
State Street Announces Additional Round of Deposit Placements Through Minority Depository Institutions and Community Development Financial Institutions

State Street Announces Additional Round of Deposit Placements Through Minority Depository Institutions and Community Development Financial Institutions

道富銀行 ·  09/16 12:00
  • Firm has placed more than 75% of the committed $100M in deposits through MDIs / CDFIs in 2024;

  • Will convene CEOs of all announced MDI/CDFI Banks to help further drive impact for their communities

  • 2024年,公司通過MDI/CDFi存入了承諾的1億美元存款的75%以上;

  • 將召集所有已宣佈的MDI/CDFI銀行的首席執行官,以幫助進一步提高其社區的影響

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) today announced that it has placed an additional round of deposits through two minority depository institutions (MDIs) and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), Massachusetts-based Leader Bank and Oklahoma-based Local Bank. These placements are the latest installment of the firm's $100 million program that launched earlier this year to facilitate low-cost, stable deposit funding to the communities it serves, and 75% of the funds have been placed.                                    

波士頓--(美國商業資訊)--State Street Corporation(紐約證券交易所代碼:STT)今天宣佈,它已通過兩家少數族裔存款機構(MDI)和社區發展金融機構(CDFI)、總部位於馬薩諸塞州的Leader Bank和總部位於俄克拉荷馬州的本地銀行再存入一輪存款。這些存款是該公司今年早些時候啓動的1億美元計劃的最新一期,該計劃旨在爲其所服務的社區提供低成本、穩定的存款資金,75%的資金已經到位。

"We are proud to once again partner with leading MDIs and CDFIs through our partnerships with Leader Bank and Local Bank, two institutions playing a vital role in providing opportunities for underserved communities and helping to foster economic empowerment," said Ron O'Hanley, chairman and chief executive officer of State Street. "We remain committed to expanding the financial market ecosystem that these institutions service, and look forward to seeing our combined efforts with these two banks contribute to growth and job creation within their respective communities."

State Street董事長兼首席執行官羅恩·奧漢利表示:「我們很自豪能夠通過與Leader Bank和Local Bank的合作再次與領先的MDI和CDFi合作,這兩家機構在爲服務不足的社區提供機會和幫助促進經濟賦權方面發揮了至關重要的作用。」「我們仍然致力於擴大這些機構所服務的金融市場生態系統,並期待看到我們與這兩家銀行的共同努力爲各自社區的增長和創造就業機會做出貢獻。」

Founded in 2002, Leader Bank is a financial institution known for its entrepreneurial approach to banking. Guided by core values of exceptional client service, exemplary products, and a commitment to innovation for its clients, Leader Bank has seen rapid growth across a wide range of commercial and retail offerings. As a dedicated corporate citizen, Leader Bank takes pride in its active partnerships with philanthropic organizations, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to community support.

Leader Bank成立於2002年,是一家以其銀行業創業方法而聞名的金融機構。在卓越的客戶服務、模範產品以及對客戶創新的承諾等核心價值觀的指導下,Leader Bank在廣泛的商業和零售產品中實現了快速增長。作爲敬業的企業公民,Leader Bank爲與慈善組織的積極合作感到自豪,這表明了其對社區支持的堅定承諾。

"We are honored to be partnering with State Street Bank and appreciate its ongoing commitment to supporting our broader mission to offer our clients creative financial products and customized solutions that allow them to achieve financial prosperity for themselves, their families, and their businesses," said Sushil K. Tuli, chairman and chief executive officer of Leader Bank.

Leader Bank董事長兼首席執行官Sushil k. Tuli表示:「我們很榮幸能與道富銀行合作,並感謝其持續致力於支持我們更廣泛的使命,即爲客戶提供創新的金融產品和定製的解決方案,使他們能夠爲自己、家庭和企業實現財務繁榮。」

Local Bank was founded by prominent members of the Cherokee Nation in 1907. Proudly Native-owned and Native-led, the bank is headed by Chairman and CEO Susan Plumb. As the only bank in the town of Hulbert, Oklahoma, with additional branches in Tahlequah, Grove, Sallisaw, and Park Hill, Local Bank goes beyond traditional banking services, deeply investing in the communities it serves. Uniquely committed to its roots, Local Bank reinvests 95% of its deposits directly back into Cherokee County, supporting local growth and prosperity in ways that set it apart from conventional banks.

當地銀行由切諾基民族的知名成員於1907年創立。該銀行由董事長兼首席執行官蘇珊·普拉姆領導,由本土人所有,由本土人領導。作爲俄克拉荷馬州赫爾伯特鎮唯一一家在塔勒闊、格羅夫、薩利索和帕克希爾增設分行的銀行,本地銀行超越了傳統的銀行服務,對所服務的社區進行了深入投資。Local Bank以其獨特的根基爲宗旨,將其95%的存款直接再投資回切諾基縣,以使其與傳統銀行區分開來的方式支持當地的增長和繁榮。

"From supporting small businesses to achieving homeownership and everything in between, we are confident that State Street's deposit will create a long-lasting impact within the communities that we serve," said Susan Plumb, chairman and chief executive officer of Local Bank.

本地銀行董事長兼首席執行官蘇珊·普拉姆表示:「從支持小型企業到實現房屋所有權以及介於兩者之間的一切,我們相信State Street的存款將在我們所服務的社區中產生長期影響。」

On September 17, State Street will host an event for the CEOs and executive leadership of all seven announced banks of State Street's MDI/CDFI deposit program. The full day convening will serve as an opportunity for State Street to further enhance the partnerships and discuss in detail how to drive further impact within these communities.

