
Carbon and Keystone Industries Celebrate Milestone of 1,000,000 Dental Parts Printed With Keystone Materials on Carbon Printers

Carbon and Keystone Industries Celebrate Milestone of 1,000,000 Dental Parts Printed With Keystone Materials on Carbon Printers

Carbon和Keystone Industries在Carbon打印機上使用Keystone材料打印的牙科零件數量突破100萬,共同慶祝里程碑。
PR Newswire ·  09/19 21:02

Carbon Reaffirms Its Leadership in High-Volume Custom Manufacturing with Keystone Partnership


REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Carbon, Inc., a trailblazer in high-volume custom manufacturing, is proud to announce an exciting milestone in its ongoing partnership with Keystone Industries: the successful printing of 1,000,000 dental parts using Keystone's trusted materials on Carbon's advanced 3D printers. This achievement underscores the strength of the collaboration between Carbon and Keystone, two industry leaders who continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in digital dentistry.

加利福尼亞州雷德伍德市,2024年9月19日/ PRNewswire/ - 作爲高成交量定製製造領域的開拓者,碳科技很自豪宣佈與Keystone Industries合作的里程碑:成功使用Keystone值得信賴的材料在碳科技先進的3D打印機上打印了100萬個牙科零件。這一成就彰顯了碳科技與Keystone之間合作的實力,這兩家行業領導者繼續推動數字牙科學的可能性。

A Partnership Built on Innovation and Trust


The partnership between Carbon and Keystone Industries began with a shared vision: to revolutionize dental manufacturing by combining cutting-edge technology with world-class materials. This vision came to life with the release of KeySplint Soft Clear, a groundbreaking material that offers advanced comfort, durability, and aesthetics to dental appliances. KeySplint Soft Clear was explicitly designed for Carbon's Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology, enabling dental labs to produce high-quality, patient-specific parts with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

碳科技與Keystone Industries之間的合作始於共同的願景:通過將尖端技術與一流材料相結合,革新牙科製造業。這一願景通過KeySplint Soft Clear的發佈得以實現,這是一種具有先進舒適性、耐用性和美觀性的突破性材料,適用於牙科矯治器材。KeySplint Soft Clear專爲碳科技的數字光合成(DLS)技術而設計,使牙科實驗室能夠以前所未有的速度和準確性生產高質量、符合患者需求的部件。

Since introducing KeySplint Soft Clear, the relationship between Carbon and Keystone has only grown stronger. Together, the two companies have continued to innovate, developing new materials and processes that empower dental labs to meet the evolving needs of clinicians and patients alike. This collaboration has been important in advancing 3D printing and high-volume manufacturing.

自推出KeySplint Soft Clear以來,碳科技與Keystone之間的合作關係更加緊密。兩家公司共同創新,開發出新材料和工藝,賦予牙科實驗室滿足臨床醫生和患者不斷變化需求的能力。這種合作對於推動3D打印和高成交量製造業的發展至關重要。

Expanding the Range of Possibilities with Keystone Materials


As the partnership has evolved, the range of Keystone materials validated for use with Carbon printers has expanded, offering dental labs a comprehensive suite of solutions to meet various clinical needs:


  • KeySplint Soft Clear: For nightguards, offering exceptional comfort and flexibility
  • KeySplint Hard: A durable option for rigid nightguards
  • KeyGuide: Designed for surgical guides, providing precision and clarity
  • KeyDenture Try-In: For removable denture try-ins, ensuring optimal fit before final fabrication
  • KeyMask: For gingival masks in dental restorations, offering a lifelike simulation of gum tissue
  • KeyGuard: A robust material for 3D printed sportsguards, ensuring protection and durability
  • KeySplint Soft Clear:適用於夜間矯治器,提供出色的舒適度和靈活性
  • KeySplint Hard: 一種耐用的剛性夜間牙套選擇
  • KeyGuide: 專爲手術導板設計,提供精確和清晰的指引
  • KeyDenture Try-In: 用於可拆卸義齒試戴,確保最佳貼合後方可進行最終制作
  • KeyMask: 用於牙齒修復中的牙齦面具,提供類似真實的牙齦組織仿真
  • KeyGuard: 一種適用於3D打印運動牙套的堅固材料,確保保護和耐用性

Keystone's materials, combined with Carbon's DLS technology, help dental labs deliver custom, high-quality parts to clinicians with exacting standards.


