
Flamin' Hot Teams up With Gabby Windey to Help Fans "Cheat on Flamin' Hot Cheetos"

Flamin' Hot Teams up With Gabby Windey to Help Fans "Cheat on Flamin' Hot Cheetos"

Flamin' Hot團隊聯手Gabby Windey幫助粉絲"對Flamin' Hot Cheetos進行偷情"
百事可樂 ·  09/17 12:00

TV personality and podcast host Gabby Windey and Chester Cheetah are giving away limited-edition "Burner Phones" and "Hall Passes" to help heat seekers hook up with Flamin' Hot "sidechips"

電視名人和播客主持人Gabby Windey和Chester Cheetah正在贈送限量版"Burner Phones"和"Hall Passes",以幫助尋求刺激的人與Flamin' Hot "sidechips"建立聯繫。

PLANO, Texas, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As college students begin a new semester and cuffing season looms, Flamin' Hot is asking fans to keep their options open – snacking options, that is – and "Cheat on Flamin' Hot Cheetos" with every Flamin' Hot snack they see on campus. Chester Cheetah himself is offering lucky spice lovers a "Hall Pass" to give one (or more) of the 25 different snacks from the Flamin' Hot portfolio a chance.

德州普萊諾,2024年9月17日 / PRNewswire / - 在大學生開始新學期並手銬季即將到來之際,Flamin' Hot要求粉絲們保持選擇的開放性 - 就零食而言 - 並與校園上看到的每一個Flamin' Hot零食"Cheat on Flamin' Hot Cheetos"。Chester Cheetah本人爲幸運的辣味愛好者提供了一張"Hall Pass",以給予Flamin' Hot系列產品中的25種不同零食一個機會。


Starting today until November 30, fans can join Gabby Windey, TV Personality & Podcast Host, via Instagram or to find opportunities to win a "Flamin' Hot Burner Phone" – a flip phone with a one-of-a-kind Flamin' Hot design, a free year of cell service, and one special someone on speed dial, Chester Cheetah. When called from the "Burner Phone," Chester will make good on his "Hall Pass" offer by delivering a spicy selection of Flamin' Hot sidechips to winners' doors. The delivery also comes with a promise that Cheetos Flamin' Hot will always be there if you and your new sidechip ever want to snack.

從今天開始到11月30日,粉絲們可以通過Instagram或FlaminHotUniversity.com與電視名人和播客主持人Gabby Windey一起參與,尋找贏取"Flamin' Hot Burner Phone"的機會 - 這是一款獨特的Flamin' Hot設計翻蓋手機,附帶一年的免費通話服務以及速撥號碼上的Chester Cheetah。當從"Burner Phone"撥打時,Chester將根據他的"Hall Pass"承諾,將一種辣味選擇的Flamin' Hot sidechips送到獲獎者的門口。送貨時還承諾,如果您和您的新sidechip想要吃零食,Cheetos Flamin' Hot將永遠在那裏。

"I love Cheetos Flamin' Hot, but take it from me - you can't reach your spiciest potential without trying different flavors and exploring your options," says Gabby Windey. "There is no reason to settle for just one flame when Chester is cool with you having hotties like Fritos Flamin' Hot and Funyuns Flamin' Hot in your rotation."

"我喜歡Cheetos Flamin' Hot,但請聽我說-如果您不嘗試不同口味並擴展選擇,您將無法達到最辣的潛力,"Gabby Windey表示。"您沒有理由只滿足於Chester允許您在您的節目列表中有辣味的零食,如Fritos Flamin' Hot和Funyuns Flamin' Hot。

Those who are unsure which tempting hot snack they want to try first can find their perfect match by taking the Sidechip Quiz on If you'd like to add even more sidechips into your rotation, Flamin' Hot has created dating profiles for its spicy line-up so that fans can swipe right on tempting new snacks.

那些不確定首先要嘗試哪種誘人的辣味零食的人可以在FlaminHotUniversity.com上參加Sidechip Quiz來找到他們完美的搭配。如果您想在節目列表中添加更多辣味零食,Flamin' Hot已爲其辣味系列創建了約會配置文件,以便粉絲們可以對誘人的新零食向右滑動。

"While we love how many of our fans are in a committed relationship with Flamin' Hot Cheetos, the Flamin' Hot portfolio is overflowing with spicy snacks," said Tina Mahal, vice president of marketing at PepsiCo Foods North America. "By offering numerous fiery options, Flamin' Hot hopes to inspire its fans to be bold and explore every way possible to turn up the heat."

