
FTI Consulting Launches National Security Offering Led by Former FBI Assistant Director

FTI Consulting Launches National Security Offering Led by Former FBI Assistant Director

FTI咨詢 ·  09/16 12:00

WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the launch of a National Security offering to address growing threats to the private sector and increased demand for comprehensive solutions that protect clients, their supply chains and critical assets, and national interests in an increasingly globalized and digitized world.

華盛頓,2024年9月16日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——FTI Consulting, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:FCN)今天宣佈推出一項國家安全產品,以應對私營部門面臨的日益增長的威脅,以及對在日益全球化和數字化的世界中保護客戶、其供應鏈和關鍵資產以及國家利益的全面解決方案的日益增長的需求。

Domestic and international companies in all industries are facing threats from sophisticated, hostile foreign actors. They also need to be prepared for operational, technical and financial challenges that may pose risks to national interests and invite regulatory investigation or enforcement actions. The National Security offering will include risk and compliance advisory and investigative capabilities focused on critical industries and infrastructure, such as healthcare, financial services and energy, as well as technology including the semiconductor industry.


Michael J. Driscoll, former Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI's New York office, will lead the offering. Mr. Driscoll has more than 26 years of experience in cybersecurity, threat intelligence, criminal investigations and national security and extensive collaboration with international partners in the government and private sector.


"The private sector is now a crucial player in national security, especially as emerging technologies and geopolitical tensions reshape the global landscape," said Mr. Driscoll, a Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting. "Sensitive customer data, advanced technologies, valuable intellectual property and political and economic influence are highly targeted by foreign actors for a competitive edge, so it's critical that companies remain vigilant and proactively adapt to counter national security threats and comply with regulatory requirements, which are continuing to expand and evolve."

FTI Consulting高級董事總經理德里斯科爾表示:「私營部門現在是國家安全的關鍵參與者,特別是在新興技術和地緣政治緊張局勢重塑全球格局之際。」「敏感的客戶數據、先進的技術、寶貴的知識產權以及政治和經濟影響力是外國行爲者爲了獲得競爭優勢而高度關注的目標,因此,企業必須保持警惕,主動調整以應對國家安全威脅並遵守監管要求,這些要求正在持續擴大和演變。」

FTI Consulting's multidisciplinary team of experts, with backgrounds from the Department of Justice, FBI, U.S. Secret Service and other government agencies and regulators, as well as in-house legal and Chief Compliance Officers, will advise on a range of national security issues, including cyber risks and attacks, insider threats, espionage, CFIUS reviews, export controls, sanctions, transshipment and diversion of critical technology, cross-border data sharing and intellectual property theft. FTI Consulting has deep experience supporting organizations facing complex regulatory challenges and assisting with development and implementation of risk assessment, diligence and compliance program structures.

FTI Consulting的多學科專家團隊擁有來自司法部、聯邦調查局、美國特勤局和其他政府機構和監管機構的背景,以及內部法律和首席合規官,將就一系列國家安全問題提供建議,包括網絡風險和攻擊、內部威脅、間諜活動、CFIUS審查、出口管制、制裁、關鍵技術的轉運和轉移、跨境數據共享和知識產權盜竊。FTI Consulting在支持面臨複雜監管挑戰的組織以及協助制定和實施風險評估、盡職調查和合規計劃結構方面擁有豐富的經驗。

"Our global interconnectedness and reliance on technology for essential services can present significant threats, including to national security, if proper risk mitigation strategies are not implemented," said Anthony J. Ferrante, a Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting and former Director for Cyber Incident Response at the U.S. National Security Council at the White House. "A single incident can have cascading impacts and create sustained disruption, emphasizing the need to help the private sector ensure they are doing their part in protecting national security interests."

FTI Consulting高級董事總經理、白宮美國國家安全委員會網絡事件響應前主管安東尼·費蘭特說:「如果不實施適當的風險緩解策略,我們的全球互聯性和對基本服務技術的依賴可能會構成重大威脅,包括對國家安全的威脅。」「單一事件可能會產生連帶影響並造成持續的干擾,這突顯了幫助私營部門確保他們在保護國家安全利益方面儘自己的一份力量。」

William Perlstein, Global Segment Leader of the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment at FTI Consulting, added, "Our national security experience spans critical areas like cybersecurity, investigations, export controls, sanctions and trade. When teamed with our strategic communications and data and analytics capabilities, our multidisciplinary teams bring deep industry expertise to the most challenging issues facing the private sector. I look forward to seeing how they will help our clients mitigate and manage national security risk."

FTI Consulting法務和訴訟諮詢部門全球分部負責人William Perlstein補充說:「我們的國家安全經驗涵蓋網絡安全、調查、出口管制、制裁和貿易等關鍵領域。我們的多學科團隊與我們的戰略溝通、數據和分析能力相結合,爲私營部門面臨的最具挑戰性的問題帶來了深厚的行業專業知識。我期待看到他們將如何幫助我們的客戶緩解和管理國家安全風險。」

About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting's services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalized and independently managed. More information can be found at .

關於 FTI 諮詢
FTI Consulting, Inc. 是一家全球商業諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革、降低風險和解決爭議:財務、法律、運營、政治和監管、聲譽和交易。FTI 諮詢專業人員在 33 個國家和地區擁有 8,000 多名員工,他們與客戶密切合作,預測、闡明和克服複雜的業務挑戰,充分利用機遇。該公司在2023財年創造了34.9億美元的收入。在某些司法管轄區,FTI Consulting的服務由不同的法律實體提供,這些法律實體分別資本和獨立管理。更多信息可以在以下網址找到。

FTI Consulting, Inc.
555 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

FTI 諮詢公司
西北 12 街 555 號
華盛頓特區 20004

Investor Contact:
Mollie Hawkes


Media Contact:
Matthew Bashalany



Source: FTI Consulting, Inc.

資料來源:FTI 諮詢公司

