
Rönesans Enerji Publishes Green Finance Framework

Rönesans Enerji Publishes Green Finance Framework

PR Newswire ·  09/18 15:00

The Framework is a first of its kind for Rönesans Holding, designed to direct financial investments towards projects that promote environmental sustainability. ING acted as a sustainability advisor in the preparation and publication of the Green Finance Framework.


ISTANBUL, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To realise the goal of becoming one of Türkiye's top 3 green energy companies, Rönesans Enerji has rapidly accelerated its investments alongside publishing its Green Finance Framework, a pioneering initiative in the sector that complies with the Capital Markets Board of Türkiye's criteria for green debt instruments.

2024年9月18日,伊斯坦布爾 / PRNewswire — 爲了實現成爲土耳其前三大綠色能源公司的目標,Rönesans Enerji在加速投資的同時,發佈了其綠色金融框架,這是該行業的先驅性倡議,符合土耳其資本市場委員會對綠色債務工具的準則。

İpek Ilıcak Kayaalp, Chair of the Board of Directors, Rönesans Holding
Rönesans控股公司董事會主席İpek Ilıcak Kayaalp

Rönesans Enerji, a joint venture between Rönesans Holding and TotalEnergies, has boosted its investments by leveraging the Green Finance Framework to gain easier access to green financing instruments that support renewable energy. The company aims to achieve approximately 7 to 10 percent of the green energy investments targeted in Türkiye's National Energy Plan.

Rönesans Enerji是Rönesans控股公司和TotalEnergies的合資企業,利用綠色金融框架提高投資,以更容易獲得支持可再生能源的綠色融資工具。該公司旨在實現土耳其國家能源計劃中綠色能源投資目標的約7至10%。

The creation and publication of Rönesans Enerji's Green Finance Framework, which is also the first of its kind for Rönesans Holding companies, received support from ING, which acted as a sustainability advisor. The framework is aligned with the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), the Green Loan Principles of the Loan Market Association (LMA), the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA), the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA); as well as the Capital Markets Board of Türkiye's (CMB) guidelines for Green Debt Instruments, Sustainable Debt Instruments, Green Lease Certificates, and Sustainable Lease Certificates. This compliance ensures its applicability in both national and international green financing instruments. The Rönesans Enerji Green Finance Framework is among the first frameworks to incorporate the CMB's guidelines for Green Debt Instruments, Sustainable Debt Instruments, Green Lease Certificates, and Sustainable Lease Certificates, thereby contributing to the recognition of the CMB Guidelines.

Rönesans Enerji的綠色金融框架的制定和發佈,也是Rönesans控股公司的首個框架,得到了作爲可持續性顧問的ING的支持。該框架符合國際資本市場協會(ICMA)的綠色債券原則,貸款市場協會(LMA)的綠色貸款原則,貸款協會(LSTA)和亞太貸款市場協會(APLMA)的貸款貿易原則;以及土耳其資本市場委員會(CMB)的綠色債務工具、可持續債務工具、綠色租賃證書和可持續租賃證書的準則。這種符合確保了它適用於國內和國際的綠色融資工具。Rönesans Enerji的綠色金融框架是最早採用CMB綠色債務工具、可持續債務工具、綠色租賃證書和可持續租賃證書準則的框架之一,從而有助於推動CMB準則的認可。

With its numerous compliance criteria, the Green Finance Framework stands as one of the most comprehensive frameworks in Türkiye's energy production sector. In addition to covering general renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar power, the framework also includes other renewable sources like bioenergy and geothermal, as well as energy storage systems within its scope. Green hydrogen production and hydrogen storage technologies have been included in the scope of the Green Finance Framework as a strategic preparation for the future. This makes the Green Finance Framework one of the first frameworks in Türkiye to cover hydrogen technologies. All technologies and criteria of the Green Finance Framework were evaluated by ISS Corporate Solutions, which provided a Second Party Opinion (SPO). The Green Finance Framework received a positive assessment, confirming its compliance with relevant standards.

