
Greenfire Resources Announces Appointment of Interim Chairman and Adoption of Shareholder Rights Plan in Response to Waterous Energy Fund's Agreement to Acquire Greenfire Shares

Greenfire Resources Announces Appointment of Interim Chairman and Adoption of Shareholder Rights Plan in Response to Waterous Energy Fund's Agreement to Acquire Greenfire Shares

Greenfire Resources宣佈任命臨時主席並採用股東權利計劃,以回應Waterous Energy Fund收購Greenfire股票的協議
newsfile ·  09/19 13:59

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - September 19, 2024) - Greenfire Resources Ltd. (NYSE: GFR) (TSX: GFR) ("Greenfire" or the "Company"), a Calgary-based energy company focused on the production and development of thermal energy resources from the Athabasca region of Alberta, Canada acknowledges the announcement on September 16, 2024 by Waterous Energy Fund Management Corp. ("WEF Manager") in its capacity as manager of certain limited partnerships (collectively, "WEF"), that it has entered into agreements with certain Greenfire shareholders (the "Selling Shareholders") to acquire 43.3% of the issued and outstanding common shares (the "Common Shares") of the Company (the "Proposed Acquisition"). The Selling Shareholders include, among others, Allard Services Limited, a corporation controlled by Julian McIntyre, a director of Greenfire, and Annapurna Limited, a corporation controlled by Venkat Siva, a director of Greenfire. As referenced in the announcement by WEF, the Proposed Acquisition is intended to be an exempt take-over bid pursuant to the private agreement exemption (the "Exemption") as set out in section 4.2 of National Instrument 62-104 - Takeover Bids and Issuer Bids ("NI 62-104").

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - September 19, 2024) - Greenfire Resources Ltd. (NYSE: GFR) (TSX: GFR) ("Greenfire" or the "Company"), a Calgary-based energy company focused on the production and development of thermal energy resources from the Athabasca region of Alberta, Canada acknowledges the announcement on September 16, 2024 by Waterous Energy Fund Management Corp. ("WEF Manager") in its capacity as manager of certain limited partnerships (collectively, "WEF"), that it has entered into agreements with certain Greenfire shareholders (the "Selling Shareholders") to acquire 43.3% of the issued and outstanding common shares (the "Common Shares") of the Company (the "Proposed Acquisition"). The Selling Shareholders include, among others, Allard Services Limited, a corporation controlled by Julian McIntyre, a director of Greenfire, and Annapurna Limited, a corporation controlled by Venkat Siva, a director of Greenfire. As referenced in the announcement by WEF, the Proposed Acquisition is intended to be an exempt take-over bid pursuant to the private agreement exemption (the "Exemption") as set out in section 4.2 of National Instrument 62-104 - Takeover Bids and Issuer Bids ("NI 62-104").

The Board of Directors of Greenfire (the "Board") is currently reviewing the details of the Proposed Acquisition and exercising its fiduciary duties to evaluate the Company's options, with support from its financial and legal advisors.

The Board of Directors of Greenfire (the "Board") is currently reviewing the details of the Proposed Acquisition and exercising its fiduciary duties to evaluate the Company's options, with support from its financial and legal advisors.

Greenfire's Ongoing Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives

Greenfire's Ongoing Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives

Given these developments, Greenfire believes it is important for shareholders to be made aware that the Board confidentially engaged TD Securities in July 2024 to assist the Company with evaluating its strategic alternatives, given the Company's discounted valuation relative to pure play oil sands peers. Shortly after engaging TD Securities, Greenfire determined that it was in the Company's best interest to update its reserve report to reflect its current development plans which include utilizing the latest SAGD technologies, including its successful extended reach refill wells, inflow control devices, etc., and to also capture a number of economic brownfield growth opportunities at its operations. To this end, Greenfire had engaged a reserve evaluator to commence that process and the updated report is expected to be completed by year-end. The Company believes that pursuing its strategic alternatives is in the best interests of all Greenfire's shareholders and that the completion of the Proposed Acquisition would harm all other shareholders by prematurely and adversely affecting the successful conduct of the ongoing process and the potential completion of any shareholder value maximizing transaction that may result from the process.

