
New Survey From Abbott Finds Epidemiologists Believe Viral and Mosquito-Borne Pathogens Are Priority Concerns for Disease Outbreaks

New Survey From Abbott Finds Epidemiologists Believe Viral and Mosquito-Borne Pathogens Are Priority Concerns for Disease Outbreaks

Abbott ·  09/17 12:00
  • Survey reveals that infectious disease experts see the need to address gaps in surveillance programs to identify emerging pathogens, public health funding and testing infrastructure capabilities
  • They point to viral pathogens and mosquito-borne pathogens as likely to spark outbreaks as humans, animals and viruses overlap; and new viruses are as concerning as changes to existing viruses
  • Experts believe robust tracking of changing insect range, animal habitats and their migrations and extreme weather events are important to understanding infectious diseases and changing risk patterns
  • 調查顯示,傳染病專家認爲有必要解決監測計劃中的差距,以識別新出現的病原體、公共衛生資金和測試基礎設施能力
  • 他們指出,病毒性病原體和蚊媒病原體很可能引發人類、動物和病毒重疊而引發爆發;新病毒與現有病毒的變化一樣令人擔憂
  • 專家們認爲,跟蹤昆蟲分佈範圍、動物棲息地及它們的遷徙以及極端天氣事件的變化對於理解傳染病和不斷變化的風險模式是重要的

ABBOTT PARK, Ill., Sept. 17, 2024 — Abbott announced the findings of a new survey among leading infectious disease experts around the world on the state of pandemic preparedness and found that while most agree that preparation has improved since the COVID-19 pandemic, respondents say significant gaps remain in building surveillance programs to identify emerging pathogens, public health funding and having adequate testing infrastructure capabilities.1

伊利諾伊州ABBOTt PARk,2024年9月17日——Abbott宣佈了一項新調查的結果,該調查涉及全球領先的傳染病專家對大流行應急準備狀況的看法。調查發現,儘管大多數人認爲自COVID-19大流行以來準備工作已經有所提高,但受訪者表示,在構建監測計劃以識別新出現的病原體、獲得公共衛生資金和擁有足夠的測試基礎設施能力方面仍存在重大差距。

The survey, commissioned by the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition, asked more than 100 experts in virology, epidemiology and infectious diseases around the world about their priorities for addressing the gaps in readiness for disease outbreaks, their views on how the changing environment is impacting infectious diseases, and their suggestions for building a resilient healthcare system capable of identifying and responding to emerging disease outbreaks around the world.


"Just as scientists have developed sophisticated monitoring systems to track emerging storms and hurricanes, our job as virus hunters is to identify pathogens that have the potential to spark outbreaks in order to stay one step ahead," said Gavin Cloherty, Ph.D., head of infectious disease research at Abbott and head of the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition. "Disease surveillance acts as our radar, helping us prioritize which viruses are most likely to trigger an outbreak and where those outbreaks may occur."

「正如科學家們開發了複雜的監測系統來跟蹤新興風暴和颶風一樣,我們作爲病毒獵手的任務是識別有潛力引發爆發的病原體,以便提前一步,」Abbott傳染病研究負責人、Abbott大流行防禦聯盟領導者Gavin Cloherty博士表示。「疾病監測就像我們的雷達,幫助我們確定哪些病毒最有可能引發爆發以及爆發可能發生的地點。」

When asked to classify the types of pathogens that are most likely to start outbreaks:1


  • Respondents were evenly split on whether a new pathogen (50%) or changes in a known disease (50%) were a bigger threat for large-scale outbreaks.
  • Nearly all (94%) believe viral pathogens are most likely to lead to widespread outbreaks, followed by bacteria, fungal and parasitic infections.
  • A pathogen that is highly transmissible, a novel virus with no tests, treatments or vaccines available, and a virus that can transmit silently are the factors most likely to accelerate a local outbreak into an epidemic or pandemic; a known pathogen that's now drug resistant to treatments, a virus that causes high mortality, or one with high morbidity were less likely.
  • 調查對象對於新病原體(50%)或已知疾病變化(50%)哪個更可能對大規模爆發構成更大威脅意見不一。
  • 幾乎所有人(94%)認爲病毒病原體最有可能導致大規模爆發,其次是細菌、真菌和寄生蟲感染。
  • 高度傳染性的病原體、沒有相關測試、治療或疫苗可用的新型病毒以及可能悄然傳播的病毒是最有可能將局部爆發加劇至流行病或大流行的因素;對治療方案產生耐藥性的已知病原體、致命病毒或高發病率的病毒較不可能。

The survey also asked infectious disease experts their perspective on the impact changes in the climate could have on the severity and frequency of infectious disease outbreaks, including extreme weather events and where insects and animals live. Experts identified mosquito-borne pathogens (61%) as representing the greatest threat to human health as the climate changes, compared to avian (21%), animal (14%) or tick-born (4%) pathogens.1


Viruses from mosquitoes – including dengue fever, Zika virus, West Nile virus and malaria – are common in tropical areas, including Latin America, Africa and Asia. Scientists are finding that warming temperatures and more flooding are pushing mosquitos that can carry these diseases to new places. Scientists predict that 1.3 billion people could be impacted by Zika by 2050 and 61% of the world's population could be impacted by dengue by 2080.2-3


The survey results showed that infectious disease experts believe that robust tracking of changing insect ranges, animal habitats and their migrations, and extreme weather events are important to understand changing risk patterns for infectious diseases.


