
Acceleration Community of Companies Acquires Majority Stake in Premier PR and Communications Firm DKC

Acceleration Community of Companies Acquires Majority Stake in Premier PR and Communications Firm DKC

PR Newswire ·  09/18 20:30

Concurrent with the Acquisition, Verance Capital Completes a Strategic Growth Investment into ACC


LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Acceleration Community of Companies (ACC) today announced the acquisition of a majority stake in DKC, the iconic communications and marketing firm and one of the top 10 independent PR agencies in the U.S. Concurrent with the transaction, ACC and its majority shareholder Solace Capital, have also brought on New York-based growth equity firm, Verance Capital, as a strategic investor to support ACC's next phase of growth.

洛杉磯,2024年9月18日/美通社/--加速社區公司(ACC)今天宣佈收購DKC的多數股權,這是一家標誌性的傳媒和營銷公司,是美國十大獨立公關機構之一。與交易同時,ACC及其大股東Solace Capital還引入了紐約的增長股權公司Verance Capital作爲戰略投資者,以支持ACC的下一階段發展。

DKC logo

DKC was founded in New York City in 1991 by renowned public relations executive Dan Klores, who grew the firm into an industry powerhouse while becoming a philanthropist, an award-winning filmmaker and playwright, and the founder of the Earl Monroe New Renaissance Basketball School in the Bronx.


With the addition of DKC, ACC will grow its capabilities and global client base, further advancing its best-in-class, omnichannel, 360-degree services in marketing, media, and communications. ACC will now have 550 employees across 12 offices throughout the country.


"This is a major milestone in our journey to become a leader in paid, earned, shared, owned communications and marketing solutions," said ACC Chief Executive Officer and Founder Michael Nyman. "The new age of earned media and dynamic public relations impacts every aspect of marketing. DKC's expertise across traditional and social media, digital content, data analytics, and more, is a crucial component in realizing our vision of a true full-service marketing and communications platform. DKC is a storied and accomplished firm that represents some of the most exciting and well-known brands in the world."


"By joining the ACC community, we will be able to increase the value we offer clients by providing access to a broader range of marketing and communications capabilities," said DKC CEO Sean Cassidy. "20 years ago, I had the honor of being appointed to lead this company by our founder, Dan Klores, and during my tenure at DKC, the influence, delivery, and impact of strategic communications has exponentially grown amid a dramatically changing media landscape. Brands and individuals expect their communications partners to tell their stories to ever-evolving target audiences across a full range of platforms 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Michael and ACC are building an extraordinary, impactful modern business that is ideally positioned in this dynamic environment."


DKC works with global brands including BMW, Etsy, Resy, Thumbtack, Indeed, Clear, the Big East Conference, Delta Air Lines, the National Basketball Association, Match Group, Citi, NYU Langone Health, and other top brands across technology, entertainment - including some of the world's highest-grossing and most critically acclaimed artists - media, lifestyle, sports, healthcare and many more. In addition to public relations, crisis communications, and public affairs, DKC, through its HangarFour division, provides creative services including content creation, social media strategy, design services, influencer relations, and brand activations. DKC also provides polling, audience modeling, message testing, and paid media through its DKC Analytics division.

DKC與包括 BMW、Etsy、Resy、Thumbtack、Indeed、Clear、Big East Conference、達美航空、美國籃球協會、Match Group、Citi、NYU Langone Health在內的全球知名品牌合作,以及其他在科技、娛樂(包括世界最高票房和最受好評的藝術家)、媒體、生活方式、體育、醫療保健等行業的頂級品牌。DKC除公共關係、危機傳播和公共事務外,還通過其HangarFour部門提供創意服務,包括內容創作、社交媒體戰略、設計服務、影響者關係和品牌活動。 DKC還通過其DKC Analytics部門提供調查、觀衆建模、信息測試和付費媒體。

Verance Capital's strategic growth investment will accelerate ACC's expansion strategy, enhance its services, and provide further resources to support its clients.

Verance Capital的戰略成長投資將加快ACC的擴張戰略,增強其服務能力,併爲其客戶提供更多資源支持。

Lyle Ayes, CEO and Founder of Verance Capital added, "ACC, under the leadership of Michael Nyman, has experienced impressive growth both organically and through targeted strategic acquisitions. We are thrilled to partner with Michael and the senior management team at ACC to continue building a dynamic, collaborative, and cross-functional marketing network. The acquisition of DKC adds tremendous strength to that platform and well-positions the combined company for further success across a wide range of industries, especially sports, media, and entertainment."

Verance Capital的首席執行官兼創始人Lyle Ayes補充說:「在Michael Nyman的領導下,ACC在有機增長和有針對性的戰略收購方面取得了可觀的增長。我們很高興能與Michael和ACC的高級管理團隊合作,繼續建設一個動態、協作和跨職能的營銷網絡。收購DKC爲該平台增添了巨大的實力,併爲合併後的公司在廣泛的行業中,特別是體育、媒體和娛樂方面取得進一步的成功奠定了良好基礎。」

Christopher Brothers, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Solace stated, "We are thrilled to support the continued growth of ACC and its market-leading platform. DKC has established itself as a premier, full-service strategic communications firm by providing some of the world's leading brands, artists, and events with impeccable execution, pressure-tested advisory, and media relations services. We also welcome Verance Capital as a strategic investor and look forward to ACC unleashing the full power of its platform to reach even greater heights."

