
Greene Concepts Inc. Is Invited by Walmart to Showcase 16.9 OZ and Gallon Sized Jugs Lines at Walmart's 2024 Open Call

Greene Concepts Inc. Is Invited by Walmart to Showcase 16.9 OZ and Gallon Sized Jugs Lines at Walmart's 2024 Open Call

沃爾瑪邀請Greene Concepts Inc. 在沃爾瑪2024年的開放呼叫中展示16.9盎司和一加侖的瓶裝產品線
newsfile ·  09/17 22:02

Marion, North Carolina--(Newsfile Corp. - September 17, 2024) - