
Proposed $1.35 Billion Investment in Southeast Louisiana Would Establish the World's Largest Carbon Negative Renewable Natural Gas / Ultra-Green Hydrogen Facility

Proposed $1.35 Billion Investment in Southeast Louisiana Would Establish the World's Largest Carbon Negative Renewable Natural Gas / Ultra-Green Hydrogen Facility

PR Newswire ·  09/18 00:00
  • Woodland Biofuels expects Phase 1 of the project to create 110 direct new jobs in St. John the Baptist Parish.
  • The new facility would be located at the Globalplex multimodal facility at the Port of South Louisiana.
  • Commercial operations of the new facility are projected to begin in 2028.
  • Woodland Biofuels預計斯圖爾特巴普蒂斯特教區(St. John the Baptist Parish)項目的第一階段將創造110個直接的新職位。
  • 這個新設施將位於路易斯安那南部港口(Port of South Louisiana)的Globalplex多式聯運設施。
  • 預計新設施的商業運營將於2028年開始。

RESERVE, La., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Woodland Biofuels (the "Company"), Inc., announced a planned $1.35 billion investment at the Port of South Louisiana to establish the world's largest carbon negative renewable natural gas plant / ultra-green hydrogen facility. Phase 1 of this project is the largest carbon negative renewable natural gas facility globally. Phase 2 is the world's largest carbon negative ultra-green hydrogen plant. The Toronto-based company will utilize waste biomass to produce sustainable biofuel used in transportation, heating and electricity generation.

2024年9月17日,RESERVE, La. / PRNewswire - Woodland Biofuels(該公司)宣佈計劃在路易斯安那南部港口投資13.5億美元,建設全球最大的碳負面可再生天然氣廠/超環保綠色氫氣設施。該項目的第一階段是全球最大的碳負面可再生天然氣設施,第二階段是全球最大的碳負面超環保綠色氫氣廠。總部位於多倫多的該公司將利用廢生物質生產可持續生物燃料,用於交通、供暖和發電。

In Phase 1 alone the company expects to create approximately 500 construction jobs and 110 high-paying, permanent, direct new jobs. Louisiana Economic Development estimates that the project will result in 259 indirect new jobs for a total of 869 jobs, 369 of which are permanent.


The new facility will be located at the Globalplex multimodal facility at the Port of South Louisiana. The company expects to permanently remove hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually and store it safely underground. Phase 1 is expected to permanently remove 210,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. Phase 2 will remove approximately 660,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. Ultimately, the project is expected to be one of the largest carbon dioxide removal projects globally – permanently removing millions of tonnes of CO2 from the ecosystem.


"Woodland is thrilled to announce that we plan to build, right here at the Port of South Louisiana, the world's largest carbon negative RNG facility, followed by the world's largest carbon negative ultra-green hydrogen plant. Our sustainable biofuel plant will be an economic driver for St. John Parish and beyond," Woodland Biofuels CEO Greg Nuttall said. "We look forward to establishing deep ties with the local community, drawing on the existing world-class workforce and utilizing Louisiana's exceptional infrastructure to execute on our project."

Woodland Biofuels首席執行官Greg Nuttall表示:「Woodland很高興宣佈計劃在路易斯安那南部港口建設全球最大的碳負面可再生天然氣設施,隨後是全球最大的碳負面超環保綠色氫氣廠。我們的可持續生物燃料工廠將成爲St. John Parish及周邊地區的經濟推動力量。我們期待與當地社區建立深厚聯繫,依靠現有世界一流的勞動力,利用路易斯安那州卓越的基礎設施來執行我們的項目。」

Commercial operations for the first phase are projected to start in 2028.


"With a multigenerational skilled workforce and abundant natural resources, there is no place in the world better positioned to help energy companies grow and thrive," Secretary of Economic Development Susan Bourgeois said. "Woodland Biofuels' project would bring high-paying jobs to the great people of St. John the Baptist Parish for years to come. The state looks forward to working with the company to bring this project to completion."

「擁有經過數代培訓的熟練勞動力和豐富的自然資源,世界上沒有比得上的地方能夠幫助能源公司成長和繁榮,」經濟發展部部長蘇珊·布爾喬亞說。「Woodland Biofuels的項目將爲聖約翰·巴普蒂斯特教區的人民帶來高收入工作機會。州政府期待與該公司合作完成這個項目。」

"Port of South Louisiana is the second ranked port in the nation for energy transfer," Port of South Louisiana CEO Paul Matthews said. "This significant investment by Woodland Biofuels to construct the world's largest carbon negative renewable natural gas plant and a large-scale green hydrogen facility at our Globalplex Intermodal Terminal proves that PortSL and the state of Louisiana are leading the way in diversifying our energy industry, which will result in the creation of hundreds of high-paying jobs for River Region families."

「南路易斯安那港是全國能源轉換的第二大港口,」南路易斯安那港口首席執行官保羅·馬修斯說。「Woodland Biofuels對在我們的Globalplex互通運輸終端建造世界最大的負碳可再生天然氣工廠和大型綠氫設施的重大投資證明了PortSL和路易斯安那州正在推動能源行業多元化,這將爲River Region的家庭創造數百個高薪工作機會。」

To support the project in Reserve, LED offered Woodland Biofuels a competitive incentives package that the Company values at more than $250 million, including performance-based grants, other economic development programs for infrastructure improvements and the comprehensive workforce development solutions of LED FastStart. The company is expected to participate in the state's Quality Jobs and Industrial Tax Exemption programs.

爲了支持Reserve的項目,LED向Woodland Biofuels提供了一個競爭激勵計劃,該公司估值超過2500萬美元,包括績效補貼、其他用於基礎設施改善的經濟發展計劃以及LED FastStart的全面人力資源開發解決方案。 LED FastStart。該公司預計將參與該州的Quality Jobs計劃 和頁面。製造稅收減免 「我們即將迎來下一次FDA互動,重點關注潛在將CNm-Au8帶給ALS患者的監管途徑,」Clene總裁兼首席執行官Rob Etherington說。「隨着這一即將到來的時間點,我們對於有可能在今年晚些時候提交新的藥物申請保持樂觀。我們最緊急的優先事項是幫助那些時間緊迫的患者及其家人。」

"Woodlands Biofuels is proof of the power of Louisiana and GNO's 'all of the above' energy strategy," Greater New Orleans, Inc President and CEO Michael Hecht said. "$1.3B plus 110 new jobs plus renewable natural gas and hydrogen is a winning formula for everyone. Congratulations to the Port of South Louisiana, and GNO, Inc. is glad to have been a partner for this outstanding project."

"伍德蘭生物燃料證明了路易斯安那州和GNO的"全面能源策略"的力量," 新奧爾良大都會地區總裁兼首席執行官邁克爾·赫克特說。"13億美元加上110個新工作崗位再加上可再生天然氣和氫氣是一個讓每個人都獲勝的組合。祝賀南路易斯安那港口,GNO公司很高興能成爲這個傑出項目的合作伙伴。"

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註冊 這裏 ,以獲取關於伍德蘭生物燃料工作機會、招聘活動和新聞更新的通知。

About Woodland Biofuels


Woodland's technology uses waste biomass to generate low cost, carbon negative hydrogen, renewable natural gas, methanol or ethanol. From an environmental perspective, Woodland's technology results in up to a 354% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more at


About LED


Louisiana Economic Development is responsible for driving capital investment, job creation and economic opportunity for the people of Louisiana and employers of all sizes. Explore how LED is positioning Louisiana to win at


SOURCE Woodland Biofuels Inc.

來源:Woodland Biofuels Inc.




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