
NRC Authorizes FPL's Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant to Operate for Another 20 Years

NRC Authorizes FPL's Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant to Operate for Another 20 Years

特百惠 ·  09/18 12:00
  • Following a rigorous application process, Florida Power & Light Company's Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 have been granted approval to operate for an additional 20 years.
  • A major economic asset for South Florida, the facility will continue to provide safe, clean and reliable energy for FPL customers into the 2050s.
  • 經過嚴格的申請程序,佛羅里達電力和照明公司的土耳其點3號和4號機組已獲准再運營20年。
  • 作爲南佛羅里達州的主要經濟資產,該設施將在2050年代繼續爲FPL客戶提供安全、清潔和可靠的能源。

JUNO BEACH, Fla., Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has approved the subsequent license renewal for Florida Power & Light Company's (FPL) Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4, enabling the continued safe operation of these units through 2052 and 2053, respectively. This significant approval ensures that the nuclear facility will continue to provide reliable, low-cost and clean energy to FPL customers for the next three decades.

佛羅里達州朱諾海灘,2024年9月18日 /PRNewswire/ — 美國核監管委員會(NRC)已批准佛羅里達電力和照明公司(FPL)土耳其角核電站3號和4號機組的後續許可證續期,使這些機組能夠分別在2052年和2053年之前繼續安全運行。這一重要批准確保了該核設施將在未來三十年繼續爲FPL客戶提供可靠、低成本和清潔能源。


"This approval demonstrates our commitment to working with stakeholders to ensure that we can continue to deliver safe, reliable and clean energy to our customers for decades to come," said Armando Pimentel, FPL president and chief executive officer. "Turkey Point is an integral part of the local economy and an essential part of FPL's fuel mix."


Clean and reliable electricity
Turkey Point Unit 3 began commercial operation in 1972, followed by Unit 4 in 1973. Located 25 miles south of Miami, the site sits on 11,000 acres of land dominated by protected mangrove swamps and 168 linear miles of cooling canals. Generating enough energy to power the equivalent of nearly 1 million homes and businesses, the facility plays a pivotal role in maintaining grid stability, supporting Florida's growing population and providing a habitat for the threatened American crocodile and other native species.

Turkey Point 3 號機組於 1972 年開始商業運營,隨後在 1973 年 4 號機組開始商業運營。該遺址位於邁阿密以南25英里處,佔地11,000英畝,主要是受保護的紅樹林沼澤和168線性英里的冷卻運河。該設施產生的能源足以爲近100萬戶家庭和企業供電,在維持電網穩定、支持佛羅里達州不斷增長的人口以及爲受威脅的美洲鱷魚和其他本土物種提供棲息地方面發揮着關鍵作用。

Turkey Point initially made history in December 2019 as the first nuclear plant in the United States to receive subsequent license renewal approval for an additional 20 years; however, in 2022, the NRC concluded that its general environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act required additional information and, consequently, resetting the previous operating license expiration dates of 2032 and 2033. Since then, FPL completed the rigorous reapplication process, providing additional documents for a site-specific environmental impact statement that led to restoring the initial subsequent license approval.

Turkey Point最初於2019年12月創造了歷史,成爲美國第一座獲得後續20年許可證續訂批准的核電站;但是,在2022年,核管制委員會得出結論,其根據《國家環境政策法》進行的一般環境審查需要更多信息,因此重置了之前的運營許可證到期日期,即2032年和2033年。從那時起,FPL完成了嚴格的重新申請流程,爲特定地點的環境影響聲明提供了額外文件,從而恢復了最初的後續許可證批准。

Nuclear power plants have one of the lowest impacts on the environment of any energy source as they produce zero carbon emissions. Nuclear power comprises 20% of the company's fuel mix and is the second largest energy source in Florida.


"This approval is the culmination of rigorous efforts to meet and exceed regulatory expectations," said Turkey Point Site Vice President Mike Strope. "Our team demonstrated exceptional dedication and expertise throughout the reapplication process, ensuring that the safe and reliable operation of Turkey Point continues to play a critical role in supplying zero-emissions electricity to FPL customers."

