
Rotary International Launches Celebrity Ambassador Program

Rotary International Launches Celebrity Ambassador Program

PR Newswire ·  09/19 21:00

Champions include Kat Graham, Sibongile Mlambo, Gaby Moreno, and Archie Panjabi

冠軍包括Kat Graham,Sibongile Mlambo,Gaby Moreno和Archie Panjabi

EVANSTON, Ill., Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rotary International today launched its celebrity ambassador program, welcoming Kat Graham, for many years Rotary's first ambassador and Archie Panjabi, Rotary's first ambassador for a polio-free world. Sibongile Mlambo and Gaby Moreno are Rotary's inaugural members for 2024-2025.

伊萬斯頓,伊利諾伊州,2024年9月19日 / PRNewswire/ - 國際扶輪今天推出了其名人大使計劃,歡迎Kat Graham,多年來一直是扶輪的第一位大使,以及Archie Panjabi,扶輪的第一位無脊椎動物世界大使。 Sibongile Mlambo和Gaby Moreno是2024年至2025年的扶輪首批成員。

Rotary brings together people of action from all continents and cultures who deliver real, long-term solutions to the world's most persistent issues. Together with its celebrity ambassadors, Rotary aims to engage new leaders and change-makers from around the globe who can share in the membership service organization's efforts to create a healthier and more peaceful world.

扶輪彙集了來自所有大洲和文化的實踐者,他們爲世界上最持久的問題提供真正的長期解決方案。 與其名人大使一起,扶輪旨在吸引來自全球各地的新領導者和改變者,他們可以共享該會員服務組織努力創建一個更健康、更和平的世界。

"We are pleased to announce this initiative, especially with the help of these remarkable individuals who are devoted to using their platforms to make the world a better place," Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick said. "As Rotary's work has touched each of the ambassadors, we're honored for them to amplify our organization's impact and vision."

「我們很高興宣佈這一舉措,特別是在這些傑出的個人的幫助下,他們致力於利用自己的平台使世界變得更美好,」 國際扶輪會長Stephanie Urchick表示。 「隨着扶輪的工作觸及每位大使,我們很榮幸他們可以放大我們組織的影響力和願景。」

Rotary members throughout the world develop and implement sustainable, community-driven projects that fight disease, promote peace, provide clean water, support education, help mothers and children, grow local economies and protect the environment. Over the last 100 years, US $5.5 billion has been awarded through The Rotary Foundation – Rotary's charitable arm that helps clubs work together to perform meaningful, impactful service.

全球扶輪會員遍佈全球,開發並實施可持續的、社區主導的項目,旨在對抗疾病,促進和平,提供清潔水源,支持教育,幫助母親和兒童,促進當地經濟增長並保護環境。 在過去的100年裏,通過扶輪基金會 - 扶輪的慈善機構,已經撥款55億美元,幫助各個俱樂部共同開展有意義的服務。

Rotary is the driving force behind efforts to eradicate polio worldwide. Alongside its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary has achieved a 99.9 percent reduction in polio cases, with 12 cases of wild polio reported in 2023 compared with 350,000 a year in the late 1980s. Rotary members have contributed more than $2.7 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect more than 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease.

扶輪是推動全球肺災情緒掃除工作的主要推動力。 與其合作伙伴一起在全球範圍內展開行動。 全球肺災根除倡議,扶輪已經實現了肺災病例減少99.9%,2023年報告的野生肺災病例爲12例,而上世紀80年代末每年有35萬例。 扶輪會員共捐贈超過27億美元和無數志願者時間,保護了來自122個國家的30億多名兒童免受這種癱瘓性疾病的侵害。

Through traditional and social media, events, advocacy and more, ambassadors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Rotary's work and engage with supporters to amplify the organization's mission and impact.


