
Entergy Provides $3M to Help Vulnerable Customers "Beat the Heat" and Save Money This Summer

Entergy Provides $3M to Help Vulnerable Customers "Beat the Heat" and Save Money This Summer

PR Newswire ·  09/19 23:28

Through energy bill assistance and essential resources, Entergy has helped customers in need stay safe during the severe summer heat


NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With soaring high temperatures this summer, Entergy donated $3 million to help its low-income customers become more energy efficient and save money on their energy bills. Through Entergy's "Beat the Heat" program, customers received bill payment assistance, fans, energy efficiency kits, home weatherization and invaluable support from local community partners. The company also launched Single Stop, a free program that helps households in need access financial assistance and more.

2024年9月19日,新奧爾良 / PRNewswire / - 在今年夏天高溫持續上升的情況下,安特吉捐贈了300萬美元,以幫助低收入客戶提高能源效率並節省能源費用。通過安特吉的「擊退酷暑」計劃,客戶獲得了賬單支付援助、風扇、節能套裝、家庭氣候調節和來自當地社區夥伴的寶貴支持。公司還推出了Single Stop,這是一個免費計劃,幫助有需要的家庭獲得財務援助和更多資源。

"We are deeply committed to empowering our customers, especially during challenging times like the summer heat," said Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy's vice president of corporate social responsibility. "Through our 'Beat the Heat' program and our partnerships with local organizations, we're helping our neighbors stay safe, cool and reduce their energy expenses. We're proud to provide ongoing support to those who need it most in the communities we serve."

「我們非常致力於賦予我們的客戶更多權利,尤其是在夏季高溫等挑戰時期,」 安特吉企業社會責任副總裁帕蒂·裏德爾巴格說道。 「通過我們的'擊退酷暑'計劃和與當地組織的合作,我們正在幫助我們的鄰居保持安全、涼爽,並減少他們的能源費用。我們爲爲所服務的社區中最需要幫助的人們提供持續的支持而感到驕傲。」

For 23 years, Entergy has partnered with local organizations across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas to ease the burden of hot summer temperatures resulting in increased usage and higher energy costs for our most vulnerable customers. Year after year, this collaborative program provides customers with energy bill assistance, tools and resources, and support during the critical summer months. Through this program the company:


  • Donated more than $2.8 million in funds from Entergy shareholders, employees and customers to The Power to Care program, which provides energy bill assistance to older adults and customers with disabilities.
  • Provided 3 million customers with free access to Single Stop, an online resource that connects households in need with financial assistance and more. More than 8,000 Entergy customers completed the Single Stop screening, which identified more than $61 million in potential financial aid and other resources.
  • Awarded more than $83,250 in grants to vulnerable customers to provide free resources like electric fans and home weatherization kits.
  • Donated $25,000 to local organizations that weatherized homes for customers in need.
  • Held Entergy Navigators fairs in underserved communities, providing customers with assistance and resources to help manage their bills, energy efficiency kits, pro bono legal aid, Kids to College savings accounts and more.
  • Provided more than 3,900 free electric fans to help customers beat high temperatures and save on electricity bills throughout the summer.
  • Distributed over 900 energy efficiency kits to customers. The kits included money-saving LED lightbulbs, advanced power strips, bathroom faucet aerators and V-seal weatherstripping.
  • Over 200 low-income homes were weatherproofed during neighborhood sweeps that were held in select, underserved communities.
  • 從安特吉股東、員工和客戶捐贈了超過280萬美元的資金給《關懷力量》計劃,爲老年人和殘疾客戶提供電費補助。
  • 爲300萬客戶提供了免費訪問Single Stop的機會,這是一個在線資源,將有需要的家庭與財務援助等聯繫起來。8000多名安特吉客戶完成了Single Stop的篩選,發現了超過6100萬美元的潛在財務援助和其他資源。
  • 向脆弱客戶提供超過83250美元的資助,提供免費資源,如電風扇和家庭氣候調節套件。
  • 向幫助有需要的客戶家庭氣候調節捐款25000美元。
  • 在未受服務的社區舉辦安特吉導航展會,爲客戶提供幫助和資源,幫助管理賬單、提供能源效率套件、無償法律援助、大學教育基金帳戶等。
  • 提供超過3900個免費電風扇,幫助客戶度過高溫天氣,節約夏季電費。
  • 爲客戶分發超過900個能源效率套件。套件包括節省用電的LED燈泡、先進的電源插板、浴室水龍頭節水器和V形密封防風條。
  • 在特定未受服務社區舉行的社區清掃活動中,對200多個低收入家庭進行了防風防水處理。

Savings programs and bill help


Entergy offers several energy efficiency and bill help programs, including:


  • Our newly launched Bill Toolkit website connects customers to bill management, energy efficiency and financial assistance resources. This new resource helps customers explore simple ways they can lower their electricity use and costs.
  • The Power to Care program provides emergency bill payment help to older adults and customers with disabilities.
  • Our partnership with Single Stop helps build pathways out of poverty by connecting our customers to available resources in a one-stop site. Single Stop makes it easy for customers to check if they qualify for financial assistance and connects them with opportunities for education, counseling, training and support.
  • myAdvisor lets customers track their energy usage and alerts them on how much power they use each day.
  • Level Billing allows customers to "level out" spikes in seasonal energy use, making their energy bills more consistent every month.
  • Payment arrangements for customers needing flexibility with paying their energy bill.
  • 我們新推出的賬單工具包網站將客戶與賬單管理、能效和財務援助資源聯繫起來。這一新資源幫助客戶探索降低電力使用和成本的簡單方法。
  • 「關愛之力」項目爲老年人和殘障客戶提供緊急賬單支付幫助。
  • 我們與Single Stop的合作有助於通過將客戶連接到一站式資源來幫助擺脫貧困。Single Stop讓客戶輕鬆查看他們是否有資格獲得財務援助,併爲他們提供教育、輔導和支持的機會。
  • myAdvisor讓客戶跟蹤他們的能源使用並提醒他們每天使用了多少電力。
  • 按級賬單允許客戶「水平化」季節性能源使用波動,使他們的能源賬單每月更加一致。
  • 爲需要靈活支付能源賬單的客戶提供付款安排。

Entergy is dedicated to ensuring all customers have access to the resources and support they need to stay safe and comfortable year-round. To learn more about our customer assistance programs, visit


About Entergy


Entergy (NYSE: ETR) is a Fortune 500 company that powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We're investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than $100 million in economic benefits each year to local communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. Entergy is headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has approximately 12,000 employees. Learn more at and connect with @Entergy on social media. #WePowerLife

安特吉(紐交所:ETR)是一家財富500強企業,通過我們在阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州和德克薩斯州的運營公司爲300萬客戶供電。我們正在投資於能源系統的可靠性和韌性,同時幫助我們的地區過渡到更清潔、更高效的能源解決方案。憑藉在社區的根基超過100年的歷史,安特吉是可持續發展和企業公民領域的全國知名領導者。自2018年以來,我們通過慈善事業、志願服務和倡導活動每年爲當地社區提供了超過1億美元的經濟效益。安特吉總部位於路易斯安那州新奧爾良,並擁有約12,000名員工。了解更多信息,請訪問entergy.com並關注 @Entergy的社交媒體。#WePowerLife

SOURCE Entergy Corporation





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