Turkey Point現場副總裁邁克·斯特羅普說:「這項批准是爲滿足和超越監管預期所做的嚴格努力的結果。」「我們的團隊在整個重新申請過程中表現出了非凡的奉獻精神和專業知識,確保了Turkey Point的安全可靠運營在向FPL客戶提供零排放電力方面繼續發揮關鍵作用。」

Economic engine for the local community
Turkey Point is a substantial economic contributor, providing approximately 700 permanent jobs and an additional 2,800 jobs during outage operations. The plant pays more than $37 million in property taxes each year, supporting the local economy, community and public services.

Turkey Point 是一個重要的經濟貢獻者,在停電運營期間提供了大約 700 個長期工作崗位和額外的 2,800 個工作崗位。該工廠每年繳納超過3700萬美元的財產稅,爲當地經濟、社區和公共服務提供支持。

Environmental commitment
Turkey Point's operational excellence extends beyond power generation, highlighted by its Crocodile Monitoring Program, which played a crucial role in reclassifying the American crocodile from endangered to threatened by preserving and creating suitable habitat for the species.

Turkey Point的卓越運營不僅限於發電,其鱷魚監測計劃突顯了這一點。該計劃通過保護和爲該物種創造合適的棲息地,在將美國鱷魚從瀕危物種重新分類爲受威脅鱷魚方面發揮了至關重要的作用。

Another major environmental initiative currently under construction at the site is the FPL Clean Water Recovery Center. The facility, built in partnership with Miami-Dade County, will further treat and reuse up to 15 million gallons of reclaimed water per day from the county to cool the natural gas plant at FPL's Turkey Point Clean Energy Center. One of the largest reuse projects in the state, the center is scheduled to be operational in the coming months. The center will provide a cost-effective way to reuse and recycle treated wastewater that would otherwise be discarded and conserve the need for groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer.


Ongoing subsequent license renewal applications
In addition to Turkey Point, the company's St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant and the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant, owned by FPL's sister affiliate NextEra Energy Resources, are currently undergoing their subsequent license renewal application processes, reinforcing the company's commitment to reliable, low-cost and clean energy solutions.

除土耳其外,Point萬億.e公司的聖露西核電站和由FPL的姊妹子公司Nextera Energy Resources擁有的波因特比奇核電站目前正在進行後續的許可證續訂申請程序,這加強了該公司對可靠、低成本和清潔能源解決方案的承諾。

Florida Power & Light Company
As America's largest electric utility, Florida Power & Light Company serves more customers and sells more power than any other utility, providing clean, affordable, reliable electricity to approximately 5.9 million accounts, or more than 12 million people. FPL operates one of the most fuel efficient and cleanest power generation fleets in the U.S. and in 2022 won the ReliabilityOne National Reliability Award for the seventh time in the last eight years. The company was also recognized by Escalent in 2022 as one of the most trusted U.S. electric utilities for the ninth consecutive year. FPL is a subsidiary of Juno Beach, Florida-based NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE), a clean energy company widely recognized for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity. NextEra Energy is also the parent company of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, which, together with its affiliated entities, is the world's largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun and a world leader in battery storage. For more information about NextEra Energy companies, visit these websites: , , .

作爲美國最大的電力公司,佛羅里達電力和照明公司爲更多的客戶提供服務,銷售的電力比任何其他公用事業公司都多,爲大約590萬個帳戶或超過1200萬人提供清潔、實惠、可靠的電力。FPL 運營着美國燃油效率最高、最清潔的發電機隊之一,並於 2022 年在過去八年中第七次獲得 ReliabilityOne 國家可靠性獎。2022年,該公司還連續第九年被埃斯卡倫特評爲美國最值得信賴的電力公司之一。FPL是總部位於佛羅里達州朱諾海灘的Nextera Energy, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:NEE)的子公司,該公司是一家清潔能源公司,因其在可持續發展、企業責任、道德與合規以及多元化方面的努力而廣受認可。Nextera Energy還是Nextera Energy Resources, LLC的母公司,該公司及其附屬實體是世界上最大的風能和太陽可再生能源發電商,也是電池存儲領域的全球領導者。有關Nextera能源公司的更多信息,請訪問以下網站:,,。

SOURCE Florida Power & Light Company


