
Suna Workforce Management (SWM) Recognized as an Aspirant in Everest Group's 2024 PEAK Matrix for Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) / Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Services Procurement / Statement of Work (SOW)

Suna Workforce Management (SWM) Recognized as an Aspirant in Everest Group's 2024 PEAK Matrix for Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) / Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Services Procurement / Statement of Work (SOW)

Suna Workforce Management (SWM)被Everest Group在2024年CWM/MSP和SOW領域的PEAk矩陣中認定爲有抱負的公司。
Accesswire ·  09/23 21:00

SWM's customer-centric workforce strategies lead the way in flexible and high-touch MSP solutions


SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 23, 2024 / Suna Workforce Management (SWM), a leading provider of workforce solutions, has been named an Aspirant in the prestigious Everest Group MSP PEAK Matrix for 2024. This recognition highlights SWM's exceptional capabilities in Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) and Services Procurement, underscoring its strategic role in meeting the evolving needs of enterprises in the post-pandemic era.

加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年9月23日 / Suna Workforce Management(SWM)是領先的勞動力解決方案提供商,已被評爲2024年雄心勃勃的埃文斯集團MSP PEAk矩陣的有望者。這一榮譽突顯了SWM在臨時勞動力管理(CWM)和服務採購方面的卓越能力,強調其在滿足後疫情時代企業不斷變化需求中的戰略作用。

The Everest Group PEAK Matrix report assesses MSP/CWM providers and Services Procurement/SOW providers based on their market impact, vision and capability to deliver services effectively. SWM's inclusion as an Aspirant acknowledges its comprehensive service offerings, tailored solutions and commitment to enhancing workforce scalability and agility for its clients.


"We are honored to be recognized by Everest Group as an Aspirant in Contingent Workforce Management," said Michael Larkins, President at Suna Workforce Management. "This recognition is a testament to our relentless focus on innovation, our client-centric approach and our ability to deliver value-driven solutions that empower organizations to thrive in today's dynamic business environment."

「我們很榮幸被埃文斯集團評爲臨時勞動力管理的有望者,」Suna Workforce Management總裁邁克爾·拉金斯說,「這一榮譽是對我們對創新的不懈關注、我們以客戶爲中心的方法以及我們能夠提供以價值爲驅動的解決方案的能力的肯定,使組織能夠在當今充滿活力的商業環境中蓬勃發展。」

In any contingent workforce program, optimizing supply chain technology and service partnerships is pivotal to achieving success. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a key survey metric used by businesses to assess customer satisfaction and loyalty, with scores ranging from -100 (lowest) to +100 (highest). However, the 2024 Workforce Solutions Buyer Survey, conducted by Staffing Industry Analysts, revealed that respondents gave their MSP partners an alarming NPS of -10. As a result, 56% of program managers stated that they are expected to issue requests for proposals (RFPs) within the next 12 months to seek new MSP partnerships. In contrast, SWM's July 2024 client survey reports an impressive NPS of +57, significantly outperforming major competitors and reinforcing SWM's position as a trusted partner in workforce solutions.

在任何臨時勞動力計劃中,優化供應鏈技術和服務夥伴關係對於取得成功至關重要。淨推薦值(NPS)是企業用來評估客戶滿意度和忠誠度的關鍵調查指標,得分範圍從-100(最低)到+100(最高)。然而,由Staffing Industry Analysts進行的2024年勞動力解決方案買家調查顯示,受訪者爲其MSP合作伙伴給出了令人震驚的NPS值-10。因此,56%的項目經理表示,他們預計在接下來的12個月內將發出新的MSP合作伙伴的招標請求。相比之下,SWM於2024年7月的客戶調查報告顯示,令人印象深刻的NPS值+57,大大超過主要競爭對手,從而鞏固了SWM作爲勞動力解決方案信任合作伙伴的地位。

In the wake of the pandemic, enterprises are increasingly relying on MSP/CWM providers to navigate the complexities of managing contingent workforces and services procurement. SWM's strategic investments in digital transformation, expanded service offerings and their consultative approach have positioned them as a trusted partner for organizations seeking to optimize their workforce management strategies.

在大流行的背景下,企業越來越依賴MSP/CWM供應商來應對管理臨時工作人員和服務採購的複雜性。 SWM在數字化轉型、擴大服務範圍和諮詢式方法方面的戰略投資使其成爲尋求優化勞動力管理策略的組織信賴的合作伙伴。

The Everest Group PEAK Matrix report evaluates providers based on seven key dimensions: market adoption, portfolio mix, value delivered, scope of services, innovation and investments, delivery footprint, and vision and strategy. SWM's strong performance across these metrics reinforces its leadership position in the marketplace.

Everest Group PEAk Matrix報告根據七個關鍵維度評估供應商:市場採納率、組合混合、交付價值、服務範圍、創新和投資、交付足跡以及願景和策略。 SWM在這些度量標準上的強勁表現鞏固了其在市場上的領導地位。

About Suna Workforce Management

關於Suna Workforce Management

Suna Workforce Management (SWM) is a leading provider of workforce solutions, specializing in Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) and Services Procurement. With a focus on innovation and client-centricity, SWM empowers organizations to achieve workforce scalability, agility and efficiency in today's competitive landscape.

Suna Workforce Management (SWM)是一家領先的勞動力解決方案提供商,專注於臨時工作人員管理(CWM)和服務採購。憑藉對創新和客戶至上的專注,SWM賦予組織在當今競爭激烈的環境中實現勞動力的可伸縮性、靈活性和效率。

For more information about SWM and its comprehensive solutions, visit .


Contact Information


Noelle Hazekamp
Senior Director of Marketing

Noelle Hazekamp

SOURCE: Suna Workforce Management