Given these developments, Greenfire believes it is important for shareholders to be made aware that the Board confidentially engaged TD Securities in July 2024 to assist the Company with evaluating its strategic alternatives, given the Company's discounted valuation relative to pure play oil sands peers. Shortly after engaging TD Securities, Greenfire determined that it was in the Company's best interest to update its reserve report to reflect its current development plans which include utilizing the latest SAGD technologies, including its successful extended reach refill wells, inflow control devices, etc., and to also capture a number of economic brownfield growth opportunities at its operations. To this end, Greenfire had engaged a reserve evaluator to commence that process and the updated report is expected to be completed by year-end. The Company believes that pursuing its strategic alternatives is in the best interests of all Greenfire's shareholders and that the completion of the Proposed Acquisition would harm all other shareholders by prematurely and adversely affecting the successful conduct of the ongoing process and the potential completion of any shareholder value maximizing transaction that may result from the process.

Waterous Energy Fund


Greenfire understands that WEF is a value investor based in Calgary, Alberta and Canada's largest oil and gas private equity manager. According to its website, WEF pursues a value-based investment strategy, seeking to invest in established businesses with top-quality assets that 'work' today. WEF is an experienced oil sands investor which currently owns 91% of Strathcona Resources Ltd. Greenfire believes the fact that WEF's pursuit of the Proposed Acquisition, at a 15% premium, the maximum allowable under the Exemption, and without the benefit of any material non-public information provided by the Company, is a testament to the high-quality nature of Greenfire's assets and the value inherent in its Common Shares, which is not reflected in the current trading price. WEF is seeking to acquire Greenfire's Common Shares at a price that represents a substantial discount to its pure play oil sands peers, and the Board believes that the Proposed Acquisition price does not reflect of the intrinsic value of the Common Shares.

Greenfire了解WEF是一家總部位於加拿大艾伯塔省卡爾加里的價值投資者,也是加拿大最大的石油和天然氣私募股權投資經理。根據其網站,WEF追求基於價值的投資策略,尋求投資於擁有今天有效資產的成熟企業。WEF是一家經驗豐富的油砂投資者,目前擁有Strathcona Resources Ltd. 91%的股權。Greenfire認爲WEF追求擬議收購,以15%的溢價,這是根據豁免的最大允許溢價,並且沒有依賴公司提供的任何重大非公開信息,這證明了WEF對Greenfire資產的高質量性質以及其普通股內在價值的價值。這與當前交易價格中沒有反映出來。 WEF尋求以價格收購Greenfire的普通股,該價格低於其純油砂同行的實質溢價,董事會認爲擬議的收購價格不反映普通股的內在價值。

Greenfire notes that WEF has a history of acquiring negative control of broadly held oil companies followed by full privatizations within the next year. In April 2017, WEF acquired approximately 67% of the shares of Northern Blizzard Resources Inc. and purchased the remaining issued and outstanding shares in March 2018. In July 2020, WEF purchased approximately 45% of the shares of Osum Oil Sands Corp. and subsequently initiated an unsolicited takeover bid that resulted in it acquiring the balance of the shares in April 2021.

Greenfire注意到WEF有收購廣泛持有的石油公司否決權的歷史,隨後在下一年內全面私有化。2017年4月,WEF收購了Northern Blizzard Resources Inc.約67%的股份,並於2018年3月購買了剩下的已發行股份。 2020年7月,WEF購買了Osum Oil Sands Corp.約45%的股份,隨後發起了一項未經邀請的收購要約,在2021年4月收購了剩餘的股份。

Appointment of Interim Chairman and Establishment of Special Committee


Prior to the announcement of the Proposed Acquisitions, Julian McIntyre served as Chair of the Board. Given Mr. McIntyre's involvement in the Proposed Acquisition, the Board has appointed Matthew Perkal to serve as Interim Chair of the Board. In addition, the Board has determined it appropriate to appoint a special committee of independent directors (the "Special Committee") to oversee the ongoing strategic alternatives process and to consider the Company's options to protect the interests of the other shareholders of the Corporation and to ensure such shareholders are treated fairly in light of the Proposed Acquisition and any future transaction that may be proposed by WEF or any other interested party. The Special Committee is comprised of independent directors of the Company and is chaired by Mr. Perkal.

