
ARS Pharmaceuticals Announces U.S. Availability of Neffy (Epinephrine Nasal Spray), the First and Only Needle-Free Treatment for Type I Allergic Reactions, Including Anaphylaxis

ARS Pharmaceuticals Announces U.S. Availability of Neffy (Epinephrine Nasal Spray), the First and Only Needle-Free Treatment for Type I Allergic Reactions, Including Anaphylaxis

GlobeNewswire ·  09/23 20:00

Visit to "Get neffy Now" and access the comprehensive patient assistance programs available through neffyConnect


SAN DIEGO, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to empowering at-risk patients and their caregivers to better protect patients from severe allergic reactions that could lead to anaphylaxis, announced today that neffy (epinephrine nasal spray) is now available to patients and caregivers by prescription across the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved neffy 2 mg last month for the treatment of Type I Allergic Reactions, including anaphylaxis, in adults and children who weigh ≥30 kg (66 lbs.).

2024年9月23日,加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--專注於幫助有風險的患者及其看護者更好地保護患者免受可能導致過敏性休克的嚴重過敏反應的生物製藥公司ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SPRY)今天宣佈,neffy(腎上腺素鼻噴劑)現已在全美範圍內通過處方藥提供給患者和看護人員。上個月,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)批准了neffy 2毫克用於成人和體重≥30公斤(66磅)的兒童,治療I型過敏反應,包括過敏性休克。

Through neffyConnect, and in partnership with online pharmacy BlinkRx, eligible commercially insured patients will pay $25 for two single-use neffy devices through a co-pay savings program. For patients without insurance coverage, or for those whose insurance plans do not yet cover neffy, ARS Pharmaceuticals is offering a cash price of $199 for two single-use neffy devices. neffy will be available free of charge for patients that qualify for the ARS Patient Assistance Program. Starting today, national retail pharmacies will also begin stocking neffy and a $25 co-pay savings card can be downloaded at for use at pharmacies by eligible patients.

通過neffyConnect,並與線上藥房BlinkRx合作,符合商業保險資格的患者可通過共付節省計劃以25美元購買兩個一次性neffy裝置。對於沒有保險覆蓋或保險計劃尚未覆蓋neffy的患者,ARS Pharmaceuticals提供兩個一次性neffy設備的現金價爲199美元。符合ARS患者援助計劃資格的患者可以免費獲得neffy。從今天開始,全國零售藥店也將開始供應neffy,並可以通過neffy.com下載25美元共付節省卡,符合條件的患者可在藥店使用。

"The introduction of neffy as the first and only needle-free treatment option for patients and caregivers living with severe allergic reactions marks a turning point for ARS Pharmaceuticals and the severe allergy community. Since approval, we have been partnering with healthcare providers, payers, and patient advocates to ensure access for patients," said Eric Karas, chief commercial officer of ARS Pharmaceuticals. "Pharmacies are processing prescriptions, our supply chain is fully operational, and most importantly, the first patients are now receiving neffy."

"neffy作爲首個且唯一的無針治療選擇,爲生活中面臨嚴重過敏反應的患者和看護者開啓了一個轉折點,這標誌着ARS Pharmaceuticals和嚴重過敏社區的重要時刻。自批准以來,我們一直與醫療保健提供者、付款方和患者倡導者合作,確保患者獲得幫助。"ARS Pharmaceuticals首席商務官Eric Karas說。"藥店正在處理處方,我們的供應鏈完全運作,最重要的是,第一批患者現在正在接受neffy治療。"

In addition to scheduling an appointment with healthcare providers to prescribe neffy, other options for patients who need to obtain a prescription include visiting and selecting the "Get neffy Now" button. They can request neffy either through their existing healthcare provider or via a virtual consultation with a licensed physician. Both options are supported by neffyConnect, a service designed to help patients with access and financial assistance. ARS Pharmaceuticals is also offering free carrying cases that hold two single-use neffy devices with instructions for use, encouraging having neffy conveniently available when needed.