9月17日,道富銀行將爲道富銀行MDI/CDFI存款計劃所有七家已宣佈的銀行的首席執行官和執行領導層舉辦活動。爲期一整天的會議將爲State Street提供進一步加強夥伴關係的機會,並詳細討論如何在這些社區中產生進一步的影響。

The MDIs and CDFIs deposits program continues to further build upon State Street's actions to advance racial equity. In 2020, State Street announced its 10 Actions to Address Racism and Inequality, a 10-point action plan with the ultimate goal of helping to end systemic racism in our communities. Additionally the firm completed an independent Civil Rights Audit, which provided recommended actions to help establish State Street as an industry leader in advancing civil rights and racial equity.

MDI和CDFi存款計劃繼續在State Street促進種族平等的行動基礎上進一步發展。2020年,State Street宣佈了其解決種族主義和不平等的10項行動,這是一項10點行動計劃,其最終目標是幫助結束我們社區中的系統性種族主義。此外,該公司完成了一項獨立的民權審計,該審計提供了建議的行動,以幫助State Street成爲推進民權和種族平等的行業領導者。

Click                                         here                                         to learn more about the ways in which State Street has continued to advance this mission.                                    

點擊此處詳細了解State Street繼續推進這一使命的方式。

About State Street Corporation


State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) is one of the world's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors including investment servicing, investment management and investment research and trading. With $44.3 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration and $4.4 trillion* in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, State Street operates globally in more than 100 geographic markets and employs approximately 53,000 worldwide. For more information, visit State Street's website at                                                                                 .                                    

State Street Corporation(紐約證券交易所代碼:STT)是全球領先的機構投資者金融服務提供商之一,包括投資服務、投資管理和投資研究與交易。截至2024年6月30日,道富資本託管和/或管理的資產爲44.3萬億美元,管理的資產爲4.4萬億美元*,在全球100多個地域市場開展業務,在全球擁有約53,000名員工。欲了解更多信息,請訪問State Street的網站,網址爲。

                                           *Assets under management as of June 30, 2024 includes approximately $69 billion of assets with respect to SPDR                                                                                         products for which State Street Global Advisors Funds Distributors, LLC (SSGA FD) acts solely as the marketing agent. SSGA FD and State Street Global Advisors are affiliated.                                        

*截至2024年6月30日,管理的資產包括與SPDR產品相關的約690億美元資產,道富環球顧問基金分銷商有限責任公司(SSGA FD)僅充當其營銷代理。SSGA FD 和道富環球顧問是附屬機構。



2024 State Street Corporation

2024 州街公司

About Leader Bank


Founded in 2002, Leader Bank, N.A. is a Massachusetts-based entrepreneurial financial institution that approaches banking differently. At its founding, Leader Bank had $6.5 million in assets – in the two decades since, the Bank has grown into one of the most successful financial institutions in the Commonwealth with more than $4 billion in assets. Leader Bank's team members have been at the forefront of supporting the Bank's rapid growth and client-oriented solutions over the last two decades as the Bank has expanded its commercial and retail products and solutions. Leader Bank is a committed corporate citizen and prides itself on partnering with and supporting philanthropic organizations. More information on Leader Bank can be found at                                                                                 .                                    

N.A. Leader Bank成立於2002年,是一家總部位於馬薩諸塞州的創業金融機構,以不同的方式對待銀行業務。Leader Bank成立時擁有650萬美元的資產——在此後的二十年中,該銀行已發展成爲英聯邦最成功的金融機構之一,擁有超過40億美元的資產。在過去的二十年中,隨着Leader Bank擴展其商業和零售產品和解決方案,Leader Bank的團隊成員一直站在支持該銀行快速增長和以客戶爲導向的解決方案的最前沿。Leader Bank是一位堅定的企業公民,爲與慈善組織合作和支持慈善組織而感到自豪。有關領袖銀行的更多信息,請訪問。

About Local Bank


Local Bank was founded in 1907 in Indian Territory, which existed until statehood. Native-owned & native led – Local Bank is headed by Chairman & CEO Susan Plumb. Local Bank sees its responsibilities extending beyond what is usually thought of as "ordinary" banking functions. Unlike "ordinary" banks, Bank of Cherokee County invests 95% of deposits back into Cherokee County. Community reinvestment is nothing new to Local Bank. Since the bank's founding at the turn of the century, its mission has been to serve its community. With that being said, Local Bank is about celebrating the dreamers, doers, and achievers in our local communities since 1907. More information on Local Bank can be found at                                                                                 .                                    

當地銀行於1907年在印第安領地成立,一直存在到建州爲止。本地人所有和本地人領導——本地銀行由董事長兼首席執行官蘇珊·普拉姆領導。當地銀行認爲其職責不僅限於通常所謂的 「普通」 銀行職能。與 「普通」 銀行不同,切諾基縣銀行將95%的存款投資回切諾基縣。社區再投資對當地銀行來說並不是什麼新鮮事。自該銀行在世紀之交成立以來,其使命一直是爲社區服務。話雖如此,Local Bank旨在表彰自1907年以來我們當地社區的夢想家、行動者和成就者。有關本地銀行的更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
Brendan Paul                                        
Mobile: +1 401 644 9182                               

手機:+1 401 644 9182

Source: State Street Corporation


