
Meridian Partners With Mae to Improve Maternal Outcomes and Reduce Disparities Across Michigan

Meridian Partners With Mae to Improve Maternal Outcomes and Reduce Disparities Across Michigan

康西哥 ·  09/19 12:00

Partnership aims to improve access to doula care and address the cultural needs of Medicaid members during pregnancy and postpartum


DETROIT, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Meridian, a leading managed care organization in the state of Michigan and a Centene Corporation company (NYSE: CNC), has partnered with Mae, a culturally responsive digital solution built to address the specific clinical, social and cultural needs of underserved expectant mothers, to provide supplementary support for the maternal health needs of all eligible pregnant and postpartum members. Mae will connect Meridian's Medicaid members with its growing network of over 50 Michigan-based doulas for virtual and in-person emotional support, labor education, advocacy, lactation support and postpartum management.

密歇根州領先的管理保健組織Meridian和Centene Corporation (紐交所:CNC)的子公司Mae達成合作夥伴關係,旨在提供補充的產婦健康需求支持,以滿足所有符合條件的孕婦和產後期患者的臨床、社交和文化需求。Mae將Meridian的婦產科醫保會員與其超過50名密歇根州的漸進式助產士網絡聯繫起來,提供虛擬和現場情感支持、勞動教育、倡導、哺乳支持和產後管理。


By launching a partnership with Mae in July to increase access to doula support and other services, Meridian works toward its commitment to reduce disparities in maternal outcomes and improve the overall perinatal health outcomes in Michigan, where Black women are more than twice as likely than white women to die from maternal-related complications.


"We are pleased to offer this much-needed additional service to our eligible members and doulas," said Dianalynn Smith, Meridian's Vice President, Quality Improvement. "As a major source of coverage for low-income people, Medicaid has a critical role to play in reducing health disparities, both locally and nationally. Meridian is responsible for nearly 10%, or 1 in 9, of all births in Michigan. While pregnancy can be a beautiful journey, it can also be a very stressful time, both physically and mentally. Community-based doulas provide culturally and racially resonant care through a shared background, culture and language with pregnant people."

Meridian的質量改進副總裁Dianalynn Smith表示:"我們很高興爲我們符合條件的會員和助產士提供這項非常需要的額外服務。作爲低收入人群的主要醫療保險來源,醫療補助在減少健康差距方面在地方和全國都扮演着關鍵角色。Meridian爲密歇根州近10%(即每9個新生兒中的1個)的出生負有責任。妊娠既可以是美好的旅程,也可能是身體和精神上非常有壓力的時期。基於社區的助產士通過與孕婦有共同的背景、文化和語言,提供符合文化和種族認同的護理。"

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, one-on-one emotional support provided by doulas has been shown to reduce cesarean births, help shorten the duration of labor and improve the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth. Doula services are an evidenced-based intervention key in addressing the alarming rise in maternity care deserts, with an estimated 16% of Black babies born in Michigan in areas with limited or no access to maternity care services. Doulas have been proven to improve maternal health outcomes and reduce complications and ineffective interventions, while driving down costs for the broader healthcare ecosystem.


To support Meridian members, Mae combines a digital engagement and risk-tracking platform with community-based doula support to better align provider support teams and center the pregnant person throughout the perinatal journey, all with the goal of reducing disparate maternal health outcomes, including preterm births and non-medically necessary C-sections.


"Over the past two years, Mae has built a meaningful presence in Michigan, partnering with a growing team of extraordinary community-based doulas to serve the needs of Medicaid beneficiaries across the state," said Maya Hardigan, Chief Executive Officer of Mae. "We are thrilled to launch our partnership with Meridian to expand our reach to birthing individuals in Michigan and to drive improvements in maternal health outcomes and equity. We look forward to the impact we will make together."

「在過去的兩年裏,Mae與密歇根州的非凡社區助產士團隊建立了有意義的合作,以滿足整個州醫療補助受益人的需求,」Mae首席執行官Maya Hardigan表示。「我們很高興與Meridian合作,將我們的服務範圍擴大到密歇根的分娩個體,並推動孕產婦健康結果和平等的改進。我們期待我們共同產生的影響。」

About Meridian
Meridian in Michigan provides government-sponsored managed care services to families, children, seniors and individuals with complex medical needs primarily through Medicaid (Meridian), Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Wellcare), Medicare-Medicaid Plans (MeridianComplete) and the Health Insurance Marketplace (Ambetter from Meridian). Meridian is a Centene Corporation company, a leading healthcare enterprise committed to helping people live healthier lives. For more information about Meridian, please visit

密歇根的社區爲家庭、兒童、老年人和具有複雜醫療需求的個人提供政府贊助的管理護理服務,主要通過Medicaid(Meridian)、醫療保險優勢計劃和醫療處方藥計劃(Wellcare)、醫療保險和醫療(MeridianComplete)以及醫療保險市場(Ambetter from Meridian)來提供。Meridian是Centene公司的子公司,Centene是一家致力於幫助人們過上更健康生活的領先健康保健企業。有關Meridian的更多信息,請訪問。

About Mae
Mae is a culturally responsive digital first solution built to address the specific clinical, social and cultural needs of underserved expectant mothers, with an early focus on Black expectant mothers, those with the most striking disparities in maternal health outcomes. Mae has created a space where complete digital care meets culturally aligned on-the-ground doula support. For more information, please visit

Mae是一個針對未受服務的準媽媽特定的臨床、社會和文化需求而建立的有文化敏感度的數字化解決方案,早期關注黑人準媽媽,這些準媽媽在孕產期健康結果方面存在顯著差異。 Mae創建了一個讓完整數字護理與文化合適的地面助產士支持相結合的空間。有關更多信息,請訪問


SOURCE Meridian of Michigan

美國Meridian of Michigan

