
Jack Henry's Credit Union Community Participates in CU Build's Fourth Annual Build-A-Thon Event

Jack Henry's Credit Union Community Participates in CU Build's Fourth Annual Build-A-Thon Event

傑克·亨利信用社社區參加CU Build第四屆年度建築馬拉松活動
PR Newswire ·  09/18 20:30

29 credit unions, along with 12 integrator partners and sponsors, developed solutions focused on member innovation


MONETT, Mo., Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) and CU Build recently held their fourth annual build-a-thon, promoting innovation and collaboration within the credit union industry.

蒙特,密蘇里州,2024年9月18日/ PR Newswire / - Jack Henry (納斯達克:JKHY)和CU Build最近舉行了第四屆年度build-a-thon,促進了信用社行業內的創新與合作。

This year's CU Build in Salt Lake City, Utah, set a new record for credit unions in attendance. Over three days, 54 participants from 29 credit unions across 26 states joined forces with 12 integrator partners and sponsors. Teams of credit union and fintech professionals developed solutions around the theme "Pioneering Progress," inspired by Utah's recent Pioneer Day celebration.

今年的CU Build在猶他州鹽湖城舉行,吸引了創紀錄數量的信用社參與。在爲期三天的活動中,來自26個州的29家信用社的54名參與者與12家整合合作伙伴和贊助商合作。信用社和金融科技專業人員組成的團隊圍繞「開創進步」的主題開發出解決方案,該主題受到猶他州最近的開拓者日慶祝活動的啓發。

During the competition, participants had access to Jack Henry's Symitar core and additional solutions including Banno and Data Broker, as well as several fintech providers including ASA Financial, fiVISION, Libum, Q2, REPAY, Scienaptic AI, SMA Technologies, SWIVEL, Sycorr, Technivation, Technology Happens, and Tyfone. Teams were evaluated on aspects like innovation, functionality, design, scalability, and mission focus. The Best in Show Award went to 'Trailblazers' for their solution 'Path to Prosperity,' an AI-powered tool that guides members through planning, qualifying for, and obtaining mortgage loans.

在比賽期間,參與者可以使用Jack Henry的Symitar核心和其他解決方案,包括Banno和Data Broker,以及包括ASA Financial、fiVISION、Libum、Q2、REPAY、Scienaptic AI、SMA Technologies、SWIVEL、Sycorr、Technivation、Technology Happens和Tyfone在內的多家金融科技提供商。團隊將根據創新、功能、設計、可擴展性和使命關注度等方面進行評估。最佳展示獎頒給了「開拓者」團隊的解決方案「通向繁榮之路」,這是一個基於人工智能的工具,可以指導會員規劃、符合條件和獲取抵押貸款。

Brodee Gillam, innovation specialist at Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU), was on the winning team. "MSUFCU has participated in CU Build for years, but this was my first time," Gillam said. "I highly recommend this event to anyone who might be considering it. CU Build empowers participants to explore and test new ideas in a safe and controlled environment, which helps remove the barriers to innovation that we often face in our own environments."

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union(MSUFCU)的創新專家Brodee Gillam是獲獎團隊的成員之一。Gillam說:「MSUFCU多年來一直參與CU Build,但這是我第一次參加。」Gillam說:「我強烈推薦參加這個活動的人。CU Build讓參與者有機會在一個安全和可控的環境中探索和測試新想法,這有助於消除我們在自己的環境中常常面臨的創新障礙。」

Ashley Douglas, a programmer analyst at Via Credit Union, was another first-time participant. She shared her perspective: "CU Build is a challenging but rewarding way to discover what you're capable of under pressure and identify areas for improvement. Everyone learns from each other while solving real-life challenges they may have faced as credit union members or employees. The time crunch can be intense, but in the end, it's worth it to push yourself and see what you can achieve. The resources and support available throughout the event make it an invaluable learning experience."

Via Credit Union的程序分析員Ashley Douglas也是首次參與者。她分享了她的觀點:「CU Build是一種具有挑戰性但有回報的方式,可以發現你在壓力下能做到什麼,並識別出改進的領域。每個人在解決自己作爲信用社成員或員工所面臨的真實挑戰的過程中互相學習。時間非常緊迫,但最終推動自己並看到自己的成就是值得的。整個活動中提供的資源和支持使其成爲一次寶貴的學習經歷。」

Tushar Singh, software development manager at Chartway Credit Union, was a returning participant. Singh said, "At CU Build, like-minded professionals come together to collaborate and innovate in a high-energy environment for the greater good of the credit union industry. This is exactly why I keep coming back. I would encourage others to participate in the future — not only to sharpen their technical skills and think outside of the box, but to work with peers to develop solutions that solve real-world member challenges."

