
Global Travel Collection (GTC) "1st Look Presents - Extra Mile Club" Collaboration Returns

Global Travel Collection (GTC) "1st Look Presents - Extra Mile Club" Collaboration Returns

全球旅行集合(GTC)「1st Look Presents - Extra Mile Club」合作回歸
PR Newswire ·  09/20 00:30

New episodes debut on NBC stations on Sept. 28 and Oct. 5, with luxury travel advisors competing to plan the perfect vacation for celebrity clients


NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Have you ever dreamed of a luxury trip to Hawaii? You'll have a chance to see what that would look like when new episodes of reality show "1st Look Presents – Extra Mile Club" premiere Sept. 28 and Oct. 5 on NBC stations nationwide, featuring top travel advisors from Global Travel Collection competing to design the perfect vacation for celebrity clients.

紐約,2024年9月19日 /PRNewswire/ -- 你是否曾夢想過豪華的夏威夷之旅?當全球旅遊集團的頂尖旅行顧問在NBC全國電視臺上競相打造名人客戶完美度假計劃的真人秀節目「1st Look Presents – Extra Mile Club」於9月28日和10月5日首播時,你將有機會看到這是什麼樣子。

Click here to access the promo for Extra Mile Club.

點擊這裏查看Extra Mile Club的促銷活動。

First two episodes of the new season of '1st Look Presents: Extra Mile Club' were filmed in Maui; Series to be presented on NBC this fall
《極限俱樂部: 第一視角》新季的前兩集在毛伊島拍攝完成;該系列將於今年秋季在NBC上播出

Global Travel Collection (GTC) represents the most influential community of luxury travel advisors. Among them are Extra Mile Club co-stars, Leslie Tillem and Curtis Parris, whose decades of expertise allow them to craft exceptional experiences, leveraging strong relationships with top hotels and destination partners to deliver something truly extraordinary for each client.

全球旅遊集團(GTC)代表着最有影響力的豪華旅行顧問社區。其中包括Extra Mile Club的合作伙伴Leslie Tillem和Curtis Parris,他們幾十年的專業經驗使他們能夠通過與頂級酒店和目的地合作伙伴建立牢固的關係,爲每位客戶提供非凡的旅行體驗。

In the new episodes, Tillem and Parris will put all of their negotiating and networking skills to the test as they create one-of-a-kind experiences on the island of Maui for Emma Hernan and Chelsea Lazkani of the Netflix series "Selling Sunset." Hernan and Lazkani will select the winning itinerary.

在新一集中,Tillem和Parris將運用所有的談判和社交技能在毛伊島上爲奈飛系列節目「豪宅夕陽」 的Emma Hernan和Chelsea Lazkani創建獨一無二的體驗。Hernan和Lazkani將選擇獲勝的行程。

The reality series will shine a spotlight on Maui's rich culture and stunning natural beauty, as well as the resilience of its people, who are trying to move forward with optimism and hope after last year's devastating wildfires. While some areas affected by the wildfires remain closed, much of the island, along with other destinations in Hawaii, are open to tourism. Following the wildfires, Global Travel Collection's foundation donated $10,000 to Maui United Way to aid affected communities, and GTC remains committed to assisting in the island's economic recovery.


"Viewers will have a chance to see the amazing work of our dedicated luxury travel advisors as they create bespoke vacations for their clients," said Angie Licea, President, Global Travel Collection. "The value of travel advisors is more significant than ever, and this show provides a platform to highlight all they do for viewers. We also hope that the series will help with Maui's recovery by showcasing the island's tremendous natural beauty and the wide variety of activities available to visitors."

「觀衆們將有機會看到我們專注豪華旅行顧問的傑出工作,爲他們的客戶創建量身定製的度假。」全球旅遊集團總裁Angie Licea說道,「旅行顧問的價值比以往任何時候都更爲重要,這個節目提供了一個突出他們爲觀衆做的一切的平台。我們也希望這個系列節目通過展示島嶼驚人的自然美景和遊客可享受的多樣化活動,來幫助毛伊島的復甦。」

"1st Look Presents – Extra Mile Club" is produced by LXTV Productions, which is part of NBCUniversal Local, as an extension of its popular "1st Look" entertainment, travel and lifestyle brand. The new episodes of "Extra Mile Club" were developed in partnership with Global Travel Collection, which is part of Internova Travel Group, one of the largest travel services companies in the world.

