
AvidXchange 2025 Trends Survey Reveals Finance Leaders' Top Priorities

AvidXchange 2025 Trends Survey Reveals Finance Leaders' Top Priorities

AvidXchange 2025趨勢調查揭示財務領導者的首要任務
GlobeNewswire ·  09/17 22:00

This year's survey highlights leaders' focus on AI, Cybersecurity, and more for the coming year.


CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AvidXchange, Inc., a leading provider of accounts payable (AP) automation software and payment solutions for middle market businesses and their suppliers, today announced the results of their 2025 Trends Survey, highlighting the top priorities and concerns of finance leaders looking ahead to the new year. After polling 500 middle market finance leaders in August 2024, key findings revealed continued focus on security, increasing use of cloud-based solutions, and desire to realize return on investment from AI initiatives.

2024年9月17日 北卡羅來納州夏洛特(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- 領先的中市場企業和供應商的應付賬款(AP)自動化軟件和支付解決方案提供商AvidXchange, Inc.今天宣佈了2025年趨勢調查結果,突顯了財務領導者在展望新一年時的首要任務和關注點。在2024年8月對500名中市場財務領導進行投票調查後,關鍵發現顯示了對安全性的持續關注、雲解決方案的增多使用和渴望從人工智能倡議中實現回報率的願望。

AI and ROI
According to the survey, 76% of finance departments recognize the value of using AI within their finance department to improve efficiency and decision-making. In spite of this, 71% of finance leaders have concerns about measuring the return on investment from their AI initiatives, emphasizing the need for employee training and upskilling programs to maximize benefits.


Security Remains a Key Focus Area
Security, including fraud and phishing attempts, is the number one concern for the majority of finance departments as they prepare for 2025. The survey showed that more than three quarters of finance departments have either fallen victim to or detected cyberattacks in the past year. This rise in cyberattacks along with concerns of fraudsters beginning to leverage advanced technologies, such as AI-generated deepfakes and voice cloning, has resulted in an intensified focus from finance departments to increase cybersecurity measures to make sure their organizations are protected.


Cloud Adoption Expands
With a focus on centralizing processes and supporting remote and hybrid work models, finance departments are continuing to reevaluate their cloud usage. 76% of finance leaders view cloud-based technology as critical or favorable to their operations, and only 4% indicated that none of their finance work is currently conducted in cloud-based technologies, representing a trend towards solutions that offer the flexibility and security needed for modern work environments.

專注於集中流程和支持遠程和混合工作模式,財務部門繼續重新評估其雲使用情況。 76%的財務領導認爲基於雲的技術對其運營至關重要或有利,並且只有4%的人表示他們的財務工作沒有一項是在基於雲的技術中進行的,這代表了一種朝向提供現代工作環境所需的靈活性和安全性的解決方案的趨勢。

The Finance Function Is Evolving
Financial professionals have seen their scope expand as the finance function continues to evolve with 87% of survey respondents reporting new responsibilities such as data analytics, financial technology integration, and strategic business advisory roles. Through the use of data-driven insights, finance teams are becoming an increasingly important influence on business growth and operational efficiency.


"As we enter 2025, the finance landscape continues to rapidly evolve," said Dan Drees, President of AvidXchange. "From the rise of AI to increased cybersecurity risks, to the adoption of cloud-based technology, finance leaders must stay agile. At AvidXchange, we are committed to being a trusted partner that empowers our customers to navigate these trends with confidence through innovative solutions that will set them up for success in the long term."

「隨着我們邁入2025年,財務格局持續迅速演變,」 AvidXchange總裁丹·德里斯說。「從人工智能的崛起到網絡安全風險的增加,再到雲技術的採用,財務領導必須保持敏捷。在AvidXchange,我們致力於成爲值得信賴的合作伙伴,通過創新解決方案賦予我們的客戶信心,幫助他們順利應對這些趨勢,併爲長期成功做好準備。」

To read the full list of 2025 Trends, visit .


About AvidXchange
AvidXchange is a leading provider of accounts payable ("AP") automation software and payment solutions for middle market businesses and their suppliers. AvidXchange's software-as-a-service-based, end-to-end software and payment platform digitizes and automates the AP workflows for more than 8,000 businesses and it has made payments to more than 1.2 million supplier customers of its buyers over the past five years. To learn more about how AvidXchange, and its publicly traded parent AvidXchange Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: AVDX), are transforming the way companies pay their bills, visit .

AvidXchange是中型市場企業及其供應商的應付賬款("AP")自動化軟件和付款解決方案的領先提供商。AvidXchange的基於軟件即服務的端到端軟件和付款平台將AP工作流程數字化和自動化,爲8000多家企業提供服務,在過去的五年裏向其採購商的120萬供應商客戶進行了支付。要了解有關AvidXchange及其上市母公司AvidXchange Holdings,Inc.(納斯達克代碼:AVDX)如何改變企業付款方式的更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
Kevin Logan
Manager of Corporate Communications

Kevin Logan