"雖然我們喜歡有多少粉絲與Flamin' Hot Cheetos有着忠實的關係,但Flamin' Hot系列產品中充滿了辣味零食,"百事可樂北美食品部營銷副總裁Tina Mahal表示。"通過提供衆多激動人心的選擇,Flamin' Hot希望激發其粉絲大膽地探索每一種可能的方法來增加熱度。"

Asking heat seekers to keep their options open and "Cheat on Cheetos" is the newest way Flamin' Hot University is looking to help fans reach their spiciest potential. The brand introduced Flamin' Hot University in 2023 with an online curriculum to help fans embrace their unique heat and a fiery hot merch line that fueled scholarships aimed at reducing the burden of student loans.

尋求熱辣體驗者保持期權開放,並且"Cheat on Cheetos"是Flamin' Hot University希望幫助粉絲們達到最辣潛力的最新方式。該品牌於2023年推出了Flamin' Hot University,提供在線課程幫助粉絲們擁抱他們獨特的熱辣風格,並推出了一系列火熱商品,旨在減輕學生貸款的負擔。

Visit to take the quiz, view full sweepstakes rules and to learn more about the Flamin' Hot portfolio, you can go online or find Flamin' Hot on TikTok and Instagram. For those who want to "Cheat on Flamin' Hot Cheetos," the Flamin' Hot portfolio is available for purchase in retailers nationwide and on

訪問FlaminHotUniversity.com參加測驗,查看完整的抽獎規則,並了解更多關於Flamin' Hot系列的信息,您可以在線上搜索,也可以在TikTok和Instagram上找到Flamin' Hot。對於那些想要"Cheat on Flamin' Hot Cheetos"的人,Flamin' Hot系列可以在全國各地的零售商和Snacks.com上購買。

The Flamin' Hot portfolio features a roster of hotties from Frito-Lay fan favorite brands including: Cheetos Flamin' Hot (12 varieties), Doritos Flamin' Hot (5 varieties), Ruffles Flamin' Hot (3 varieties), Lay's Flamin' Hot (2 varieties), Munchies Flamin' Hot, Smartfood Flamin' Hot, Funyuns Flamin' Hot, & Fritos Flamin' Hot.

Flamin' Hot系列包括來自Frito-Lay粉絲喜愛的品牌的一系列熱辣產品,包括:Cheetos Flamin' Hot(12種口味)、Doritos Flamin' Hot(5種口味)、Ruffles Flamin' Hot(3種口味)、Lay's Flamin' Hot(2種口味)、Munchies Flamin' Hot、Smartfood Flamin' Hot、Funyuns Flamin' Hot、以及Fritos Flamin' Hot。

About Frito-Lay North America
Frito-Lay North America is the $25 billion net sales convenient foods division of PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP). For decades, Frito-Lay's portfolio of beloved products has brought smiles to millions of families across the world, including Fritos corn chips, Lay's and Ruffles potato chips, Doritos and Tostitos tortilla chips and branded dips, Cheetos snacks, Stacy's pita chips, PopCorners air popped snacks and SunChips multigrain snacks. The company operates more than 40 manufacturing facilities across the U.S. and Canada, along with a vast distribution network that services over 315,000 retail customers weekly through its direct-store-delivery model. Through pep+ (PepsiCo Positive), Frito-Lay is committed to creating positive change for the planet and people. Learn more about Frito-Lay at, on X (@FritoLay), on Instagram (@FritoLay) and on Facebook (FritoLay).


About PepsiCo
PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $86 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

關於百事可樂 百事可樂是零食和飲料領域的全球領導者,擁有衆多知名品牌,包括百事、懷特汽水、運動飲料Gatorade、樂事、奇多和多力多滋等。該公司佔據全球鹹味零食市場的主導地位,也是全球第二大飲料供應商(僅次於可口可樂),具有涉及碳痠軟飲料、水、運動飲料及能量飲料等多元化的產品系列。便利食品約佔其總收入的55%,飲料佔其餘部分。百事可樂在美國和境外擁有大部分製造和銷售能力。國際市場佔其總銷售額的40%,運營利潤的三分之一。
百事可樂的產品每天在全球200多個國家和地區被消費者超過10億次。百事可樂在2022年實現超過860億美元的淨營業收入,這得益於包括Lay's、Doritos、Cheetos、Gatorade、Pepsi-Cola、Mountain Dew、Quaker和SodaStream在內的互補飲料和便利食品系列。百事可樂的產品組合包括各種令人愉悅的食品和飲料,包括許多每年零售額超過10億美元的標誌性品牌。

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with pep+ (PepsiCo Positive). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. For more information, visit , and follow on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @PepsiCo.

引領百事可樂的是我們的願景,要成爲全球領先的飲料和便利食品公司,通過贏得pep+(百事可樂積極)來實現。 pep+是我們的戰略性端到端轉型,將可持續發展和人力資本置於價值和增長創造的中心,通過在地球邊界內運營,激發正面變革,爲地球和人類創造積極價值。更多信息,請訪問,關注Twitter、Instagram、Facebook和LinkedIn @PepsiCo。

SOURCE Frito-Lay North America


