
Capital A EGM For AirAsia Disposal Set For Oct 14, PN17 Exit Next

Capital A EGM For AirAsia Disposal Set For Oct 14, PN17 Exit Next

亞航資產出售資本A EGm即將於10月14日完成,PN17即將退出
Business Today ·  09/23 11:34

Capital A has announce that the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held on 14 October 2024, where the proposed disposal of its aviation business to AirAsia X (AAX) will be tabled for shareholders' approval.

Capital A宣佈,特別股東大會(EGM)將於2024年10月14日舉行,屆時將向亞航X(AAX)出售其航空業務的提議提交股東批准。

These are the key step for Capital A's restructuring and to streamline its long-term growth plan across its aviation and non-aviation businesses.

這些是Capital A重組以及簡化其航空和非航空業務長期增長計劃的關鍵步驟。

Tony Fernandes, CEO of Capital A said, "This marks a transformative, game-changing chapter for Capital A. The disposal of our aviation business to AAX will allow Capital A to focus on the four core pillars that will define the future of our Group: Aviation services, MOVE Digital, Teleport (Logistics), and the Brand AA company."

Capital A首席執行官託尼·費爾南德斯表示:「這標誌着Capital A進入了變革性、改變遊戲規則的篇章。將我們的航空業務出售給AAX將使Capital A能夠專注於定義我們集團未來的四大核心支柱:航空服務、MOVE Digital、Teleport(物流)和AA品牌公司。」

The group will split its aviation flight business to AAX where AirAsia will be parked, while Capital A will be controlling the MRO business, CAPAS which will include ADE. It will also consist of the digital arm Move, cargo under Teleport and the branding unit Brand AA.

該集團將把航空飛行業務拆分給AAX,亞航將在那裏停靠,而Capital A將控制包括ADE在內的MRO業務CAPAS。它還將包括數字部門Move、Teleport下的貨物和品牌部門Brand AA。

Fernandes added, "We believe this aligns with Capital A's broader strategy to diversify its business portfolio and position itself as a technology-driven company. Our non-aviation businesses will emerge from the shadows and receive the recognition they deserve, while the aviation business will transform into a new AirAsia Group, with synergies between short-haul and long-haul operations enhancing efficiency, profitability, and returns for shareholders."

費爾南德斯補充說:「我們認爲這符合Capital A的更廣泛戰略,即分散其業務組合,並將自己定位爲一家以技術爲導向的公司。我們的非航空業務將走出陰影並獲得應有的認可,而航空業務將轉型爲新的亞航集團,短途和長途業務之間的協同作用將提高效率、盈利能力和股東回報。」

The financial effects of the proposed disposal per the pro forma financial statement as of 31 December 2023 as included in the Circular to Shareholders dated 20 September, shows that Capital A shareholders' equity will turn to positive of RM649 million from a negative of RM8.8 billion. We look forward to gaining the support of our shareholders at the EGM and support from RCUIDS holders at the upcoming meeting as we embark on this transformative journey for Capital A's next chapter of growth."

根據9月20日股東通函中截至2023年12月31日的預計財務報表,擬議出售的財務影響表明,A資本股東權益將從負88令吉轉爲正64900萬令吉。我們期待在eGM上獲得股東的支持,並在即將舉行的會議上獲得RCUIDS持有者的支持,因爲我們踏上了Capital A下一個增長篇章的變革之旅。”

The meeting for the holders of Redeemable Convertible Unsecured Islamic Debt Securities (RCUIDS) will be held on 14 October. Upon securing shareholders' approval at the EGM, the company will seek a court order to proceed with the proposed distribution of consideration shares to shareholders through a planned reduction and repayment of the company's issued share capital. These critical steps will enable Capital A to achieve a clean balance sheet and focus on soon submitting its regularisation plan, with the aim of exiting Practice Note 17 (PN17) status.

可贖回可轉換無抵押伊斯蘭教持有人會議 債務證券 (RCUIDS) 將於10月14日舉行。在股東大會上獲得股東批准後,公司將尋求法院命令,通過計劃減少和償還公司已發行的股本,着手向股東分配代價股的提議。這些關鍵步驟將使Capital A能夠實現淨資產負債表,並專注於盡快提交其正規化計劃,目標是退出第17號實踐說明(PN17)狀態。