The Rotary Ambassadors include:


Kat Graham - "I have been fortunate enough to have a long history with Rotary, from promoting women's health and safety around the world to gathering with Rotary members in California to promote peace. Rotary empowers regular people to become extraordinary changemakers by launching their unique initiatives using their unique skills and passions. By doing so, they improve the lives of others far beyond their communities. I've seen the profound difference Rotary members make, and I'm honored to serve as a Rotary Ambassador."

Kat Graham - 「我非常幸運地與扶輪組織有着長期的合作歷史,從全球推廣婦女健康和安全,到與加利福尼亞的扶輪會員聚會,共同推動和平。扶輪通過發起獨特的倡議,利用自己獨特的技能和激情,讓普通人成爲非凡的變革者,從而改善他人的生活,超越他們的社區。我親眼見證了扶輪會員所帶來的深遠影響,非常榮幸能夠擔任扶輪大使。」

Sibongile Mlambo - "I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Uganda with Rotary and see their work firsthand. Witnessing their dedication to helping refugees and their unwavering commitment to peace left a lasting impact on me. Rotary members show respect for those displaced, empowering them through education, job training, and more, helping to create the conditions for stable, sustainable, and peaceful communities. As a Rotary Ambassador, I will enthusiastically help to amplify their message of hope and resilience."

Sibongile Mlambo - 「我有幸有機會與扶輪組織一起前往烏干達,並親眼目睹他們的工作。見證他們致力於幫助難民的奉獻精神和對和平的堅定承諾給我留下了深刻的印象。扶輪會員尊重流離失所者,通過教育、職業培訓等方式賦予他們力量,幫助創造穩定、可持續和和平的社區環境。作爲扶輪大使,我將熱情地幫助放大他們的希望和恢復力的信息。」

Gaby Moreno - "Returning to my home country of Guatemala with Rotary exposed me to the life-changing impact its members have had on early education and literacy in the country. I met children who now are inspired to dream big, and who have been given the tools necessary to make their dreams a reality. As a Rotary Ambassador with deep personal connections to its members, I want to help spread the word about this remarkable organization that's giving hope to so many children around the globe."

Gaby Moreno - 「返回我祖國危地馬拉與扶輪組織共同努力,讓我見識到他們在該國早期教育和識字方面所取得的改變人生的影響。我見到了那些現在被激發有遠大夢想的孩子們,並且他們獲得了實現夢想所需的工具。作爲一位與扶輪會員有着深厚個人聯繫的扶輪大使,我希望幫助傳播這個讓全球許多兒童都充滿希望的非凡組織的信息。」

Archie Panjabi - "My first visit to India at the age of 10 opened my eyes to the heartbreaking reality of children suffering from polio. Years later, I returned to administer the polio vaccine and witnessed the dedication of health workers, inspiring my commitment to this cause. For over a decade, I've proudly served as a Rotary Polio Ambassador and continued the fight to eradicate polio while shining a light on the full scope of the vital work Rotary members undertake to create a brighter future for all, from safeguarding our environment and improving maternal health, to providing clean water and promoting peace."

Archie Panjabi - 「我10歲時首次訪問印度,那次訪問讓我看到了患小兒麻痹症的兒童令人心碎的現實。多年後,我再次回去給兒童接種小兒麻痹症疫苗,並目睹了衛生工作者的奉獻精神,這激發了我對這一事業的承諾。十多年來,我一直以扶輪小兒麻痹症大使的身份,繼續爲根除小兒麻痹症而奮鬥,同時關注和宣傳扶輪會員爲創造更美好的未來所做的工作,從保護環境和改善孕產婦健康,到提供清潔水源和促進和平。」

About Rotary International
Rotary unites a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges and creating lasting change. Rotary connects 1.2 million people of action from more than 45,000 Rotary clubs in almost every country in the world. Their service improves lives both locally and internationally, from helping those in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. For more information, visit,, or connect with us on Instagram, X, Facebook, and more.

關於Rotary International


消息來源:Rotary International




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