在擬議收購的公告之前,Julian McIntyre擔任董事會主席。鑑於麥金太爾先生參與了擬議收購,董事會決定任命Matthew Perkal爲董事會臨時主席。此外,董事會確定適當任命獨立董事特別委員會(「特別委員會」)監督進行中的戰略替代過程,並考慮公司爲保護公司其他股東利益和確保這些股東在擬議收購和WEF或任何其他有興趣方可能提出的未來交易下得到公平對待的選擇。特別委員會由公司的獨立董事組成,並由麥金太爾先生擔任主席。

As announced by WEF, both Mr. McIntyre and Mr. Siva have agreed with WEF to resign from the Board upon completion of the Proposed Acquisition.


Shareholder Rights Plan


The Board also announces that it has approved the adoption of a limited-purpose shareholder rights plan (the "Rights Plan"). The Board firmly believes that the Rights Plan serves the interests of all shareholders by protecting the integrity of the strategic alternatives process and supports the fair treatment of all shareholders. The Rights Plan has been adopted pursuant to a shareholder rights plan agreement entered into between the Company and Odyssey Trust Company dated the date hereof (the "Effective Date"). The Rights Plan has been adopted to ensure, to the extent possible, that (a) all shareholders of the Company are treated fairly and equally in connection with any unsolicited take-over bid or other attempt to acquire control of Greenfire (including by way of a "creeping" take-over bid or the acquisition of a control block through private agreements between a few large shareholders such as the Proposed Acquisition) and (b) the Board has sufficient opportunity to identify, develop, and negotiate value-enhancing alternatives, if considered appropriate, to any unsolicited take-over bid or other attempt to acquire control of Greenfire, including pursuant to the Board's current evaluation of strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value. In addition, the Rights Plan is designed to prevent a "change of control" from unintentionally occurring, which would have certain adverse implications for Greenfire including requiring the Company to make an offer to repurchase all US$239 million of its outstanding 12.0% senior secured notes due 2028.

董事會還宣佈已批准採納有限目的股東權益計劃("權益計劃")。董事會堅信權益計劃通過保護戰略選擇過程的完整性並支持公正對待所有股東,爲所有股東謀取利益。權益計劃根據公司與Odyssey Trust Company於本協議日期簽署的股東權益計劃協議採納("生效日期")。權益計劃的採納旨在儘可能確保(a)在任何未經要約收購或其他試圖控制Greenfire的行爲中,公司的所有股東均得到公平和平等對待(包括通過 "漸進式 "要約收購或通過少數幾個大股東之間的私下協議獲取控制權)和(b)董事會有足夠機會確定、開發和談判增值方案,以充分發揮股東價值。此外,權益計劃旨在防止"控制權變更"意外發生,這對Greenfire會有一定不利影響,包括要求公司回購其到期於2028年的所有2,3900萬美元的12.0%優先擔保票據。

The Rights Plan is similar to shareholder rights plans adopted by other Canadian public companies.


Pursuant to the Right Plan, one right (a "Right") will be issued and attached to each Common Share outstanding at the record time. A Right will also be attached to each Common Share issued after the record time. The issuance of the Rights will not change the manner in which shareholders trade their Common Shares. Subject to the terms of the Rights Plan, the Rights issued under the Rights Plan become exercisable only if a person (the "Acquiring Person"), together with certain related persons (including persons "acting jointly or in concert" as defined in the Rights Plan), acquires or announces its intention to acquire 20% or more of the Common Shares without complying with the "Permitted Bid" provisions of the Rights Plan. Following a transaction that results in a person becoming an Acquiring Person, the Rights entitle the holder thereof (other than the Acquiring Person and certain related persons) to purchase Common Shares at a significant discount to the market price at that time.


The Rights Plan will not be triggered solely by the holding of 20% or more of the Common Shares by a shareholder and its affiliates, associates and joint actors prior to the date hereof, as any such person would be "grandfathered" subject to the terms of the Rights Plan; however, subsequent purchases of Common Shares of the Company by a "grandfathered" person after the Effective Date may cause such person to become an Acquiring Person pursuant to the terms of the Rights Plan. Under the Rights Plan, the Common Shares that WEF has agreed to purchase pursuant to the Proposed Acquisition are not considered to be beneficially owned by WEF as at the date hereof and as a result WEF will not be considered to be "grandfathered" pursuant to the terms of the Rights Plan. As such, to the extent that WEF (or its affiliates, associates and joint actors) completes the acquisition of 20% or more of the Common Shares pursuant to the Proposed Acquisition it will result in WEF becoming an Acquiring Person under the terms of the Rights Plan. The effect of the Rights Plan is to prevent WEF from acquiring more than 20% of the outstanding Common Shares pursuant to the Proposed Acquisition or otherwise other than pursuant to a Permitted Bid (as defined below) or as otherwise permitted under the Rights Plan, which is consistent with shareholder rights plans adopted by other Canadian public companies.