憑藉其衆多的合規標準,綠色金融框架成爲土耳其能源生產行業中最全面的框架之一。除了涵蓋水力、風力和太陽能等常規可再生能源之外,該框架還包括生物能源、地熱以及能源儲存系統等其他可再生能源。綠色氫氣生產和氫氣儲存技術也被納入綠色金融框架的範疇,作爲未來戰略準備的一部分。這使得綠色金融框架成爲土耳其最早涵蓋氫能技術的框架之一。綠色金融框架的所有技術和標準都經過了ISS Corporate Solutions的評估,該機構提供了第二方意見(SPO)。綠色金融框架獲得了積極的評估,確認其符合相關標準。



The Board of Directors of Rönesans Holding, İpek Ilıcak Kayaalp stated that Rönesans Enerji has achieved a pioneering milestone in Türkiye's energy sector with its Green Finance Framework. She highlighted that this framework is one of the first Green Finance Framework among the sector, adding: "We are committed to building a better, more sustainable future. We continue our journey with determination, aiming to set an example in every sector in which we operate."

Rönesans Holding董事會成員İpek Ilıcak Kayalp表示,Rönesans Enerji憑藉其綠色金融框架在土耳其能源行業取得了開創性的里程碑。她強調該框架是該行業中最早的綠色金融框架之一,並補充道:「我們致力於建設一個更美好、更可持續的未來。我們將堅定地繼續我們的旅程,力求在我們經營的每個行業中樹立榜樣。」

She also noted that one of Rönesans Holding's greatest strengths is its ability to create foreign partnerships and secure foreign financing: "We are actively working with 40 different international banks worldwide to finance our investments under favourable conditions. To date, we have invested over EUR 8 billion in Türkiye, with more than 90% of this investment realised in collaboration with these banks. The first item foreign creditors review is the ESG report, where Rönesans Enerji secured this report last year. With the Green Finance Framework we have published, we will gain easier access to green finance instruments that support renewable energy, furthering our contribution to Türkiye's sustainable future."

她還指出Rönesans Holding最大的優勢之一是其能夠與外國合作伙伴建立合作關係並獲得外國融資:「我們正在與全球40家不同的國際銀行積極合作,以有利的條件爲我們的投資提供融資。迄今爲止,我們在土耳其投資超過80億歐元,其中超過90%的投資是與這些銀行合作實現的。外國債權人審查的第一項內容是ESG報告,Rönesans Enerji去年獲得了該報告。通過我們發佈的綠色金融框架,我們將更容易獲得支持可再生能源的綠色金融工具,進一步促進土耳其可持續發展。」



Rönesans Holding Board Member and Energy Group President Emre Hatem stated that with the published Green Finance Framework, Rönesans Enerji is confidently moving towards realising its goal of becoming one of Türkiye's top three green energy companies. Emre Hatem said: "Since its establishment, Rönesans Enerji has only invested in green energy and will continue to grow with a 100% green energy portfolio in the future. At Rönesans Enerji, we plan to invest in bringing 2000MW of green energy capacity online by 2028. By bringing our current projects under construction and development online, we aim to reach an installed capacity of over 700 MW by the end of 2026 in the first phase. Over the next five years, we aim to achieve approximately 7% to 10% of the green energy investments targeted in Türkiye's National Energy Plan."

Rönesans控股董事會成員兼能源集團總裁Emre Hatem表示,通過發佈綠色金融框架,Rönesans Enerji自信地朝着成爲土耳其前三大綠色能源公司的目標邁進。Emre Hatem表示:"自成立以來,Rönesans Enerji一直投資於綠色能源,並將在未來繼續以100%的綠色能源組合實現增長。在Rönesans Enerji,我們計劃到2028年投資使2000兆瓦綠色能源產能上線。通過讓當前在建和開發中的項目上線,我們的第一階段目標是到2026年底達到超過700兆瓦的裝機容量。在接下來的五年,我們的目標是實現土耳其國家能源規劃中約7%至10%的綠色能源投資。"



Bas Bittink, Head of Türkiye and Middle East Debt Capital Markets at ING said, 'As we seek to help our clients build a sustainable future, the ING team was honored partnering up with Rönesans Enerji. The established Green Finance Framework and Second Party Opinion have set a new regional best practice and will support attracting further dedicated financing towards the Turkish renewable energy sector.'

