
Elemental Announces $100M in Upcoming Funding

Elemental Announces $100M in Upcoming Funding

PR Newswire ·  09/18 21:00

Leading nonprofit climate investor opens one of the first opportunities to access funding from the US EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund


New name – Elemental Impact – marks 15 year anniversary and expansion to broader platform

新名字 - Elemental Impact - 公司慶祝成立15週年和拓展更廣泛的平台。

SAN FRANCISCO and NEW YORK, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elemental Impact, a leading nonprofit climate technology investor formerly known as Elemental Excelerator, today announced that it is opening applications for projects to receive investments via a $100M funding program from the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) historic and market-driven Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). This new funding, made possible through a subaward from the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC), will support entrepreneurs and climate technologies that are ready for scale and poised to deliver greenhouse gas emissions reductions and local community benefits. Companies can submit proposals at

舊金山和紐約,2024年9月18日/ PR Newswire / - 非營利性氣候技術投資者Elemental Impact,前身爲Elemental Excelerator,今天宣佈通過美國環境保護署(EPA)的歷史性市場驅動的溫室氣體減排基金(GGRF)開放項目申請,以獲得該基金下的1億美元的融資計劃。這筆通過Coalition for Green Capital(CGC)的授權而獲得的新融資將支持可以規模化併爲溫室氣體減排和社區提供福利做好準備的企業和氣候技術。公司可以在elementalimpact.com上提交提案。

With its extensive, nationwide portfolio of projects, Elemental will draw on its history of direct investing into venture-backed climate companies and place-based deployments across energy, transportation, water, agriculture, and industry, and make equity and debt investments to scale climate solutions and deliver local community impact.


Now in its 15th year, the organization also announced today a rename to Elemental Impact, a name that reflects its expansion to an investing platform with a family of funds working in concert to mobilize capital from philanthropy, government, and private investors. The Elemental Impact platform is anchored by a non-profit supported by $210M in philanthropy and public funding to date and will expand its non-profit investing and tailored community engagement support with this initial $100M in GGRF funding. The platform also includes the $94M venture fund Earthshot Ventures, which was launched from the Elemental nonprofit in 2021. Elemental Impact will continue to expand to meet the evolving needs of climate entrepreneurs with additional fund strategies and vehicles in the future.

該組織成立15年了,今天宣佈更名爲Elemental Impact,這個名字表明瞭它作爲一個投資平台的擴展,平台上的一系列基金將動員來自慈善、政府和私人投資者的資金。目前,Elemental Impact平台由一個獲得了2.1億美元慈善和公共資金支持的非營利組織爲依託,此次獲得的1億美元GGRF資金將擴大它的非營利性投資,並提供度身定製的社區參與支持。平台還包括9400萬美元的創業基金Earthshot Ventures,該基金是從Elemental非營利組織於2021年推出的。Elemental Impact將繼續擴大以滿足氣候創業者不斷變化的需求,並推出更多的基金策略和工具。 Earthshot Ventures是Elemental非營利組織於2021年推出的,Elemental Impact將繼續擴大以滿足氣候創業者不斷變化的需求,並推出更多的基金策略和工具。

"We have invested in more than 150 companies working to scale important innovations, and the challenge is clear. The sector needs not only innovation in technology, but also in finance, community partnership, and project implementation. Today, we are expanding our platform to meet this need – because where we invest our time and our capital over the next five years will impact the next hundred," said Dawn Lippert, founder and CEO of Elemental Impact.

「我們已經投資於150多家致力於推廣重要創新的公司,挑戰是明確的。這個板塊不僅需要技術上的創新,還需要在金融、社區合作伙伴關係和項目實施方面的創新。如今,我們正在擴大我們的平台,以滿足這一需求 - 因爲在未來五年裏我們投資的時間和資本將影響接下來的一百年,」 Elemental Impact的創始人兼首席執行官Dawn Lippert說。

"Through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund we will make historic investments in the fight against climate change and give leaders like Elemental the resources needed to bring clean energy investments to all communities, including those historically underserved by finance. By building scalable, inclusive projects, Elemental is doing the critical work to build green infrastructure with a community-focused approach," said Eli Hopson, Chief Administrative Officer of CGC.

「通過溫室氣體減排基金,我們將在抗擊氣候變化方面進行歷史性投資,併爲象Elemental這樣的領導者提供所需資源,將清潔能源投資帶入所有社區,包括那些歷來受到金融支持不足的社區。通過建立可擴展、包容性的項目,Elemental正在開展着以社區爲重點的建設綠色基礎設施的關鍵工作,」CGC的首席行政官Eli Hopson說。

Elemental will also continue to play a supportive role in the deployment of GGRF across multiple participants by building a national pipeline of projects. In addition to being a subawardee to CGC, Elemental is collaborating as a transaction partner to Climate United and a deployment partner to Power Forward Communities, and will remain a convener of and collaborator with investors from across the climate ecosystem. Elemental Impact plans to leverage its extensive network of co-investors, which already number more than 1,000 firms, to amplify the $100M in line with U.S. EPA's goal for GGRF to mobilize financing and private capital to stimulate additional deployment of GHG- and air pollution-reducing projects.

Elemental還將繼續在通過建立國家項目管道來支持GGRF的多個參與者方面發揮支持作用。除了作爲CGC的受資助方外,Elemental還作爲Climate United的交易夥伴、Power Forward Communities的部署合作伙伴,將繼續作爲氣候生態系統各方的組織者和合作夥伴,與跨越氣候生態系統的投資者合作。Elemental Impact計劃利用其龐大的共同投資者網絡,目前已超過1000家公司,以提振10億美元,符合美國EPA關於GGRF動員融資和私人資本刺激進一步部署減少溫室氣體和空氣污染項目的目標。

"Philanthropy is at its best when we're helping our partners overcome obstacles and address systemic gaps," said Maria Kozloski, Senior Vice President of Innovative Finance at The Rockefeller Foundation. "We're proud that our support of Elemental helped make critical projects happen in frontline communities and look forward to the additional impact they will make with this new investment."

「當我們幫助夥伴們克服障礙、解決系統性缺口時,慈善事業發揮最大作用,」 洛克菲勒基金會創新金融高級副總裁Maria Kozloski說。「我們爲自己支持Elemental幫助在一線社區實現重要項目感到驕傲,期待他們將通過這一新投資產生的額外影響。」

"This is exactly what entrepreneurs and the climate innovation field needs - investment dollars and expert support to mobilize private capital and enable scale. And this is exactly what Elemental has been consistently delivering since its founding," said Naveen Sikka, board member of Elemental and CEO of Terviva, one of Elemental's earliest investments. "In this next chapter, Elemental is poised to make an even greater impact for communities."

「這正是創業者和氣候創新領域所需要的——投資資金和專家支持,以動員私人資本並實現規模化。自成立以來,Elemental一直如此。」 Elemental的董事會成員兼Terviva CEO Naveen Sikka表示:「在下一章中,Elemental有望對社區產生更大影響。」

Media Contact: [email protected]


SOURCE Elemental Impact

參考資料:Elemental Impact




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