Tushar Singh,Chartway信用聯盟的軟件開發經理,是一位回頭參與者。 辛格說:「在CU Build中,志同道合的專業人士聚在一起,合作創新,爲信用社行業做出更大的貢獻。這正是我回來的原因。我鼓勵其他人蔘與未來-不僅要提高技術技能和創新思維,還要與同行合作開發解決真實的會員挑戰的解決方案。」

Brad Hickey, chair of CU Build and manager of application development at American Airlines Federal Credit Union, commented, "Each year, I am both inspired and surprised by the solutions that come out of this event. This year truly underscored the value of combining open technology with a community of open-minded individuals to create member-first solutions that make a difference. I'm grateful to all the participants who brought their best ideas and energy to make this year's event the most competitive and collaborative yet."

布拉德·希基(Brad Hickey)是CU Build的主席,也是美國航空聯邦信用聯盟(American Airlines Federal Credit Union)的應用程序開發經理,他評論道:「每年,我對這次活動的解決方案感到鼓舞和驚訝。今年真正強調了將開放技術與開放思維的社區相結合,以創造會員至上的解決方案,從而產生影響的價值。我非常感謝所有參與者,他們帶來了他們最好的想法和能量,使今年的活動變得最具競爭力和合作性。」

"CU Build is unlike any event. It not only brings together credit unions but also vendors who might otherwise be competitors to solve real industry pain points," said Brynn Ammon, president of Credit Union Solutions at Jack Henry. "This year, we saw teams heavily focused on financial prosperity for the members. It was interesting to watch how each team integrated into the Symitar core in unique and creative ways."

「CU Build不同於任何其他活動。它不僅彙集了信用社,還彙集了原本可能是競爭對手的供應商,共同解決實際產業痛點,」Jack Henry信用合作社解決方案總裁Brynn Ammon說。「今年,我們看到團隊都專注於會員的財務繁榮。觀察每個團隊在Symitar核心中以獨特和創造性的方式整合的過程很有趣。」

To learn more about how CU Build can help develop your career, grow your skills, and improve internal proficiencies, click here. Jack Henry clients can email [email protected] to take advantage of the solutions built at the event.

要了解有關CU Build如何幫助您發展職業,提升技能並改善內部專業能力的更多信息,請點擊這裏。Jack Henry的客戶可以發送電子郵件至[email protected],以利用在此活動中構建的解決方案。

About Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) is a well-rounded financial technology company that strengthens connections between financial institutions and the people and businesses they serve. We are an S&P 500 company that prioritizes openness, collaboration, and user centricity – offering banks and credit unions a vibrant ecosystem of internally developed modern capabilities as well as the ability to integrate with leading fintechs. For more than 48 years, Jack Henry has provided technology solutions to enable clients to innovate faster, strategically differentiate, and successfully compete while serving the evolving needs of their accountholders. We empower approximately 7,500 clients with people-inspired innovation, personal service, and insight-driven solutions that help reduce the barriers to financial health. Additional information is available at .

Jack Henry and Associates Inc. 是一家全面的金融科技公司,加強金融機構與他們服務的人和企業之間的聯繫。我們是一家S&P 500公司,優先考慮開放、協作和用戶中心性——爲銀行和信用社提供內部開發的現代功能的充滿活力的生態系統,以及與領先的金融科技集成的能力。48年來,Jack Henry一直提供技術解決方案,使客戶能夠更快地創新、戰略性差異化併成功競爭,同時滿足其帳戶持有人的不斷髮展的需求。我們通過啓發人的創新、個性化服務和以洞察爲驅動的解決方案,賦予約7500名客戶獲得金融健康的能力。更多信息請訪問網站。
Jack Henry(納斯達克:JKHY)是一家強大的金融科技公司,加強了金融機構與所服務的人和企業之間的聯繫。我們是一家S&P 500公司,以開放、協作和以用戶爲中心爲重點,爲銀行和信用社提供了內部開發的現代能力和與主要金融科技企業的整合能力。 48年來,Jack Henry一直致力於提供技術解決方案,使客戶能夠更快地創新、戰略性地區分和成功競爭,同時滿足帳戶持有人的不斷變化的需求。我們通過人性化的創新、個性化的服務和基於洞察力的解決方案,爲大約7500個客戶提供幫助,幫助降低金融健康所面臨的障礙。更多信息請訪問。

SOURCE Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.





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