除了安排與醫療保健提供者預約開具neffy處方外,需要獲取處方的患者的其他選擇包括訪問neffy.com並選擇"立即獲取neffy"按鈕。他們可以通過現有的醫療保健提供者或通過持牌醫師進行虛擬諮詢來請求neffy。neffyConnect支持這兩種選擇,這項服務旨在幫助患者獲得訪問和財務援助。ARS Pharmaceuticals還提供可容納兩個一次性neffy設備並附有使用說明的免費攜帶箱,鼓勵在需要時方便攜帶neffy。

"The introduction of neffy is welcomed by the healthcare community," said Dr. Carlos Camargo, MD DrPH, Professor of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. "neffy changes the paradigm when it comes to treatment options for patients and families living with severe allergic reactions — and the way in which healthcare providers practice. Epinephrine auto-injectors have needles and this can be intimidating for patients. This can lead to hesitancy in carrying and in using the life-saving devices, and often results in patients failing to treat before seeking emergency medical assistance. neffy provides a fast, easy-to-carry, easy-to-administer alternative that we anticipate will result in more people carrying their epinephrine device and treating their allergic event earlier. These changes are likely to lead to better clinical outcomes and less need for emergency room visits."

馬薩諸塞州普通醫院和哈佛醫學院急診醫學教授Carlos Camargo博士醫學博士表示:「醫療社區對neffy的推出表示歡迎。neffy在對待患有嚴重過敏反應的患者和家庭的治療選擇方面改變了範式,以及醫療保健提供者實踐的方式。腎上腺素自動注射器有注射針,這可能讓患者感到害怕。這可能導致患者在攜帶和使用這些救命裝置方面猶豫不決,並且經常導致患者在尋求急救醫療援助之前無法及時治療。neffy提供了一種快速、便於攜帶、易於管理的替代方案,我們預計將導致更多人攜帶腎上腺素設備並在過敏事件早期進行治療。這些變化可能會導致更好的臨床結果,減少急診就診的需求。」

"Years of dedication from the entire allergy community and healthcare providers have paved the way for neffy as the first needle-free epinephrine treatment for severe allergies," said Richard Lowenthal, Co-Founder, President, and CEO of ARS Pharmaceuticals. "We are so proud of our team members who have worked diligently from conception through FDA approval to make neffy available. Now that people can begin using neffy, we are looking forward to seeing how it positively impacts up to 40 million people in the U.S. who experience severe allergic reactions."

ARS Pharmaceuticals的聯合創始人、總裁兼首席執行官Richard Lowenthal表示:「整個過敏社區和醫療保健提供者多年來的奉獻爲neffy作爲首個無針腎上腺素治療嚴重過敏的藥物鋪平了道路。我們爲我們的團隊成員感到自豪,他們從構思到FDA批准一直勤勉工作,使neffy得以問世。現在人們可以開始使用neffy,我們期待看到它如何積極影響美國最多4000萬經歷嚴重過敏反應的人。」

Expanding Access in Europe, Pediatric Indications


In addition to its U.S. launch, ARS Pharmaceuticals plans to expand access to EURneffy (trade name for neffy in the EU) internationally in partnership with an EU-based pharmaceutical partner. On August 22, 2024, the European Commission approved EURneffy (adrenaline nasal spray) for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) in the EU. The company expects EURneffy to be available in certain EU Member States by Q4 2024.

除了在美國推出之外,ARS Pharmaceuticals計劃與總部位於歐盟的藥品合作伙伴國際擴大歐洲EURneffy(neffy在歐盟的貿易名稱)的獲取範圍。2024年8月22日,歐洲委員會批准了EURneffy(腎上腺素鼻噴劑)用於在歐盟緊急治療過敏反應(過敏性休克)的藥物。該公司預計EURneffy將在2024年第四季度在某些歐盟成員國提供。

ARS Pharmaceuticals has also submitted a supplemental New Drug Application (sNDA) to the FDA for the use of neffy 1 mg in pediatric patients weighing 15 to 30 kg (33 to 66 lbs.), further broadening its potential to protect vulnerable populations from severe allergic reactions.