"Temperature increases and extreme weather events are impacting how humans, animals and insects interact and we are finding mosquito-borne viruses in new places," said Jorge Osorio, DVM, Ph.D., M.S., a professor and director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and co-director of the Colombia-Wisconsin One Health Consortium. "As these viruses appear in more parts of the world, we need a globally coordinated effort to share learnings from countries who have been successfully managing these illnesses, as well as ensuring that effective surveillance and countermeasures are in place."

威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校全球衛生學院教授、哥倫比亞-威斯康星一體化健康聯盟聯合董事賈皮奧·奧索里奧(Jorge Osorio)博士表示:「氣溫升高和極端天氣事件正在影響人類、動物和昆蟲之間的互動,我們發現蚊媒病毒正在出現在新的地方。隨着這些病毒在世界各地出現,我們需要全球統一協調的努力,分享那些成功管理這些疾病的國家的經驗,同時確保有效的監測和對策得以實施。」

As part of the survey, respondents were asked to share their priorities for addressing the most urgent gaps in the world's current state of readiness. Surveillance programs to identify emerging pathogens, funding for public health infrastructure, testing infrastructure capabilities, increasing the numbers of epidemiologists and frontline workers, and diagnostic test development were cited as the top five areas for investment.


Private-public partnerships like the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition, a network of more than 20 scientific and public health organizations around the globe, are focused on identifying, tracking and responding to known and emerging disease outbreaks to help prevent the next pandemic. The Coalition also partners with other entities such as the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Network, the Global Virus Network (GVN) and the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET), who have an ongoing commitment to pandemic preparedness, including training the next generation of epidemiologists and having an early detection and rapid response to outbreaks.


Informed by the findings from the survey, members of the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition recommend focusing on three priorities to maintain and strengthen the ability to manage local, regional and global infectious disease outbreaks:


  • The Need to Address Gaps: Public health systems need surveillance programs to quickly identify new pathogens and outbreaks using the diverse set of tools available. Funding for public health should be available to sustain these programs and help train the next generation of virus hunters who help identify and respond to outbreaks as well as educate the public on infectious diseases.
  • Know What We're Looking For: While every outbreak is important to understand, only some have the potential to spark national, regional or global health concerns. Understanding the profile that presents the most risk enables the healthcare community to calibrate efforts to protect public health. As viruses are discovered in new locations, it's important for the medical community and the general public to know what viruses may be circulating, pointing to the need to continue strengthening surveillance and education efforts.
  • Understand the Changing Environment: Experts are nearly unanimous in their view that the evolving way humans, animals and insects overlap and interact will change the dynamics of infectious disease outbreaks. Continued research and investments in new technology are needed to help understand how those dynamics are at play locally – old diseases in new regions, acceleration of routes of transmission – to help guide more effective preparation.
  • 填補差距的必要性:公共衛生系統需要監測計劃,以快速利用各種可用工具識別新的病原體和爆發情況。公共衛生的資金應當可用於維持這些計劃,並幫助培訓下一代病毒獵人,他們有助於識別和應對爆發,同時教育公衆有關傳染病。
  • 了解我們所尋找的內容:雖然了解每一次爆發都很重要,但只有一些具有引發國家、區域或全球健康關切的潛力。了解呈現最高風險的特徵使得醫療社區能夠調節保護公共衛生的工作。隨着病毒在新地點被發現,醫療社區和公衆知道可能在傳播的病毒是很重要的,這指向繼續加強監測和教育工作的必要性。
  • 專家幾乎一致認爲,人類、動物和昆蟲之間相互重疊和互動的方式不斷演變,將改變傳染病爆發的動態。需要繼續研究和投資新技術,以幫助了解這些動態在當地的作用——新地區的舊疾病,傳播途徑的加速——以指導更有效的防備準備。

About the Survey:


The Pandemic Preparedness Survey was commissioned by the members of the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition to understand the views of the epidemiologists and disease surveillance experts on the current state of pandemic preparedness. Invitations to participate in the online survey were distributed to more than 400 experts at Coalition member institutions, the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Network, the Global Virus Network (GVN), the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET), as well as other academic research institutions. 103 experts fully completed the survey. The survey was conducted between April 2024 and June 2024 and participation was voluntary and anonymous.


About Abbott:


Abbott is a global healthcare leader that helps people live more fully at all stages of life. Our portfolio of life-changing technologies spans the spectrum of healthcare, with leading businesses and products in diagnostics, medical devices, nutritionals and branded generic medicines. Our 114,000 colleagues serve people in more than 160 countries. Connect with us at and on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X and YouTube.


1APDC Pandemic Preparedness Survey. Full report available on


2Smith, P. et al. (2024). Climate change impacts on global biodiversity. Global Change Biology, 30(2), 123-145.

2Smith,P.等人。(2024)。全球生物多樣性的氣候變化影響。《全球變化生物學》,30(2), 123-145。

3Brown, L et al. (2019). Microbial interactions in the human gut. Nature Microbiology, 4(8), 1234-1245.

3Brown,L等人。(2019)。人類腸道中的微生物相互作用。《自然微生物學》,4(8), 1234-1245。

