
Crescent Midstream Selected to Develop an Integrated Carbon Capture Solution for Entergy Natural Gas Power Plant

Crescent Midstream Selected to Develop an Integrated Carbon Capture Solution for Entergy Natural Gas Power Plant

PR Newswire ·  09/20 23:31
  • Crescent will lead the development of the carbon capture and sequestration ("CCS") project for Entergy Corporation's (NYSE: ETR) 994 MW Lake Charles Power Station in Westlake, Louisiana
  • The completed project would be one of the country's largest CCS projects, capturing annual commercial carbon dioxide ("CO2") emissions equivalent to 600,000 motor vehicles
  • The project, which is being done in partnership with SAMSUNG E&A and will use Honeywell capture technology, seeks to construct a carbon capture facility and pipeline capable of capturing and transporting 3 million metric tonnes of CO2 per year
  • Crescent將領導Entergy Corporation (紐交所:ETR) 在路易斯安那州Westlake的994兆瓦Lake Charles發電站的碳捕集和封存 ("CCS") 項目的開發。
  • 該完成的項目將成爲該國最大的CCS項目之一,每年捕集的商業二氧化碳 ("CO2") 排放量相當於60萬輛機動車。
  • 該項目與SAMSUNG E&A合作,將使用霍尼韋爾的捕集技術,旨在建設一座碳捕集設施和管道,能夠每年捕集和運輸300萬公噸的CO2。

GRAY, La. and HOUSTON, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Crescent Midstream will develop and construct an integrated CCS project in Lake Charles, Louisiana capable of capturing, transporting, and permanently storing CO2 emitted from an Entergy-owned natural gas-fired power plant. Through collaboration between Entergy, Crescent, SAMSUNG E&A, and Honeywell's carbon capture technologies, the ~$1 billion project would be one of the largest CCS projects in the United States. It is expected to capture up to three million tonnes of CO2 per year that would otherwise be emitted on the Louisiana Gulf Coast.

2024年9月20日,路易斯安那州Lake Charles-GRAY,和休斯頓/美通社/ -- Crescent Midstream將在Lake Charles,路易斯安那州發展和施工一個集成的CCS項目,能夠捕集、運輸和永久封存Entergy擁有的天然氣發電廠排放的CO2。通過Entergy,Crescent,SAMSUNG E&A和霍尼韋爾的碳捕集技術的合作,這個規模約10億美元的項目將成爲美國最大的CCS項目之一。預計每年能捕集到超過300萬噸的CO2,否則這些CO2將會在路易斯安那州海灣沿岸排放。

Louisiana is the second largest CO2-emitting state in the United States. The majority of those emissions are concentrated in the lower Mississippi River Industrial Corridor, which produces more than 72 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year according to the EPA. Roughly 66% of the state's CO2 emissions come from industrial sources and 13% come from electric power generation.


As part of the project, Crescent would apply its extensive onshore and offshore pipeline construction and operations experience to facilitate the safe transportation of CO2 from emitters to permanent underground storage facilities.


Jerry Ashcroft, CEO of Crescent Midstream, said, "Corporate sustainability is a core value at Crescent Midstream. We are proud to apply our extensive midstream expertise to create the vital connection between carbon dioxide emission sources and permanent underground storage. Large-scale carbon capture and sequestration has enormous potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and we look forward to helping demonstrate that in one of the highest emitting regions in the United States."

"Crescent Midstream的首席執行官Jerry Ashcroft表示:“企業可持續性是Crescent Midstream的核心價值觀。我們非常自豪地應用我們豐富的中游專業知識,來創建二氧化碳排放源和永久地下儲存之間的重要連接。大規模的碳捕集和封存具有顯著減少溫室氣體排放的潛力,我們期待在美國最高排放地區之一進行示範。"

This project builds on Crescent's ongoing commitment to corporate sustainability. To help reduce emissions, the firm recently agreed to sponsor efforts by the Well Done Foundation (WDF) to plug orphaned oil wells in Louisiana. The foundation's proven methodology delivers immediate and quantifiable benefits by stopping oil wells from discharging methane emissions, a gas that is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Additionally, Crescent has completed marsh preservation projects that mitigate coastal erosion in areas that have been impacted by inclement weather events to both protect and rebuild those areas and to restore CO2 absorbing plant life. In addition, Crescent is actively involved in community outreach in Southern Louisiana and supports numerous organizations that drive a positive social impact within its operating footprint.

該項目是基於西奈山對企業可持續發展的持續承諾。爲了幫助減少排放,該公司最近同意贊助Well Done基金會(WDF)在路易斯安那州堵塞孤兒油井的工作。該基金會的成熟方法可以通過停止油井排放甲烷,一種在大氣中的熱儲存能力是二氧化碳的25倍以上的氣體的方式,以提供即時和可量化的效益。此外,西奈山已經完成了沼澤保護項目,以緩解曾受有惡劣天氣事件影響的地區的沿海侵蝕問題,以保護和重建這些地區,並恢復二氧化碳吸收植物的生長。此外,西奈山積極參與路易斯安那州南部的社區外展,並支持許多推動積極社會影響的組織。

Crescent Midstream is backed by The Carlyle Group, a leading global alternative investment firm with $435 billion of assets under management as of June 30, 2024.

Crescent Midstream由凱雷集團支持,凱雷集團是一家領先的全球替代投資公司,截至2024年6月30日,管理的資產總額達到$4350億。

About Crescent Midstream
Crescent Midstream is an independent energy company that provides safe, reliable crude oil services in the Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana. Led by CEO Jerry Ashcroft, Crescent is managed by a seasoned team of midstream experts with significant expertise and a proven track record of operating and optimizing midstream assets. Our unique asset footprint strongly positions Crescent for organic growth. The Crescent system serves more than 80 deep-water platforms. Our offshore and onshore pipelines connect shippers to liquid trading and receipt points across Louisiana. For more information, visit

關於Crescent Midstream
Crescent Midstream是一家獨立的能源公司,在墨西哥灣和路易斯安那提供安全可靠的原油服務。由首席執行官Jerry Ashcroft領導,Crescent由一支經驗豐富的中游專家團隊管理,具有豐富的專業知識和經驗,以及經營和優化中游資產的卓越業績。我們獨特的資產版圖爲 Crescent 提供了有機增長的強有力基礎。Crescent系統服務於80多個深水平台。我們的海上和陸上管道連接運輸商到路易斯安那的液體交易和接收點。要了解更多信息,請訪問

Media Contact
Suni Hardy
[email protected]

Suni Hardy
[email protected]

SOURCE Crescent Midstream

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