ARS製藥公司還向FDA提交了補充新藥申請(sNDA),用於使用neffy 1毫克治療體重爲15至30千克(33至66磅)的兒童,進一步拓展其保護易受嚴重過敏反應影響的人群的潛力。

About Type I Allergic Reactions including Anaphylaxis


Type I severe allergic reactions are serious and potentially life-threatening events that can occur within minutes of exposure to an allergen and require immediate treatment with epinephrine, the only FDA-approved medication for these reactions. While epinephrine auto-injectors have been shown to be highly effective, there are well published limitations that result in many patients and caregivers delaying or not administering treatment in an emergency situation. These limitations include fear of the needle, lack of portability, needle-related safety concerns, lack of reliability, and complexity of the devices. There are approximately 40 million people in the United States who experience Type I severe allergic reactions due to food, venom or insect stings. Of those, only 3.3 million currently have an active epinephrine auto-injector prescription, and of those, only half consistently carry their prescribed auto-injector. Even if patients or caregivers carry an auto-injector, more than half either delay or do not administer the device when needed in an emergency.


About neffy


neffy is an intranasal epinephrine product for patients with Type I allergic reactions including food, medications, and insect bites that could lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis.






neffy 2 mg is indicated for emergency treatment of Type I allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, in adult and pediatric patients who weigh 30 kg or greater.

neffy 2毫克適用於體重在30公斤或以上的成人和兒童患者緊急治療一型過敏反應,包括過敏性休克。



It is recommended that patients are prescribed and have immediate access to two neffy nasal sprays at all times. In the absence of clinical improvement or if symptoms worsen after initial treatment, administer a second dose of neffy in the same nostril with a new nasal spray starting 5 minutes after the first dose.


neffy is for use in the nose only.


Advise patients when to seek emergency medical assistance for close monitoring of the anaphylactic episode and in the event further treatment is required.


Absorption of neffy may be affected by underlying structural or anatomical nasal conditions.


Administer with caution to patients who have heart disease; epinephrine may aggravate angina pectoris or produce ventricular arrhythmias. Arrhythmias, including fatal ventricular fibrillation, have been reported, particularly in patients with underlying cardiac disease or taking cardiac glycosides, diuretics, or anti-arrhythmics.


The presence of a sulfite in neffy should not deter use.


neffy may alter nasal mucosa for up to 2 weeks after administration and increase systemic absorption of nasal products, including neffy.


Patients with certain medical conditions or who take certain medications for allergies, depression, thyroid disorders, diabetes, and hypertension, may be at greater risk for adverse reactions.


Epinephrine can temporarily exacerbate the underlying condition or increase symptoms in patients with the following: hyperthyroidism, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, renal impairment. Epinephrine should be administered with caution in patients with these conditions, including elderly patients and pregnant women.


Adverse reactions to neffy may include throat irritation, intranasal paresthesia, headache, nasal discomfort, feeling jittery, paresthesia, fatigue, tremor, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritus, sneezing, abdominal pain, gingival pain, hypoesthesia oral, nasal congestion, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.


These are not all of the possible side effects of neffy. To report suspected adverse reactions, contact ARS Pharmaceuticals Operations, Inc. at 1-877-MY-NEFFY (877-696-3339) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or .

這些並非Neffy可能引起的所有可能副作用。如有懷疑的不良反應,請聯繫ARS Pharmaceuticals Operations, Inc.,電話1-877-MY-NEFFY (877-696-3339)或FDA,電話1-800-FDA-1088或。

For additional information on neffy, please see Full Prescribing Information at


About ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ARS Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to empowering at-risk patients and their caregivers to better protect patients from severe allergic reactions that could lead to anaphylaxis. The Company is commercializing neffy 2 mg (trade name EURneffy in the EU) (previously referred to as ARS-1), an epinephrine nasal spray indicated in the US for emergency treatment of Type I allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, in adult and pediatric patients who weigh 30 kg or greater, and in the EU for emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) due to insect stings or bites, foods, medicinal products and other allergens as well as idiopathic or exercise induced anaphylaxis in adults and children who weigh 30 kg or greater. For more information, visit .

