
New Study From Health ECareers Finds Women in Healthcare Satisfied With Their Jobs, but See Obstacles to Progress

New Study From Health ECareers Finds Women in Healthcare Satisfied With Their Jobs, but See Obstacles to Progress

根據Health ECareers的最新研究,醫療保健領域的女性對自己的工作感到滿意,但也面臨着進步的障礙。
Accesswire ·  09/19 21:00

National survey of women across healthcare professions provides a road map for employers on policies and practices that women say are needed to improve equality.


NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 19, 2024 / The vast majority of women in healthcare report feeling satisfied in their jobs, but most also report obstacles to pursuing careers in the field, such as challenges with work-life balance, gender-based discrimination, insufficient access to mentors, and too few leadership opportunities. Those are among the findings in "Women in Medicine: Advancing DEI Initiatives - The Contemporary Landscape for Women in Healthcare," a new study published by Health eCareers, the leading healthcare recruitment network.

紐約,紐約州 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年9月19日 / 大多數醫療保健行業的女性均表示對自己的工作感到滿意,但也報告了追求這個領域職業的困難,如工作與生活平衡的挑戰、基於性別的歧視、缺乏導師的機會以及領導機會不足。這些是《婦女在醫學中:推進DEI倡議-關於醫療保健領域女性的當代現狀》的調研結果,該調研研究由領先的醫療保健招聘網絡Health eCareers發佈。

"Our recent research on Women in Medicine is a critical initiative that sheds light on the unique challenges and contributions of female healthcare professionals," said Greg Chang, managing director at Health eCareers. "The insights from this study will enable organizations to create more supportive, inclusive, and equitable workplaces, ultimately leading to better recruitment, retention, and satisfaction among female healthcare workers. This is important work as there are links between a diverse healthcare workforce and quality of care."

Health eCareers的董事總經理Greg Chang表示:「我們最近對醫學界的婦女進行的研究是一個重要的倡議,它揭示了女性醫療保健專業人員面臨的獨特挑戰和貢獻。該研究的見解將使組織能夠創造更有支持性、包容性和公平性的工作環境,最終帶來更好的女性醫療保健工作者的招聘、留任和滿意度。這項工作非常重要,因爲多元化的醫療保健勞動力與醫療質量之間存在關聯。」

Some of the key findings from the study include:


  • While women in medicine have high satisfaction (75%), a substantial number also report negative experiences in the field. While just 30% of respondents report experiencing gender discrimination or bias in the workplace, 40% report more general "workplace challenges" due to their gender. When accounting for patient interactions, almost 50% reported gender discrimination.

  • Respondents generally find their workplaces supportive (58%) when it comes to offering DEI programs and policies that support gender diversity and inclusion. However, workplaces do not appear to be fully meeting demands for more work-life balance support, equitable pay, and childcare for female employees.

  • Racial and ethnic minority groups often have a harder time in the field, reporting higher challenges in general, including more gender discrimination and fewer perceived opportunities for leadership.

  • Physicians also report more issues than other roles, with lower job satisfaction, more challenges, and less support from their organization. However, nurses are more likely to experience sexual harassment with 36% experiencing sexual harassment from a colleague.

  • Overall sentiments uncovered in the survey include satisfaction with current career progression and opportunities for advancement. However, burnout and disillusionment also exist in the field, with indications that some women in healthcare would not recommend the field or are planning to exit it themselves.

  • 儘管醫學界的婦女對工作感到滿意(75%),但相當多的人也報道了在這個領域的負面經歷。雖然只有30%的受訪者報告在工作場所遭遇到性別歧視或偏見,但40%的人報告由於性別而面臨更多的「工作挑戰」。考慮到與患者的互動,近50%的人報告了性別歧視現象。

  • 受訪者普遍認爲工作場所在提供支持性別多樣性和包容性的DEI計劃和政策方面是支持的(58%)。然而,工作場所似乎並沒有完全滿足對更好的工作與生活平衡支持、公平薪酬和爲女性員工提供的兒童照顧的需求。

  • 種族和民族少數群體在這個領域通常面臨更大的困難,包括更多的性別歧視和更少的領導機會。

  • 與其他崗位相比,醫生報告的問題更多,工作滿意度更低,面臨更多挑戰,並且在組織中得到的支持更少。然而,護士更有可能經歷性騷擾,36%的護士曾經遭受同事的性騷擾。

  • 調查發現,總體上,人們對當前職業發展和晉升機會表示滿意。然而,該領域中也存在着過勞和幻滅感,表明一些醫療保健領域的女性不推薦從事該領域或計劃退出該領域。

"Our Women in Medicine research is a critical initiative that aims to highlight and address the unique challenges faced by female healthcare providers," said Christine Burke Evans, director B2B marketing at Health eCareers. "Our ultimate goal is to drive meaningful change that enhances career satisfaction, professional growth, and overall well-being for women in the healthcare industry."

「我們的醫學界女性研究是一個重要的計劃,旨在突顯並解決女性醫療保健提供者面臨的獨特挑戰,」克莉絲汀·伯克·埃文斯,Health eCareers的B20億號市場營銷總監表示。「我們的最終目標是推動有意義的變革,提升女性在醫療保健行業中的職業滿意度、專業成長和整體福祉。」

Download the report with full findings at


About The Research
Health eCareers fielded this study June 11 through 18, 2024. It consisted of 51 questions including screening and classification, satisfaction, career goals and barriers, and other perceptions.

Health eCareers於2024年6月11日至18日進行了此項研究。問卷共包括51個問題,涵蓋篩選和分類、滿意度、職業目標和障礙以及其他看法。

About Health eCareers
Health eCareers connects healthcare providers with jobs and a suite of career resources. With thousands of healthcare employers across the United States and an exclusive network of premier healthcare associations and community partners, Health eCareers supports qualified healthcare providers in finding opportunities with employers that need top talent. The organization is part of the Everyday Health Group.

關於Health eCareers
Health eCareers將醫療保健提供者與工作崗位和一系列職業資源相連接。憑藉成千上萬的美國醫療保健僱主以及一家獨家網絡,該網絡由一流的醫療保健協會和社區合作伙伴組成,Health eCareers爲合格的醫療保健提供者尋找與最需要頂尖人才的僱主合作的機會提供支持。該組織是Everyday Health Group的一部分。

To learn more, please visit or check out Health eCareers on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and X.


Contact Information


Stephanie Davis
Content Marketing Manager

Stephanie Davis

SOURCE: Health eCareers

來源:Health eCareers