Under the Rights Plan, a "Permitted Bid" is a take-over bid made in compliance with the Canadian take-over bid regime. Specifically, a Permitted Bid is a take-over bid that is made to all shareholders, that is open for 105 days (or such shorter period as is permitted under the Canadian take-over bid regime) and that contains certain conditions, including that no Common Shares will be taken up and paid for unless more than 50% of the Common Shares that are held by independent shareholders are tendered to the take-over bid.


While the Rights Plan is effective as of the Effective Date, it is subject to shareholder ratification within six months of its adoption. If the Rights Plan is not ratified by the Company's shareholders within six months of its adoption, the Rights Plan and all Rights issued thereunder will terminate and cease to be effective at that time.


The Rights Plan is subject to acceptance from the Toronto Stock Exchange.


The description of the Rights Plan in this press release is qualified in its entirety by the full text of the Rights Plan, which will be available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at or at

該新聞稿中對權益計劃的描述完全符合權益計劃的全部內容,相關內容可在公司的SEDAR+資料庫中的公司檔案中 上查詢。

About Greenfire


Greenfire is an intermediate, lower-cost and growth-oriented Athabasca oil sands producer with concentrated Tier-1 assets that use steam assisted gravity drainage extraction methods. The Company is operationally focused with an emphasis on an entrepreneurial environment and a high level of employee ownership. Greenfire Common Shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "GFR". For more information, visit or find Greenfire on LinkedIn and X.

Greenfire 是一家中級、低成本且以增長爲導向的阿薩巴斯卡油砂生產商,其具有以蒸汽輔助重力驅動採出法爲基礎的一級資產。該公司注重業務運營,強調創業環境和僱員高度持股。Greenfire 平常股票在紐約證券交易所和多倫多證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲「GFR」。詳情請訪問 或在 LinkedIn 和 X 上搜索 Greenfire。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of the United States federal securities laws and applicable Canadian securities laws. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "project," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "strategy," future," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "could," "will be," will continue," and similar expressions and include, without limitation, certain terms and conditions relating to the Rights Plan, the intent of the Company to conduct the strategic alternatives process to attempt to maximize value for the Greenfire shareholders, the intent of the Company to update its reserves report, the impact of certain future events on the operation of the Rights Plan and the intent of certain directors to resign from the Board upon completion of the Transactions.


Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. There is no certainty that the strategic alternatives process will result in a transaction superior to the Proposed Acquisition or any other transaction. If the Proposed Acquisition is not completed, there may be no other transaction forthcoming. You should carefully consider all of the risks and uncertainties described in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's annual report on Form 20-F dated March 26, 2024, which is available on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at and in other documents filed by Greenfire from time to time on SEDAR+ and with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements are statements about the future and are inherently uncertain. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, other than as required by applicable law. For all of these reasons, the Company's securityholders should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

前瞻性陳述是基於當前預期和假設的關於未來事件的預測、投影和其他陳述,因此它們受到風險和不確定性的影響。不能確定戰略選擇過程是否會導致優於擬議的收購或其他交易的交易。如果擬議的收購未完成,可能不會有其他交易出現。您應該仔細考慮公司2024年3月26日的20-F年度報告的"風險因素"部分中描述的所有風險和不確定性,該報告可在SEDAR+上的 at 和EDGAR上的查詢,並可在Greenfire時常在SEDAR+和美國證券交易委員會上交的其他文件中查詢。前瞻性陳述是關於未來的陳述,其本質上是不確定的。該公司無意,也不承擔任何更新前瞻性陳述的義務,除非依據適用法律的規定。基於這些原因,該公司的股東不應過度依賴前瞻性陳述。

Contact Information


Greenfire Resources Ltd.
205 5th Avenue SW
Suite 1900
Calgary, AB T2P 2V7

205 5th Avenue SW
卡爾加里,阿爾伯塔省T2P 2V7