關於ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ARS Pharmaceuticals是一家專注於賦予處於風險中的患者及其照料者更好地保護患者免受可能導致過敏性反應發生休克的生物製藥公司。該公司正在商業化neffy 2毫克(在歐盟被稱爲EURneffy的交易名稱)(以前稱爲ARS-1),這是一種表明用於美國急診處理I型過敏反應的腎上腺素鼻噴劑,包括過敏性休克,適用於體重超過30千克的成人和兒童,在歐盟,用於應對由昆蟲蜇或叮、食物、藥品和其他過敏原以及成人和體重超過30千克的兒童的特發性或運動引起的過敏性休克的緊急治療。有關更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


Statements in this press release that are not purely historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include but are not limited to: the platforms through which neffy will be accessible, including BlinkRx; neffy,, and neffyConnect's potential benefits to patients and caregivers; the needle-free profile of neffy potentially increasing the likelihood that patients may both carry and administer epinephrine; the potential market and demand for neffy; the timelines for commercialization of EURneffy in the European Union; ARS Pharmaceuticals's marketing and commercialization strategies, including potential partnerships in foreign jurisdictions; and other statements that are not historical fact. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Words such as "can," "could," "expects," "likely," "may," "plans," "potential," "will," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon ARS Pharmaceuticals's current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation: the ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval for neffy; potential safety and other complications from neffy; the labelling for neffy in any future indication or patient population, if approved; the scope, progress and expansion of developing and commercializing neffy; the potential for payors to delay, limit or deny coverage for neffy; the size and growth of the market therefor and the rate and degree of market acceptance thereof vis-à-vis intramuscular injectable products; ARS Pharmaceuticals's ability to protect its intellectual property position; and the impact of government laws and regulations. Additional risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements are included under the caption "Risk Factors" in ARS Pharmaceuticals's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on August 6, 2024. This and other documents ARS Pharmaceuticals files with the SEC can also be accessed on ARS Pharmaceuticals's website at by clicking on the link "Financials & Filings" under the "Investors & Media" tab.

本新聞稿中的非歷史性陳述是《1995年私人證券訴訟改革法案》意義上的「前瞻性聲明」。這些聲明包括但不限於:neffy將通過哪些平台可訪問,包括BlinkRx;neffy、neffy.com和neffyConnect對患者和照護者的潛在益處;neffy無針特性可能增加患者攜帶和使用腎上腺素的可能性;neffy的潛在市場和需求;EURneffy在歐洲聯盟商業化的時間表;ARS Pharmaceuticals的營銷和商業化策略,包括在國外司法轄區的潛在合作伙伴關係;以及其他不屬實陳述。由於這些聲明面臨風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與此類前瞻性聲明表達或暗示的結果有實質性差異。諸如「可以」、「可能」、「計劃」、「期望」、「可能」、「預計」、「潛在」、「將」等字樣旨在區分前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明基於ARS Pharmaceuticals當前的預期,並涉及可能永遠不會實現或可能被證明不正確的假設。實際結果和事件發生的時間可能與此類前瞻性聲明中預期的結果有實質性差異,原因是各種風險和不確定性,包括但不限於:獲得和保持neffy的監管批准的能力;neffy可能存在的潛在安全性和其他併發症;neffy在任何未來適應症或患者群體的標籤,如果獲得批准;開發和商業化neffy的範圍、進展和擴展的潛力;付款人可能延遲、限制或拒絕爲neffy提供保險;市場大小和增長以及市場接受程度的市場率和程度與肌肉內注射產品相對於其之間的各種風險和不確定性,ARS Pharmaceuticals保護其知識產權地位的能力;以及政府法律和法規的影響。導致實際結果和結果與前瞻性聲明中所考慮的結果有實質性差異的其他風險和不確定性包括ARS Pharmaceuticals在2024年6月30日結束的季度報告10-Q中「風險因素」標題下所包括的,於2024年8月6日向證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的。ARS Pharmaceuticals提交給SEC的此類文件以及其他文件也可以通過ARS Pharmaceuticals的網站ir.ars-pharma.com訪問,單擊「投資者與媒體」選項卡下的「財務和申報」鏈接。

ARS Investor Contact:
Justin Chakma

ARS Pharmaceuticals

Justin Chakma

ARS Media Contact:
Christy Curran

Sam Brown Inc.


Sam Brown 公司。

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