
Elon Musk And Nvidia CEO Share Vision Of AI-Powered Personal Assistants, LinkedIn Under Scrutiny And More: This Week In AI

Elon Musk And Nvidia CEO Share Vision Of AI-Powered Personal Assistants, LinkedIn Under Scrutiny And More: This Week In AI

Elon Musk 和 英偉達 CEO 分享對以人工智能爲驅動的個人助理的願景,LinkedIn 受到審查等等: 本週人工智能新聞
Benzinga ·  09/22 20:00

The past week has been a whirlwind of news in the tech world, with artificial intelligence (AI) taking the spotlight. From predictions about AI-powered surveillance to personal digital agents, the future of AI seems to be on everyone's mind. Here's a quick recap of the top stories that made headlines over the weekend.


Oracle's Larry Ellison Foresees AI-Powered Surveillance

甲骨文公司的Larry Ellison預見到基於人工智能的監控

Larry Ellison co-founder and CTO of Oracle Corp. (NYSE:ORCL) made a bold prediction about the future of law enforcement. He believes that AI will power extensive surveillance systems, leading to constant supervision of police officers and citizens. Ellison stated, "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person."

甲骨文公司(NYSE:ORCL)的聯合創始人兼首席技術官Larry Ellison對執法的未來做出了大膽的預測。他認爲AI將驅動廣泛的監控系統,導致對警察和市民進行持續監督。Ellison表示:「每個警察將始終受到監督,如果有問題,AI將報告該問題,並將其報告給有關人員。」

Read the full article here.


Elon Musk And Nvidia CEO Share Vision Of AI-Powered Personal Assistants


Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, agreed with Nvidia Corporation's (NASDAQ:NVDA) CEO Jensen Huang's vision of a future where individuals will have personal digital agents akin to Star Wars' R2-D2 or C-3PO. Huang shared his vision during T-Mobile's Capital Markets Day 2024, expressing excitement about the idea of a computer that grows smarter over time.

特斯拉和spacex(臨時代碼)的首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克認同英偉達(納斯達克:NVDA)首席執行官Jensen Huang關於未來個人擁有類似《星球大戰》中的R2-D2或C-3PO的數字助理的願景。Huang在t-Mobile的2024年資本市場日上分享了他的願景,並對計算機隨着時間變得越來越聰明的想法表示興奮。

Read the full article here.


LinkedIn Under Scrutiny for Alleged Misuse of User Data


Microsoft Corporation's LinkedIn has come under fire for reportedly using user data for AI training before updating its terms of service. This primarily affected users in the U.S., with those in the EU, European Economic Area, or Switzerland likely exempt due to stringent data privacy rules.


Read the full article here.


World Wide Technology CEO Warns Against Misleading Employees About AI

World Wide Technology的CEO警告稱不要誤導員工有關人工智能的影響

Jim Kavanaugh, CEO of World Wide Technology, warned leaders not to deceive employees about the impact of AI on jobs. He emphasized that employees are "too smart" to believe that AI won't change job dynamics and stressed the importance of transparency.

World Wide Technology的CEO吉姆·卡瓦納警告領導者不要欺騙員工有關人工智能對工作的影響。他強調員工「太聰明」了,不會相信人工智能不會改變工作動態,並強調透明的重要性。

Read the full article here.


Salesforce CEO Criticizes Microsoft's Copilot


Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, criticized Microsoft Corporation's (NASDAQ:MSFT) Copilot by comparing it to the infamous "Clippy" assistant. Benioff stated that Microsoft's Copilot has not offered any value to customers, likening it to selling science projects to companies.


Read the full article here.


  • 'Matching Nvidia In Short-Term Is Unlikely,' Analysts Predict As China Ramps Up Search For Rivalling Jensen Huang-Led Chip Giant Amid US Sanctions
  • 「在短期內匹敵英偉達是不可能的」,分析師預測,隨着中國加大對抗美國製裁的力度,尋求挑戰黃仁勳領導的芯片巨頭。

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Ananya Gairola

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Ananya Gairola

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