
Apple Vs. Microsoft: Can A $35B Rebalance Amplify Bullish Momentum?

Apple Vs. Microsoft: Can A $35B Rebalance Amplify Bullish Momentum?

Benzinga ·  09/21 02:51

Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) investors are bracing for a significant shake-up as the quarterly rebalancing of market index funds coincides with a rare triple witching event, a financial phenomenon that only intensifies market volatility.

蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL)的投資者正準備迎接一次重大的市場季度再平衡 指數基金 與罕見的三重巫術事件同時發生,這種財務現象只會加劇市場波動。

Busiest Rebalancing In Four Years To Boost Apple


With $250 billion in stock adjustments underway, the iPhone manufacturer could emerge as one of the biggest beneficiaries.


A notable shift comes from Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK) (NYSE:BRK) trimming its stake, increasing the share count used by index providers to determine Apple's weight, pushing the Cupertino, California-based company's stock to the top of S&P 500 tracking funds.

Berkshire Hathaway(紐交所:BRK)削減其持股份額,增加指數提供商用於確定蘋果權重的股票數量,並將這家總部位於加利福尼亞庫比蒂諾的公司股票推至S&P 500跟蹤基金榜首。

Apple To Take The Lead Over Microsoft


Apple's market capitalization of $3.48 trillion now surpasses Microsoft Corp's (NASDAQ:MSFT) $3.26 trillion, positioning the tech titan to be the largest holding in the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSE:SPY).

蘋果的市值達到3.48萬億美元,超過了微軟公司(NASDAQ:MSFT)的3.26萬億美元,使這家科技巨頭成爲SPDR S&P 500 ETF(NYSE:SPY)中的最大持有份額。

As funds rebalance, a hefty $35 billion worth of Apple shares will need to be bought, which could provide significant support to its stock price. This reshuffling may further amplify the bullish momentum Apple has enjoyed year-to-date, with the stock already up over 24%.


Read Also: Apple Revenue Growth 'Just Too Slow For Investors To Get Excited About': Analyst Highlights Advertising As Future Catalyst

閱讀更多: 蘋果營業收入增長「對投資者來說太慢了,無法激發興趣」: 分析師強調廣告是未來的催化劑

Bullish Signals All-Around


Apple's stock chart is radiating strength, signaling continued bullish action.



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使用Benzinga Pro創建的圖表

With the stock trading above key moving averages — five, 20 and 50 days — the technical setup strongly favors buyers. The share price of $231.12 sits comfortably above its eight-day SMA of $221.71 and 20-day SMA of $223.84, offering a consistent bullish signal across multiple indicators.

股票交易在重要的移動平均線上方——五天、二十天和五十天——技術佈局明顯偏向買方。231.12美元的股價舒適地位於八天線上方 SMA 221.71美元及20日簡單移動均線223.84美元的略低顯示,表明多個指標都給出了一致的積極信號。


Chart created using Benzinga Pro

使用Benzinga Pro創建的圖表

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) suggests more buying pressure with a positive reading, while the Relative Strength Index (RSI) of 63.00 (and rising) indicates that although Apple is nearing overbought territory, the bullish momentum remains intact.

移動平均收斂散度(MACD)顯示更多的買盤壓力,呈現出積極的讀數,而 相對強弱指數 (RSI63.00(並繼續上升)的指數表明,儘管蘋果股票接近超買區域,但看多的動能仍然保持不變。

With the rebalancing aligning with positive technicals, investors are betting that Apple could soar further.


  • How Apple Stock Could Gain From Friday's S&P 500 Rebalancing: What Investors Should Know
  • 蘋果股票如何從週五的標普500指數再平衡中獲益:投資者應該知道的事情

