
Ericsson Joins MSSA to Advance a Non-Terrestrial Network Ecosystem and Expand Global Connectivity

Ericsson Joins MSSA to Advance a Non-Terrestrial Network Ecosystem and Expand Global Connectivity

愛立信 ·  09/17 12:00

The MSSA – launched in February 2024 – seeks to develop a global ecosystem using L- and S-band spectrum that is allocated and licensed for mobile satellite services (MSS). This spectrum is well-suited for integration into a broad range of mobile devices. By linking the satellite operator sector with the telecom industry and leveraging 3GPP mobile standards, the MSSA can drive and promote new initiatives to support MSS-based services.


The Association's founding members, along with other ecosystem players, support integrating terrestrial cellular networks and space-based or non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) to deliver scalable, sustainable, and affordable connectivity to any device, anytime, anywhere. Emerging D2D services can expand connectivity across diverse and multiple segments, including consumer mobile broadband, government, agriculture, automotive, and others.


Ericsson recognizes the growing interest in 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN). Current mobile networks cover less than 40 percent of Earth's land surface or under 12 percent of the globe. 5G NTN, using 3GPP standards, could extend coverage through satellites, allowing conventional 5G devices such as smartphones to maintain service even when transitioning from covered to uncovered areas.

愛立信認識到對5G非地面網絡(NTN)的日益關注。目前,移動網絡只覆蓋了地球陸地的不到40%或全球面積的不到12%。使用3GPP標準的5G NTN可以通過衛星擴展覆蓋範圍,使傳統的5G設備(如智能手機)在從覆蓋區域過渡到無覆蓋區域時仍能保持服務。

"Through MSSA, Ericsson is keen to advance the goal of ubiquitous connectivity through the integration of terrestrial and space-based networks," says Freddie Södergren, Head of Technology & Strategy at Ericsson's Business Area Networks. "Integrating Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) with land-based cellular networks has the potential to enhance mobile coverage and reliable connections globally."

「通過MSSA,愛立信熱衷於通過整合地面和空間網絡實現無處不在的連接目標,」愛立信業務區域網絡的技術與戰略負責人Freddie Södergren表示。 「將非地面網絡(NTN)與陸地蜂窩網絡相結合,有潛力增強全球移動覆蓋範圍和可靠連接。」

"MSSA is excited to add Ericsson to our growing membership roster and further advance our goal of delivering an affordable, seamless user experience through the integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks", says Mark Dankberg, Board Chairman of Mobile Satellite Services Association (MSSA). "Our forum for collaborative development on technical standards and best practices grows with every new member, strengthening our ability to support the emerging D2D ecosystem."

「MSSA很高興將愛立信列入我們不斷增長的會員名單,並進一步推進我們通過整合地面和非地面網絡提供負擔得起且無縫體驗的目標,」移動衛星服務協會(MSSA)董事會主席Mark Dankberg說。 「我們在技術標準和最佳實踐方面的合作發展論壇隨着每個新成員的加入而壯大,增強了我們支持新興D2D生態系統的能力。」