Solace的聯合創始人兼管理合夥人Christopher Brothers表示:「我們很高興支持ACC繼續增長以及其市場領先的平台。DKC通過提供世界頂級品牌、藝術家和活動無可挑剔的執行力、經過市場檢驗的顧問服務和媒體關係服務,已經確立自己作爲一家優秀的全方位戰略傳播公司。我們也歡迎Verance Capital作爲戰略投資者,並期待ACC發揮其平台的全部潛力,取得更大的成就。」

DKC represents the sixth acquisition for ACC, which also built Advisory, its bespoke marketing consultancy group. The agency last year acquired Trailblaze, a marketing communications firm that specializes in putting emerging brands in regulated industries on the map, and performance-minded influencer marketing agency Pixly in 2022.


Those acquisitions joined MKG, a creative agency specializing in brand experiences; design, fabrication, and 3-D printing shop Pink Sparrow; and Stripe Theory, a data marketing analytics and reputation management agency.

這些收購加入了專注於品牌體驗的創意代理公司MKG;設計、製造和3D打印店Pink Sparrow;以及數據營銷分析和聲譽管理代理公司Stripe Theory。

Michelman & Robinson, LLP served as legal counsel to ACC, and MC Credit Partners provided debt financing to ACC to support the transaction.

Michelman & Robinson,LLP擔任ACC的法律顧問,MC Credit Partners向ACC提供債務融資以支持這項交易。

Loeb & Loeb, LLP served as legal counsel, GP Bullhound served as financial advisor to DKC, and Bruce Madnick also served as special advisor to DKC.

Loeb & Loeb,LLP擔任法律顧問,GP Bullhound擔任DKC的財務顧問,Bruce Madnick也擔任DKC的特別顧問。

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP served as legal counsel to Verance Capital.

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP擔任Verance Capital的法律顧問。

About ACC
ACC has developed a new go-to-market business approach with a series of strategic and complementary acquisitions. Acceleration's unique community of specialized firms helps clients move quickly and efficiently with their branding, marketing, and media decisions and actions, by ensuring all agencies are tech-enabled, with data and analytics utilization linking them all together and driving maximum results for their clients. Between ACC Advisory and its current business portfolio, clients and projects include a mix and range of Fortune 500 as well as direct-to-consumer brands, including Google, Amazon, DoorDash, Pepsi, Netflix, Target, Stanley, Opera Software, Meta, Delta Airlines, Dolby, T-Mobile, and HBO, among others.

ACC已經制定了一套新的市場營銷業務方法,通過一系列戰略和互補的收購。Acceleration的專業公司社區幫助客戶在品牌營銷和媒體決策方面快速高效地行動,確保所有機構都具備科技能力,並通過數據和分析將它們聯繫在一起,爲客戶帶來最大化的結果。在ACC Advisory及其當前業務組合之間,客戶和項目包括一系列Fortune 500公司以及直接面向消費者的品牌,包括Google、亞馬遜、doordash、百事可樂、奈飛、Target、Stanley、Opera Software、Meta、達美航空、Dolby萬億.Mobile和HBO等。

About DKC
Established by Dan Klores in 1991, DKC is one of the top 10 independent firms in the United States by fee revenue. Headquartered in New York City with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Albany, and London. DKC is a full-service public relations, marketing, creative services, data analytics, and government affairs company, providing all communications services including strategic counsel and planning, media relations, digital and social media, integrated marketing, executive positioning, crisis management, public affairs, original content development, event production, advertising, and branding. The agency's diverse client roster includes Fortune 100 companies, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and creative individuals across a broad range of industries. For more information, visit .

DKC成立於1991年,由丹·克洛爾斯(Dan Klores)創辦,是美國按收入計算排名前十的獨立機構之一。總部位於紐約市,在洛杉磯、舊金山、奧爾巴尼和倫敦設有辦事處。DKC是一家全方位的公共關係、市場營銷、創意服務、數據分析和政府事務公司,提供包括戰略諮詢與規劃、媒體關係、數字和社交媒體、綜合營銷、高管定位、危機管理、公共事務、原創內容開發、活動製作、廣告和品牌推廣在內的所有通信服務。代理商的多樣化客戶名單包括財富100強企業、創業者、非營利組織和廣泛行業的創意個人。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

About Verance Capital
Verance Capital is a growth investment firm that partners with leading entrepreneurs and management teams in the sports, media, and live entertainment industries. With a flexible and long-term approach to investing, Verance leverages its industry expertise and an expansive global network to drive success for its partners. For more information, visit .

關於Verance Capital
Verance Capital是一家成長型投資公司,與體育、媒體和現場娛樂行業的領先企業家和管理團隊合作。憑藉對行業的專業知識和廣泛的全球網絡,Verance採用靈活和長期的投資方式,爲合作伙伴取得成功。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

About Solace Capital Partners
Solace Capital Partners is a Los Angeles-based private investment firm focused on providing flexible capital solutions for middle-market companies in the United States and Canada. Solace seeks to form collaborative partnerships with management teams and leverage the firm's extensive resources to realize operational improvements and drive performance in its portfolio companies while generating attractive risk-adjusted returns for its investors. For more information, please visit .

關於Solace Capital Partners
Solace Capital Partners是一家總部位於洛杉磯的私人投資公司,專注於爲美國和加拿大的中市場公司提供靈活的資本解決方案。Solace尋求與管理團隊形成合作夥伴關係,並利用公司豐富的資源,在其投資組合公司中實現運營改善和推動績效,同時爲投資者創造具吸引力的風險調整回報。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

SOURCE Acceleration Community of Companies (ACC)





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