《1st Look Presents – Extra Mile Club》由LXTV製作,是NBC環球傳媒旗下的一部分,作爲其受歡迎的《1st Look》娛樂、旅行和生活方式品牌的延伸。《Extra Mile Club》的新集由Global Travel Collection與Internova Travel Group合作開發,後者是全球最大的旅遊服務公司之一。

"We are thrilled to highlight Maui and the travel advisors who craft exceptional experiences on the island in partnership with Global Travel Collection," said Marni Sabia, VP of Original Content & Development for LXTV Productions. "Our mission is to create engaging content for audiences who love travel and are inspired by beautiful destinations. With 'Extra Mile Club,' we have the opportunity to offer the unique perspectives of both clients and the travel advisors to give viewers an entertaining and insightful experience, and hopefully inspire their future adventures."

LXTV製作公司原創內容與發展副總裁Marni Sabia表示:「我們非常高興與Global Travel Collection合作,重點突出了Maui島和爲該島打造非凡體驗的旅行顧問。我們的使命是爲熱愛旅行並對美麗目的地充滿靈感的觀衆創造引人入勝的內容。通過《Extra Mile Club》,我們有機會爲觀衆提供客戶和旅行顧問獨特的視角,爲他們帶來有趣而深入的體驗,希望能激發他們未來的冒險。」

"Extra Mile Club" destination filming partners include Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea, Maverick Helicopters, Ohana Nui Charters, Maui Reef Adventures, Hawaiian Paddle Sports, Kiawe Outdoor, Ulupalakua Ranch, Hua Momona Farms, Chef Zach Laidlaw, Puka Swimwear, Maui Roadsters, Circle M Ranch, photographer Tad Craig, Manutea Nui Entertainment and Maui Ku'ia Estate Chocolate. Ehman Productions provided some production crew personnel and equipment.

《Extra Mile Club》的目的地拍攝合作伙伴包括法爾斯四季酒店Maui、狂人直升機、Ohana Nui船舶、Maui珊瑚探險、夏威夷划船運動、Kiawe戶外、Ulupalakua牧場、Hua Momona Farms、大廚Zach Laidlaw、Puka泳裝、Maui Roadsters、Circle m牧場、攝影師Tad Craig、Manutea Nui Entertainment和Maui Ku'ia莊園巧克力。Ehman製片公司提供了一些製作人員和設備。

About Global Travel Collection
Global Travel Collection (GTC), part of Internova Travel Group, is the most influential collection of international luxury travel agencies. More than 1,500 GTC advisors are industry leaders in providing premium travel services to leisure travellers, corporate executives and the entertainment industry. GTC's combined global reach and leverage.

關於Global Travel Collection
全球旅行收藏家 是國際豪華旅遊代理公司的最具影響力的集合體。超過1500名GTC顧問是爲休閒旅遊者、企業高管和娛樂界提供高級旅遊服務的行業領袖。GTC的全球覆蓋範圍和影響力

About LXTV Productions
LXTV is the National Emmy award-winning lifestyle production company of the NBC Owned Television Stations group, a part of NBCUniversal Local. LXTV produces original series and specials, including 1st Look, a travel show which spotlights the best places to eat, play and indulge; Open House and Open House NYC, hosted by Sara Gore, where audiences get a look at America's most lavish homes and get design ideas, advice and inspiration from the industry's emerging and established names; George to the Rescue, a home improvement show hosted by George Oliphant, where design and construction experts help families and communities realize their home improvement dreams. LXTV shows are available on NBC-owned and affiliated stations in the U.S., on the streaming channel NBC LX Home and out-of-home platforms including taxis, gas stations, buses and nail salons, and on streaming platforms such as Peacock, The Roku Channel, Samsung TV Plus and Xumo Play.

關於LXTV Productions的介紹
LXTV是全美國家艾美獎獲獎的NBC旗下電視臺集團的生活方式製作公司,是NBC環球旗下的一部分。LXTV製作的原創系列和特別節目包括"第一視角",展示了最佳的吃、玩和享受場所;由莎拉·戈爾(Sara Gore)主持的"開放式房屋和開放式紐約房屋"讓觀衆了解美國最豪華的住宅,並從該行業新貴和老牌大佬那裏獲得設計思路、建議和靈感;由喬治·奧利芬特(George Oliphant)主持的家庭改進節目"救助大冒險",其中設計和施工專家幫助家庭和社區實現其家庭改進夢想。LXTV的節目可以在美國NBC附屬電臺、流媒體頻道NBC LX Home和出租車、加油站、公共汽車和指甲沙龍等室外平台上觀看,也可在Peacock、The Roku Channel、Samsung TV Plus和Xumo Play等流媒體平台上觀看。

Gina Nisi
[email protected]

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