
Peer-Reviewed Study: BioAffinity Technologies' CyPath Lung Test Shows Potential Significant Healthcare Savings by Reducing Unnecessary Follow-Up, Medical Complications and Overdiagnosis

Peer-Reviewed Study: BioAffinity Technologies' CyPath Lung Test Shows Potential Significant Healthcare Savings by Reducing Unnecessary Follow-Up, Medical Complications and Overdiagnosis

同行評議研究:BioAffinity Technologies的CyPath肺部測試顯示通過減少不必要的後續隨訪、醫療併發症和過度診斷,可以節省大量醫療開支。
bioAffinity Technologies ·  09/18 12:00

Peer-Reviewed Study: bioAffinity Technologies' CyPath Lung Test Shows Potential Significant Healthcare Savings by Reducing Unnecessary Follow-Up, Medical Complications and Overdiagnosis

經過同行評審的研究:BioAffinity Technologies的CyPath肺部測試顯示,通過減少不必要的隨訪、醫療併發症和過度診斷,可以節省大量醫療費用

Study by BAMC's Michael Morris, M.D., and VA's Sheila Habib, M.D., evaluated potential economic impact of CyPath Lung for the early detection of lung cancer

BAMC的邁克爾·莫里斯萬博士和弗吉尼亞州的希拉·哈比萬德的研究評估了CyPath Lung對肺癌早期發現的潛在經濟影響

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Sep. 18, 2024) – A new economic study found that adding CyPath Lung, bioAffinity Technologies' noninvasive test for detection of early-stage lung cancer, to the standard of care for Medicare patients with a positive lung cancer screening could have saved an average of $2,773 per patient for total cost savings of $379 million in 2022. The peer-reviewed study, "Economic Evaluation of a Novel Lung Cancer Diagnostic in a Population of Patients with a Positive Low-Dose Computed Tomography Result," attributes the savings to a reduction in follow-up diagnostic assessments, expensive follow-up procedures and procedure-related complications.

德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧(2024年9月18日)——一項新的經濟研究發現,將BioAffinity Technologies的早期肺癌檢測無創測試CyPath Lung添加到肺癌篩查呈陽性的醫療保險患者的護理標準中,可以平均爲每位患者節省2773美元,從而在2022年節省總成本3.79億美元。這項經過同行評審的研究 「對低劑量計算機斷層掃描結果呈陽性的患者群體中一種新型肺癌診斷的經濟評估」,將節省的費用歸因於隨訪診斷評估的減少、昂貴的隨訪手術和與手術相關的併發症。

Michael J. Morris, M.D., Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) pulmonology and critical care physician and Assistant Dean of Research at San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC), and Sheila A. Habib, M.D., Director of the Pulmonary Lung Nodule Clinic and the Lung Cancer Screening Program at the South Texas Veterans Health Care Systems' Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital and Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, were first and second authors on the study published in the Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Economists John E. Schneider, Ph.D., and Maggie L. Do Valle, Master of Public Health, of Avalon Health Economics also contributed to the study.

Michael J. Morriswand.D.,布魯克陸軍醫學中心(BAMC)肺病學和重症監護醫生兼聖安東尼奧制服服務健康教育聯盟(SAUSHEC)助理研究主任,以及南德克薩斯退伍軍人醫療保健系統奧迪·墨菲紀念退伍軍人醫院肺結節診所和肺癌篩查項目主任、德克薩斯大學健康科學助理教授希拉·哈比萬博士聖安東尼奧中心是發表在《健康雜誌》上的這項研究的第一和第二作者經濟學和結果研究。經濟學家約翰·施耐德博士和阿瓦隆健康經濟學公共衛生碩士瑪吉·杜瓦勒也爲這項研究做出了貢獻。

The study found that adding CyPath Lung to the standard of care for private-payer patients with a positive lung cancer screening result could have saved even more, an average of $6,460 per patient. A positive screening result was defined as finding a pulmonary nodule between 6 to 29 millimeters in size. The analysis estimated total healthcare savings of $895 million if all individuals screened in 2022 were covered by private insurance.

該研究發現,將CyPath Lung納入肺癌篩查結果呈陽性的私人付款患者的醫療標準本可以節省更多,平均每位患者可節省6,460美元。陽性篩查結果被定義爲發現大小在6至29毫米之間的肺結節。該分析估計,如果2022年接受篩查的所有個人都由私人保險承保,則總共可節省8.95億美元的醫療費用。

"Our study suggests the potential for a very positive economic impact on healthcare costs with the widespread use of CyPath Lung in the early diagnosis of lung cancer," Dr. Morris said. "CyPath Lung closes a widely recognized gap in the screening and diagnosis of lung cancer. From the patient perspective, it is noninvasive and easy to use. From the physician perspective, CyPath Lung's demonstrated high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy give us a clearer picture of how to proceed."

