大急流城,是一家在紐約證券交易所上市的公司,2024財年營業收入爲320億美元。 接近11,300名全球員工和我們的經銷商社區,我們共同致力於爲人類和星球服務,利用我們的業務讓世界變得更加美好。

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