
What's Going On With Toronto-Dominion Bank Today?

What's Going On With Toronto-Dominion Bank Today?

Benzinga ·  09/19 22:43

Toronto-Dominion Bank Corp. (NYSE:TD) shares are seeing positive movement Thursday. Here's what you need to know.


What To Know: The bank revealed that Bharat Masrani, who has served as CEO for over a decade and spent 38 years at the institution, will retire on April 10 2025. Masrani's tenure saw significant milestones but also faced challenges, particularly toward the end of his leadership, as TD dealt with an unraveling $13.4 billion acquisition of First Horizon Corp and investigations into lapses in money-laundering controls at U.S. branches.

需要知道的事情:該銀行透露,擔任首席執行官長達十年,並在該機構任職38年的Bharat Masrani將於2025年4月10日退休。Masrani的任期見證了重要里程碑,但也面臨挑戰,特別是在其領導的最後階段,因爲TD處理了一筆價值134億美元的First Horizon Corp的收購交易,以及針對美國分支機構的反洗錢控制不力的調查。

In response to these developments, TD Bank Group's Board of Directors has named Raymond Chun, currently Group Head of Canadian Personal Banking, as the successor. Chun will step into the role of Chief Operating Officer on November 1 2024, with responsibility for all business lines, before officially taking over as CEO on April 10 2025. This move is part of TD's ongoing efforts to strengthen its leadership and reassure stakeholders during a challenging period for the bank.

作爲對這些發展的回應,多倫多道明銀行集團的董事會已經任命了目前擔任加拿大個人銀行集團負責人的Raymond Chun爲繼任者。 Chun將於2024年11月1日接任首席運營官一職,負責所有業務板塊,然後於2025年4月10日正式接任首席執行官。這一舉措是TD持續努力加強領導團隊,在這家銀行面臨挑戰性時期時使利益相關者放心的一部分。

What Else: The leadership transition is taking place while the bank grapples with investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice and financial regulators over its handling of money-laundering controls in its American branches—a division that Masrani had previously overseen. The fallout from these issues has led to the departure of several top executives in the bank's legal and compliance departments, contributing to uncertainty about the company's direction.


Price Action: TD shares were trading higher by 2.27% at $64.01 according to Benzinga Pro.

價格行動:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,TD股票交易價上漲了2.27%,報64.01美元。

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