莫里斯博士說:「我們的研究表明,在肺癌的早期診斷中廣泛使用CyPath Lung可能會對醫療費用產生非常積極的經濟影響。」「CyPath Lung填補了肺癌篩查和診斷方面廣爲認可的空白。從患者的角度來看,它是非侵入性的,易於使用。從醫生的角度來看,Cypath Lung表現出的高靈敏度、特異性和準確性使我們能夠更清楚地了解如何進行治療。」

"Most important, integrating companion tests like CyPath Lung into the standard of care for high-risk patients has the potential to help us diagnose lung cancer earlier when treatment is more effective, saving or extending lives," Dr. Habib said. "The study demonstrates CyPath Lung's potential to improve outcomes by reducing delays in diagnosis and reducing both the number of unnecessary procedures and any medical complications they could cause."

哈比卜博士說:「最重要的是,將CyPath Lung等伴隨檢查納入高危患者的護理標準,有可能幫助我們在治療更有效時及早診斷肺癌,從而挽救或延長壽命。」「該研究表明,CyPath Lung有可能通過減少診斷延遲,減少不必要的手術數量及其可能引起的任何醫療併發症來改善預後。」

Since the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLCST) released initial findings in 2010, multiple studies similarly concluded that annual screening by low dose computed tomography (LDCT) for high-risk patients reduces lung cancer mortality. But LDCT also has a relatively low positive predictive value, and there is often not a clear diagnostic recommendation for smaller, indeterminate pulmonary nodules. The common choices are to "wait and see" what the next scan reveals or proceed with an invasive procedure, including biopsy, that may turn out to be unnecessary.

自全國肺癌篩查試驗(NLCST)於2010年發佈初步發現以來,多項研究同樣得出結論,每年通過低劑量計算機斷層掃描(LDCT)對高危患者進行篩查可降低肺癌死亡率。但是LdCT的陽性預測值也相對較低,對於較小、不確定的肺結節,通常沒有明確的診斷建議。常見的選擇是 「拭目以待」 下一次掃描會發現什麼,或者繼續進行侵入性手術,包括活檢,這可能是不必要的。

The economic model used in the Morris, et al., study evaluated the impact of adding CyPath Lung to the diagnostic pathway for individuals with a positive LDCT, including patients with a primary lung cancer diagnosis. Cost calculations included procedure expenses, the cost of complications and adverse events due to a procedure, and diagnostic assessment costs.

莫里斯等人研究中使用的經濟模型評估了將CyPath Lung加入診斷路徑對LDCT陽性個體(包括原發性肺癌診斷患者)的影響。成本計算包括手術費用、手術引起的併發症和不良事件的費用以及診斷評估費用。

The study considers the likelihood of clinicians' use of five specific follow-up procedures based on published, peer-reviewed studies (CT, positron emission tomography (PET), CT-guided biopsy, bronchoscopy, and surgical biopsy), the documented rate of complications for each procedure, and the cost of post-procedure diagnostic assessments. The most common complications included pneumothorax, pneumothorax requiring a tube, and hemorrhage.


The economic model for the study assumed two cohorts: one in which all patients were covered by Medicare and one in which all patients were covered by commercial insurance. The total savings related to each cohort are not additive. An independent and validated source for the percentage of patients who had Medicare, private insurance or a combination of insurance coverage in 2022 was not available for the analysis.


Base prices for the Medicare analysis were based on Medicare 2023 national payment data by Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, and costs for the private payer analysis were determined by using a 2.64 multiplier. The Medicare payment set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the CPT code specific to CyPath Lung was used in the study. The projected cost savings reported in the study are primarily due to reductions in follow-up diagnostic procedures after adding CyPath Lung to the diagnostic pathway between screening and diagnostic follow-up procedures. bioAffinity Technologies funded the work of Avalon Health Economics. Dr. Morris and Dr. Habib were not compensated for their work on the study.

醫療保險分析的基本價格基於按當前程序術語(CPT)代碼計算的2023年醫療保險全國支付數據,私人付款人分析的成本使用2.64乘數確定。該研究使用了醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心(CMS)爲CyPath Lung特有的CPT代碼設定的醫療保險補助金。該研究報告的預計成本節省主要是由於在篩查和診斷隨訪程序之間的診斷途徑中增加了CyPath Lung後,後續診斷程序的減少。BioAffinity Technologies資助了Avalon Health Economics的工作。莫里斯博士和哈比卜博士在這項研究中所做的工作沒有得到報酬。

The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Defense Health Agency, the Department of Defense, the Veterans Health Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs or any other government agencies.


About CyPath Lung

關於 CyPath Lung

CyPath Lung uses proprietary advanced flow cytometry and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify cell populations in patient sputum that indicate malignancy. Automated data analysis helps determine if cancer is present or if the patient is cancer-free. CyPath Lung incorporates a fluorescent porphyrin, meso-tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (TCPP), that is preferentially taken up by cancer and cancer-related cells. Clinical study results demonstrated that CyPath Lung had 92% sensitivity, 87% specificity and 88% accuracy in detecting lung cancer in patients at high risk for the disease who had small lung nodules less than 20 millimeters. Diagnosing and treating early-stage lung cancer can improve outcomes and increase patient survival. For more information, visit .

