
LBS & RHB Unite For Eco-Friendly Home Financing

LBS & RHB Unite For Eco-Friendly Home Financing

Business Today ·  09/23 18:27

LBS Bina Group Berhad (LBS) has announced a strategic collaboration with RHB Banking Group (RHB) to introduce innovative green financing solutions for SkyRia @ D'Island Residence Puchong (SkyRia). This partnership underscores a mutual commitment to promoting eco-friendly homeownership and sustainable living in Malaysia.

LBS Bina Group Berhad(LBS)宣佈與興業銀行集團(RHB)進行戰略合作,爲SkyRia @ D'Island Residence Puchong(SkyRIA)推出創新的綠色融資解決方案。這種夥伴關係凸顯了馬來西亞對促進環保房屋所有權和可持續生活的共同承諾。

The collaboration follows the awarding of Provisional Silver in GreenRE Certification to SkyRia, part of LBS's pledge to build a greener future. GreenRE certifications are recognised credentials granted to buildings or construction projects that meet specific sustainability criteria.

此次合作是在向SkyRIA授予GreenRE認證臨時銀牌之後進行的,這是LBS建設更綠色未來的承諾的一部分。GreenRE 認證是授予符合特定可持續發展標準的建築物或施工項目的認可證書。

Under the RHB Green Financing Schemes, prospective homeowners can access various benefits, including a loan margin of up to 95% and an additional 5% coverage for Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) or Mortgage Reducing Takaful Term (MRTT). These exclusive packages are designed to make sustainable living more accessible and affordable for Malaysians.


SkyRia, a stunning lakeside development that embraces sustainability with its green building design, offering residents an eco-friendly and serene living environment.

SkyRia, located within D' Island Puchong—a prominent township and one of LBS's signature developments—features picturesque views and lush landscapes, offering residents a serene lakeside living experience. The development comprises two residential blocks with 999 units and is projected to deliver a Gross Development Value (GDV) of RM457 million. Unit prices range from RM250,000 to RM507,000, appealing to a diverse range of buyers. Since its launch, the project has experienced strong demand, highlighting the attractiveness of LBS's sustainable housing offerings.

SkyRia位於D'Island Puchong內,這是一個著名的城鎮,也是LBS的標誌性開發項目之一,擁有風景如畫的景色和鬱鬱蔥蔥的景觀,爲居民提供寧靜的湖畔生活體驗。該開發項目包括兩個住宅大樓,共有999個單元,預計總開發價值(GDV)爲45700萬令吉。單位價格從25萬令吉到50.7萬令吉不等,吸引了各種各樣的買家。自啓動以來,該項目需求強勁,凸顯了LBS可持續住房產品的吸引力。

Tan Sri Ir (Dr) Lim Hock San, Group Executive Chairman of LBS Bina, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, "Our partnership with RHB Bank is a key milestone in our mission to provide affordable and sustainable housing. By offering green financing options, we are making it easier for homeowners to own eco-friendly homes and reinforcing our commitment to environmental stewardship. SkyRia @ D'Island embodies our vision of high-quality, sustainable living."

LBS Bina集團執行董事長Tan Sri Ir(博士)Lim Hock San表達了對合作的熱情,他說:「我們與RhB Bank的合作是我們提供經濟適用和可持續住房的使命中的一個關鍵里程碑。通過提供綠色融資選項,我們使房主更容易擁有環保房屋,並加強我們對環境管理的承諾。SkyRIA @ D'Island 體現了我們對高品質、可持續生活的願景。」

He continued, "Sustainability is at the core of LBS's development strategy. The Group is deeply committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, a goal that guides all of our projects, including SkyRia at D'Island. Our approach involves implementing cutting-edge green technologies, optimising energy efficiency, and promoting environmentally responsible practices across our developments."


Jeffrey Ng Eow Oo, Managing Director of Group Community Banking at RHB Banking Group, stated, "We are excited to partner with LBS Bina Group on this initiative that aligns with our vision of promoting sustainable living. At RHB, we are committed to leading the financial sector in driving sustainability through innovative green financing solutions. This collaboration is a significant step towards realising our 5-Year Sustainability Strategy & Roadmap, where we aim to deploy RM50 billion in sustainable financing."

興業銀行集團集團社區銀行董事總經理Jeffrey Ng Eow Oo表示:「我們很高興與LBS Bina集團合作開展這項計劃,該計劃符合我們促進可持續生活的願景。在RhB,我們致力於通過創新的綠色融資解決方案引領金融業推動可持續發展。此次合作是朝着實現我們的五年可持續發展戰略和路線圖邁出的重要一步,我們的目標是部署500令吉的可持續融資。」

He added, "Our focus is on supporting initiatives that contribute to a low-carbon economy and foster environmentally responsible development. By offering comprehensive green financing packages, we are not only facilitating access to eco-friendly homes but also reinforcing our role as a thought leader in sustainable finance."


