
Pedals, Pals and Pounds

Pedals, Pals and Pounds

Metropolitan Bank ·  09/17 12:00

Metro Bank's Mauro Cycles High to Raise Over £3,000 for Dons Local Action Group

大都會銀行的Mauro騎車籌集了超過3,000英鎊,爲Dons Local Action Group做出了貢獻。

Metro Bank colleague Mauro Pizzol alongside a group of friends, recently completed the iconic London to Brighton bike ride, pedalling their way to an impressive £3,164 raised for the Dons Local Action Group (DLAG).

大都會銀行同事Mauro Pizzol與一群朋友最近完成了標誌性的倫敦到布賴頓騎行活動,騎車籌集了令人印象深刻的3,164英鎊,爲Dons Local Action Group(DLAG)做出了貢獻。

The Dons Local Action Group, born from the heart of the AFC Wimbledon fan community during the COVID-19 lockdown, has been a driving force in providing essential support across Merton, Wandsworth, and Kingston. What started with the aim of helping those in need has blossomed into an award-winning initiative. To date, the charity has donated over 6 million meals, 3,500 laptops, and close to 1,000 pieces of furniture to vulnerable members of the community.

Dons Local Action Group起源於COVID-19封鎖期間的AFC溫布爾登球迷社區,已成爲爲梅頓、旺茲沃斯和金斯頓地區提供至關重要支持的推動力量。最初的目標是幫助有需要的人,現已發展成一個屢獲殊榮的倡議。到目前爲止,該慈善機構已向社區的脆弱成員捐贈了超過600萬份餐食、3,500檯筆記本電腦,以及近1,000件傢俱。

Mauro Pizzol, Business Risk and Controls Manager shared: "Completing the London to Brighton ride was both a physical and emotional journey. Knowing that every turn of the wheel was helping such an important local cause gave me the energy to push through. I'm so proud of what we've been able to achieve as a team and grateful to everyone who helped us raise over £3,000 which will go towards furthering this charity's incredible work, ensuring no one in the community is left behind."

業務風險和控制經理Mauro Pizzol分享道:「完成倫敦到布賴頓的騎行既是一次身體上的旅程,也是一次情感上的旅程。知道每一圈車輪都在幫助如此重要的當地事業,給了我能量堅持下去。我爲團隊取得的成就感到非常自豪,並感激每個幫助我們籌集超過3,000英鎊的人,這筆款項將用於進一步支持這個慈善機構的不可思議工作,確保社區中沒有人被拋在後面。」

