
Ben & Jerry's and Black Voters Matter "Churn Out the Vote"

Ben & Jerry's and Black Voters Matter "Churn Out the Vote"

Ben & Jerry's和Black Voters Matter"Churn Out the Vote"
PR Newswire ·  09/19 03:32

Inspiring Young Voter Engagement in Communities One Scoop at a Time


MACON, Ga., Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hundreds of students came out to Ben & Jerry's National Registration Day event kicking off a state-wide scoop truck tour to drive voter engagement in Georgia ahead of the November elections as part of its recently launched Churn Out the Vote campaign. This morning, the progressive ice cream company popped up alongside longtime partner, Black Voters Matter Capacity Building Institute, a national organization dedicated to increasing Black voter turnout and expanding voter rights, to scoop the new Limited Batch collaboration flavor, Churn Out the Vote, for Fort Valley State University students to drive voter registration. The Churn Out the Vote campaign aims to energize and educate young, low-propensity voters to engage in the issues that matter most to them at the polls.

2024年9月18日,喬治亞州梅肯/新華社/-- 在11月選舉前,數百名學生參加了本傑裏國家選民登記日活動,這標誌着該公司最近推出的搖動選票運動在全州範圍內的車輛巡迴演出開始。今天早上,這家進步冰淇淋公司與長期合作伙伴黑人選民事關一家國家組織一起,黑人選民事關事關機構在Fort Valley State University舉辦了開展選民註冊活動。該搖動選票運動旨在激勵和教育年輕的、投票意願較低的選民參與他們所關心的問題。

Students and supporters of Black Voters Matter, gather with cofounders Ben and Jerry in front of the Ben & Jerry's tour van, which will join the Georgia-focused Black Youth Renaissance Tour

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"Black Voters Matter is about more than just voting - it's about our communities having a say in the decisions that affect our daily lives," said Cliff Albright, Co-founder and Executive Director of Black Voters Matter. "We're working with Ben & Jerry's to raise awareness, empower communities, and remind everyone of the importance of every single vote. History has shown us that when we work together, we win."

黑人選民事關共同創始人克里夫·奧爾布賴特表示:「黑人選民事關的重點不僅僅是選舉 - 它關乎我們的社區在影響我們日常生活的決策中發表意見。我們正在與本和傑瑞合作,提高社會意識,賦予社區權力,並提醒每個人每一張選票的重要性。歷史已經向我們證明,當我們共同努力時,我們能夠取得勝利。」

The National Voter Registration Day event is just one part of a multi-pronged effort by the two companies to ensure that historically excluded communities' voices are heard at the ballot box this fall. Additional tour stops in Georgia over the next few weeks will share ice cream and engage young voters who will decide the outcome of the upcoming election. In addition, the campaign includes the limited batch Churn Out the Vote flavor, a paid digital campaign in key states to drive civic engagement, episodes on voting disenfranchisement in Georgia on Ben & Jerry's Into the Mix podcast, and an effort in the company's Scoop Shops benefitting Black Voters Matter called "Waffle Lotta Good" taking place in October in the run up to the election.

國家選民登記日活動只是兩家公司多管齊下的努力的一部分,以確保歷史上被排除在外的社區的聲音在今年秋季的選舉中被聽到。接下來幾周,在喬治亞州的其他巡迴演出上,將提供冰淇淋並吸引決定即將到來選舉結果的年輕選民。此外,活動還包括限量批量的搖動選票口味,在關鍵州進行的付費數字活動推動公民參與,本和傑瑞的「融入社會」播客中介紹喬治亞州的選舉剝奪情況,以及公司的Scoop店爲黑人選民的利益而進行的名爲「 Waffle Lotta Good」的活動,將在選舉之前的十月份進行。

"We're incredibly proud to again partner with our friends at Black Voters Matter ahead of this high-stake election" said Ben & Jerry's CEO Dave Stever. "BVM works at the grassroots level 365 days a year to help address the needs of communities. They are focused not on winning votes, but on empowering voters. And of course, we do what we do best, adding a bit of joy on the journey to justice by bringing the ice cream."

「我們非常自豪能再次與Black Voters Matter合作,在這場關鍵的選舉前」 Ben&Jerry的首席執行官Dave Stever說。「BVm每年365天在草根層面工作幫助滿足社區的需求。 他們專注於賦予選民權力,而不是贏得選票。當然,我們會專注於最擅長的事情,在追求正義的旅程中帶來一點歡樂,那就是帶來冰淇淋。」

Fans are encouraged to visit to make their plan to the polls and how to support Black Voters Matter in this effort to Churn Out the Vote. The Limited Batch pint and Scoop Shop flavor is available now nationwide, with a portion of the proceeds supporting Black Voters Matter's on-the-ground initiatives.

鼓勵粉絲訪問制定自己的選民計劃以及如何支持黑人選民在這項推動選舉的努力中。有限版冰淇淋和雪糕店口味已在全國範圍內上市,並有部分銷售額用於支持Black Voters Matter的地面倡議。

About Black Voters Matter:

關於Black Voters Matter:

Black Voters Matter, a 501c4, and Capacity Building Institute, a 501c3, are dedicated to expanding Black voter engagement and increasing progressive power through movement-building and engagement. Working with grassroots organizations, specifically in key states in the South, BVM seeks to increase voter registration and turnout, advocate for policies to expand voting rights/access, and help develop infrastructure where little or none exists to support a power-building movement that keeps Black voters and their issues at the forefront of our election process. For more information, please visit

Black Voters Matter是一個501c4組織,Capacity Building Institute是一個501c3組織,致力於通過運動建設和參與來擴大黑人選民參與度和增加進步力量。與基層組織合作,特別是在南方的關鍵州,BVm尋求增加選民登記和投票率,倡導擴大選舉權利/訪問的政策,並幫助發展缺乏支持權力構建運動的基礎設施,從而使黑人選民及其問題始終處於選舉進程的前沿。更多信息,請訪問

About Ben & Jerry's


Ben & Jerry's is an aspiring social justice company that believes in a greater calling than simply making and selling the world's best ice cream. The company produces a wide variety of super-premium ice cream and Non-Dairy/vegan desserts using high-quality ingredients and lots of big chunks and swirls. As a Certified B Corp, Ben & Jerry's incorporates its vision of Linked Prosperity into its business practices via values-led sourcing initiatives when purchasing ingredients. Ben & Jerry's is distributed in over 35 countries in supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, franchised Scoop Shops, and via on-demand delivery services. Ben & Jerry's, a Vermont corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Unilever, operates its business on a three-part Mission Statement emphasizing product quality, a fair financial return, and addressing issues of social, racial, and environmental injustice around the globe. The Ben & Jerry's Foundation, guided by Ben & Jerry's employees, granted $5.1 MM in 2023 to support progressive, justice-focused grassroots organizing around the country. For up-to-date information visit


SOURCE Ben & Jerry's

源自Ben & Jerry's




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