
Elon Musk Responds to Venture Capitalist's Claim On Government Subsidies For SpaceX, Tesla: 'Do Some Research Before You Display Your Utter Ignorance'

Elon Musk Responds to Venture Capitalist's Claim On Government Subsidies For SpaceX, Tesla: 'Do Some Research Before You Display Your Utter Ignorance'

Elon Musk對風險投資家關於SpaceX、特斯拉政府補貼的說法作出回應:「在展示你的完全無知之前,請先進行一些研究。」
Benzinga ·  09/22 22:59

Elon Musk had a sharp exchange of words with venture capitalist Vinod Khosla on Musk's X platform on Saturday as Khosla brought up government support for Musk's businesses.

週六,風險投資家Vinod Khosla在Musk的X平台上與特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克進行了激烈的爭論,Khosla提出了對馬斯克企業的政府支持的問題。

More Moderate Path Needed: The exchanges started several months ago with Khosla, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems and the venture capital firm Khosla Ventures, calling for an open Democratic convention and criticizing Donald Trump. Replying to Khosla, Tesla CEO Musk said, "Come on, Vinod. Trump/Vance LFG!!"

需要更加溫和的道路:幾個月前,孫微星的聯合創始人、風險投資公司Khosla Ventures的創始人Khosla呼籲公開民主大會,並對唐納德·特朗普表示批評。作爲回應,特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克說:「來吧,Vinod. Trump/Vance LFG!!」

Musk argued that while Trump may not be without flaws, he is good for meritocracy and individual freedom, adding that many years ago this was ensured by the Democratic Party but now it is the Republicans that stands for these.


Musk Clarifies Regarding Subsidies: This argument did not go down well with Khosla, who questioned the rationale of subsidies to the ventures of the businessmen and preferred that these might have been used for deficit reduction. "This 'meritocratic and promote individual freedoms over the heavy hand of government' I agree with. How much government money does SpaceX get? Could Tesla have survived without EV subsidies?," he said, adding that Twitter, which has been rebranded as X following Musk acquiring it, may not be getting government money.

關於補貼問題,馬斯克進行了澄清,但是這一觀點並沒有得到Khosla的認同,他質疑爲商人們提供補貼的合理性,並希望這些資金用於赤字的減少。他說:「我同意『以才能爲本,促進個人自由而不是政府的笨拙干預』。但是SpaceX獲得了多少政府資金?特斯拉沒有新能源補貼能存活下去嗎?」,並補充說,被馬斯克收購後改名爲X的Twitter可能沒有獲得政府 funding。

SpaceX is a spacecraft manufacturer, space launch provider, and satellite communications company founded by Musk in 2002. Reduction in the cost of space travel and colonization of Mars were the main premises on which the company was established.


"Which of these would you rather the government didn't spend money on and reduce the deficit?" Khosla said. One of the main challenges before the government is the huge fiscal deficits it has run up and the two mainstream parties have different approaches toward tackling the crisis in hand.


Khosla's comments about the deficit elicited a sharp reaction from Musk. "Do some research before you display your utter ignorance," he said. He noted that SpaceX gets no subsidies and received half as much as Boeing for astronaut transport, but did 100% of the work.


Musk also clarified that government subsidies make up only a minor portion of his electric-vehicle manufacturing company Tesla's revenue. On the other hand, oil & gas companies get massive tax breaks that exceed those given to the EV industry by several orders of magnitude, he added.


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