ING土耳其和中東債務資本市場主管Bas Bittink表示:"在我們尋求幫助客戶建設可持續未來的過程中,ING團隊榮幸地與Rönesans Enerji合作。建立的綠色金融框架和第二方意見已經確立了一項新的區域最佳實踐,並將支持吸引更多專門面向土耳其可再生能源部門的融資。"

ING Türkiye Wholesale Banking Executive Vice President Ayşegül Akay said, 'As ING, we position sustainability among our key strategic priorities and have been active in this field for more than 30 years. ING announced end of last year it aims to triple the financing for renewable energy to EUR 7.5 billion annually by 2025. We believe that green transformation requires a collective effort and action, and we aim to contribute to Türkiye's green transformation journey by leveraging our international expertise in sustainable finance and our strong global network. In this context, we believe that Rönesans Enerji's Green Financing Framework, for which ING acted as a sustainability advisor during its preparation and publication, can create an important step towards the transformation of the energy sector in Türkiye and bringing the required financing for this transformation. We are pleased to take part in this valuable cooperation that will contribute to the renewable energy investments of Rönesans Enerji, a partnership of Rönesans Holding and TotalEnergies, and thus to Türkiye's sustainability roadmap.'

ING土耳其批發銀行業務執行副總裁Ayşegül Akay表示:"作爲ING,我們將可持續發展定位爲關鍵戰略重點,並在這一領域活躍了30多年。ING於去年年底宣佈,計劃將到2025年可再生能源的融資額提高到每年75億歐元。我們認爲,綠色轉型需要集體的努力和行動,我們的目標是通過利用在可持續金融領域的國際專業知識和強大的全球網絡,促進土耳其的綠色轉型之旅。在這個背景下,我們相信Rönesans Enerji的綠色融資框架(ING在其起草和發佈過程中擔任可持續發展顧問),可以成爲土耳其能源部門轉型併爲此轉型帶來所需融資的重要一步。我們很高興能參與這項有價值的合作,這將有助於Rönesans Enerji(Rönesans控股和TotalEnergies的合作伙伴)的可再生能源投資,也有助於土耳其的可持續發展路線圖。"

The Green Finance Framework is a comprehensive set of guidelines designed to direct financial investments towards projects that promote environmental sustainability. This framework defines the necessary criteria and standards for investments to be considered as 'green'. It aligns with recognised frameworks such as the Green Bond Principles and the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance. This framework focuses on specific environmental goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing resource efficiency, and advancing sustainable development. Furthermore, it ensures transparency and accountability through rigorous reporting and disclosure requirements, guaranteeing that investments meet green criteria and provide measurable environmental benefits.


About Rönesans Group


Rönesans Holding, the conglomerate's top investment entity headquartered in Ankara, is the 53th largest international contracting company globally. With operations spanning 30 countries across Europe, Central Asia, and Africa, including subsidiaries such as Ballast Nedam in the Netherlands and Heitkamp Industrial Solutions GmbH in Germany, Rönesans has been operating as the main contractor and investor successfully for 30 years in construction, energy, healthcare, real estate development and industrial investments. Putting resilience and growth through innovation at the core of the company, with a priority on sustainability and social development, Rönesans has developed projects supporting students with scholarships, academic platforms and initiatives; been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2015; and a signatory of the UN Women's Empowerment Principles since 2016.

Rönesans控股,總部位於安卡拉的這家大型企業的頂級投資實體,在全球是第53大國際承包公司。該公司在歐洲、中亞和非洲等30個國家開展業務,旗下包括荷蘭的Ballast Nedam和德國的Heitkamp Industrial Solutions GmbH等子公司,Rönesans已經在施工、能源、醫療保健、房地產開發和工業投資領域成功運營了30年。將韌性和創新驅動發展放在公司的核心位置,優先關注可持續發展和社會發展,Rönesans已經開展了支持學生的獎學金、學術平台和項目的項目;自2015年起成爲聯合國全球契約的簽署方;自2016年起成爲聯合國婦女賦權原則的簽署方。

Under the leadership of its president, Erman Ilıcak, Rönesans, along with its partners GIC, Meridiam Infrastructure, Sojitz, Samsung C&T, TotalEnergies, and IFC of the World Bank Group (minority shareholder in the group), has invested more than EUR8 billion into pioneering projects globally.

在其總裁Erman Ilıcak的領導下,Rönesans與其合作伙伴GIC、Meridiam Infrastructure、Sojitz、三星C&t、TotalEnergies以及世界銀行集團的IFC(爲該集團的少數股東)一起在全球先導項目上投資了超過80億歐元。

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