
What's Going On With Vistra Shares Today?

What's Going On With Vistra Shares Today?

Benzinga ·  09/19 23:55

Shares of Vistra Corp. (NYSE:VST) are volatile on Thursday after the company announced that it had reached definitive agreements with affiliates of Nuveen Asset Management and Avenue Capital Management II.

Vistra Corp.(NYSE:VST)的股票在星期四非常波動,因爲該公司宣佈與Nuveen資產管理和Avenue Capital Management II的附屬公司達成了最終協議。

What To Know: The deal involves Vistra acquiring their combined 15% equity interest in Vistra Vision, a key move to consolidate its position in the energy sector.

值得了解的是:此交易涉及Vistra收購它們合併後在Vistra Vision中的15%股權,這是鞏固其在能源行業地位的重要舉措。

Vistra Vision is a subsidiary that focuses on clean energy and renewable power initiatives. This acquisition allows Vistra to fully control this division, enhancing its focus on energy transition and expanding its influence in sustainable energy markets.

Vistra Vision是一家專注於清潔能源和可再生電力計劃的子公司。這次收購使得Vistra能夠全面控制該部門,加強其在能源轉型方面的關注,並擴大其在可持續能源市場中的影響力。

"TXU Energy is proud to recognize this year's winners and their commitment to smart energy management, ambitious sustainability practices, and leadership in the community," said Gabe Castro, senior vice president of business markets for TXU Energy.

「TXU Energy很自豪地表彰了今年的獲獎者及其對智能能源管理、雄心勃勃的可持續性實踐和在社區中的領導力的承諾,」TXU Energy的業務市場高級副總裁Gabe Castro表示。

VST Price Action: Vistra shares were down slightly by 0.58% at $90.67 according to Benzinga Pro.

Vistra的股價爲90.67美元,按照Benzinga Pro的數據稍微下跌了0.58%。

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