
ThaiBev to Expand F&B Business Through F&N Acquisition via Share Swap

ThaiBev to Expand F&B Business Through F&N Acquisition via Share Swap

Singapore Business Review ·  09/23 10:52

ThaiBev has sold its stake in real estate to focus on its F&B business.


ThaiBev completed the proposed share swap between its unit, InterBev Investment Limited (IBIL), and TCC Assets Limited (TCCAL) on 20 September.

泰國釀酒已於9月20日完成了其子公司InterBev Investment Limited (IBIL) 與 TCC Assets Limited (TCCAL) 之間的提議中的股份互換。

The share swap involved IBIL transferring all of its 28.78% stake or 1,130,041,272 ordinary shares in Frasers Property Limited (FPL) to TCCAL, and TCCAL transferring its 41.30% stake or 601,627,606 ordinary shares in Fraser and Neave, Limited (F&N) to IBIL.

該股份互換涉及IBIL將其在Frasers Property Limited (FPL) 的28.78%股權或1,130,041,272股普通股轉讓給TCCAL,而TCCAL則將其在Fraser and Neave, Limited (F&N) 的41.30%股權或601,627,606股普通股轉讓給IBIL。

Following the completion of the proposed share swap, ThaiBev, through IBIL, has become the holding company of F&N and its subsidiaries.


In addition, ThaiBev and IBIL have ceased to hold any interest in FPL and FPL is no longer an associated company of ThaiBev.