CyPath Lung 使用專有的先進流式細胞儀和人工智能 (AI) 來識別患者痰液中表明惡性腫瘤的細胞群。自動數據分析有助於確定是否存在癌症或患者是否沒有癌症。Cypath Lung 含有一種熒光卟啉即中四氯聯苯 (TCPP),它優先被癌症和癌症相關細胞吸收。臨床研究結果表明,對於肺結節小於20毫米的高風險患者,Cypath Lung檢測肺癌的靈敏度爲92%,特異性爲87%,準確率爲88%。診斷和治療早期肺癌可以改善預後並提高患者的存活率。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About bioAffinity Technologies, Inc.


bioAffinity Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: BIAF) addresses the need for noninvasive diagnosis of early-stage cancer and diseases of the lung and broad-spectrum cancer treatments. The Company's first product, CyPath Lung, is a noninvasive test that has shown high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the detection of early-stage lung cancer. CyPath Lung is marketed as a Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) by Precision Pathology Laboratory Services, a subsidiary of bioAffinity Technologies. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and X.

BioAffinity Technologies, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:BIAF)滿足了對早期癌症和肺部疾病的無創診斷以及廣譜癌症治療的需求。該公司的第一款產品CyPath Lung是一種非侵入性測試,在檢測早期肺癌方面顯示出很高的靈敏度、特異性和準確性。CyPath Lung由BioAffinity Technologies的子公司精密病理學實驗室服務作爲實驗室開發測試(LDT)銷售。欲了解更多信息,請在 LinkedIn、Facebook 和 X 上訪問並關注我們。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Words such as "may," "might," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "continue," "predict," "forecast," "project," "plan," "intend" or similar expressions, or statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon current estimates and assumptions and include statements regarding the potential economic impact of adding CyPath Lung to the standard of care for patients with a positive lung cancer screening for an average of $2,773 per Medicare patient and an average of $6,460 per private-payer patient, total healthcare savings of $895 million if all individuals screened in 2022 were covered by private insurance, how integrating CyPath Lung into the standard of care for high-risk patients has the potential to help diagnose lung cancer earlier when treatment is more effective, and CyPath Lung's potential to improve outcomes by reducing delays in diagnosis and reducing both the number of unnecessary procedures and any medical complications they could cause. These forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations and assumptions from those set forth or implied by any forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, among others, CyPath Lung's ability to generate cost savings and to help diagnose lung cancer earlier and the other factors discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and its subsequent filings with the SEC, including subsequent periodic reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K. Such forward-looking statements are based on facts and conditions as they exist at the time such statements are made and predictions as to future facts and conditions. While the Company believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable, readers of this press release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. The information in this release is provided only as of the date of this release, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement relating to matters discussed in this press release, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述構成聯邦證券法所指的 「前瞻性陳述」。諸如 「可能」、「可能」、「將」、「應該」、「相信」、「預期」、「估計」、「繼續」、「預測」、「預測」、「項目」、「計劃」、「打算」 或類似表述,或有關意圖、信念或當前預期的陳述,均爲前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述基於當前的估計和假設,包括關於將CyPath Lung納入肺癌篩查陽性患者的護理標準的潛在經濟影響的陳述,每位醫療保險患者平均爲2773美元,私人付款人平均爲6,460美元,如果2022年接受篩查的所有個人都由私人保險承保,則醫療保健總額爲8.95億美元,將Cypath Lung納入高風險患者的護理標準如何幫助診斷肺部的潛力當治療更有效時,儘早出現癌症,而CyPath Lung有可能通過減少診斷延誤和減少不必要的手術數量及其可能引起的任何醫療併發症來改善預後。這些前瞻性陳述受到各種風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多風險和不確定性難以預測,這可能導致實際結果與當前的預期和假設與任何前瞻性陳述中提出或暗示的預期和假設存在重大差異。可能導致實際業績與當前預期存在重大差異的重要因素包括Cypath Lung節省成本和幫助更早診斷肺癌的能力,以及公司截至2023年12月31日止年度的10-k表年度報告中討論的其他因素,以及隨後向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,包括隨後提交的10-Q和8-k表定期報告。此類前瞻性陳述基於發表此類陳述時存在的事實和條件以及對未來事實和狀況的預測。儘管公司認爲這些前瞻性陳述是合理的,但提醒本新聞稿的讀者不要過分依賴任何前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中的信息僅在本新聞稿發佈之日提供,除非適用的證券法有要求,否則公司沒有義務更新與本新聞稿中討論的事項有關的任何前瞻性陳述。



bioAffinity Technologies
Julie Anne Overton
Director of Communications


Investor Relations
Dave Gentry
RedChip Companies Inc.
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RedChip Companies
1-800-RED-CHIP (733-2447) 或 407-491-4498