The Future of Dental Manufacturing is Here


Carbon's robust technology demonstrates its ability to deliver at scale, with over 1,000,000 dental parts now printed in 314,000 hours using 11,200 liters of Keystone materials. This milestone is a testament to Carbon's commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation. Unlike traditional 3D printing companies, Carbon is redefining what it means to manufacture dental products at high volumes. By leveraging our DLS technology and a robust ecosystem of validated materials like those from Keystone, Carbon is helping dental labs produce custom parts faster, more efficiently, and with greater precision than ever before.


"Reaching this milestone is a significant achievement for our partnership with Keystone and a clear indicator of the direction in which dental manufacturing is headed," said Phil DeSimone, CEO and Co-Founder of Carbon. "We are not just a 3D printing company; we are pioneering a new era of high-volume custom manufacturing to meet the demands of today's dental industry."

"實現這一里程碑對我們與Keystone的合作來說是一項重大成就,也清楚地表明瞭牙科製造業發展的方向," Carbon的CEO兼聯合創始人Phil DeSimone說道。"我們不僅僅是一家3D打印公司;我們正在開創一個新的高成交量定製製造時代,以滿足當今牙科行業的需求。"

Continuing the Legacy of Innovation


Both Carbon and Keystone remain committed to driving innovation in the oral healthcare space. With a focus on expanding the range of available materials and enhancing the capabilities of Carbon's DLS technology, the future looks bright for digital dentistry. The collaboration is poised to deliver even more advanced solutions, providing dental labs worldwide the tools they need to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Carbon和Keystone都致力於推動口腔保健領域的創新。專注於擴大可用材料的範圍和增強Carbon DLS技術的功能,數字牙科的未來看起來一片光明。這一合作伙伴關係將提供更加先進的解決方案,爲全球牙科實驗室提供所需工具,以在競爭激烈的市場中保持領先地位。

For dental labs interested in learning more about how Carbon's high-volume manufacturing capabilities and Keystone's premium materials can transform their workflows, please visit or contact your local Carbon representative.

對於有興趣了解更多有關Carbon高成交量製造能力和Keystone優質材料如何改變工作流程的牙科實驗室,請訪問 或聯繫您當地的Carbon代表。

About Carbon


Carbon is a leader in high-volume custom manufacturing, utilizing its revolutionary Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology to enable companies to bring superior products to market faster. From prototyping to full-scale production, Carbon's platform combines advanced 3D printing technology, software, and materials to create functional end-use parts across various industries, including dental, automotive, and consumer goods. Headquartered in Redwood City, CA, Carbon is dedicated to advancing the future of manufacturing.

Carbon是高成交量定製製造領域的領導者,利用其革命性的數字光合成(DLS)技術,使公司能夠更快地將優質產品推向市場。從原型製作到大規模生產,Carbon的平台結合了先進的3D打印技術、軟件和材料,創造出各行業的功能性最終使用零件,包括牙科、汽車和消費品。總部位於加州Redwood City,Carbon致力於推動製造業的未來。

About Keystone Industries

關於Keystone Industries

Keystone Industries is a global supplier of consumable digital, laboratory, operatory, and preventative products with a strong focus on innovation in biocompatible photopolymer resins. With over 30 years of experience in the dental and cosmetic industries, Keystone continues to set industry standards with products like its KeyPrint line of 3D printing resins. The company is committed to quality, holding FDA licensing, ISO 13485 and 22716 certifications, and various international product registrations.

Keystone Industries 是一家全球供應消耗品的數字、實驗室、手術室和預防性產品的製造商,其主要關注生物兼容性光固化樹脂的創新。憑藉在牙科和化妝品行業超過30年的經驗,Keystone繼續以其KeyPrint系列3d打印樹脂等產品樹立行業標準。該公司致力於質量,擁有FDA執照、ISO 13485和22716認證以及各種國際產品註冊。

To learn more, visit Keystone Industries or find them on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

了解更多信息,請訪問Keystone Industries 或在LinkedIn、Facebook和Instagram上找到他們。






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