
Ford EVs 'Creating Joy' With Built-In Karaoke, Add Popular Tesla Feature To Select Models

Ford EVs 'Creating Joy' With Built-In Karaoke, Add Popular Tesla Feature To Select Models

Benzinga ·  09/18 22:12

Owners of select Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) electric vehicles will soon be able to take part in karaoke battles inside their EVs, with the auto giant adding a key feature that has been a staple in Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) electric vehicles for several years.


What Happened: Ford announced that Stingray Karaoke will soon be available to owners of the F-150 Lightning electric pickup truck.

福特宣佈,Stingray卡拉OK很快將可供F-150 Lightning新能源皮卡車車主使用。

The karaoke feature will be available from the in-vehicle screen when the vehicles are parked, driving or even charging. Lyrics appear on the in-vehicle screen when the vehicle is parked with a different feature available to passengers when the vehicle is in motion.


"Creating joy inside the vehicle by delivering amazing experiences is a huge part of our team's job at Ford. Now, for the first time karaoke will be available to Ford owners," the company said.


After an initial rollout of the F-150 Lightning vehicles, the karaoke feature will be added to the Mustang Mach-E, followed by other Ford and Lincoln vehicles.

在F-150 Lightning車型首次推出後,卡拉OK功能將被添加到Mustang Mach-E車型,隨後將推出至其他福特和林肯車型。

Ford said there is a wide mix of songs and genres available covering Rock, Country, Pop, R&B, Latin, K&J Pop and family-friendly hits. The new karaoke feature covers 38 languages.

福特表示,有廣泛的歌曲和流派可供選擇,包括搖滾、鄉村、流行、R&B、拉丁、K&J Pop和適合全家的熱門歌曲。新的卡拉OK功能涵蓋了38種語言。

Karaoke will be available via a Ford software update to eligible F-150 Lightning owners in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Europe, with additional rollouts to follow.

卡拉OK功能將通過福特軟件更新向符合條件的F-150 Lightning車主在美國、加拿大、墨西哥和歐洲提供,並將陸續推出其他地區。

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Why It's Important: While a vehicle having karaoke is not likely to be the only reason a consumer buys a particular electric vehicle, the new feature adds to Ford's focus on software and electric vehicles.


The karaoke rollout also adds a feature that Tesla first launched in 2019 and has made standard in several of its models.


Having karaoke available while parked and charging could be a great way to pass time for vehicle owners. The feature that allows passengers to still take part in karaoke via an app, QR code and the users' smartphone also allows the experience to continue without distracting the driver.


Tesla has often used its karaoke feature as a key selling point in certain regions around the world, including Asia. Ford could do something similar to help with international sales as competition in the electric vehicle space intensifies.


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Photo: Courtesy of Ford


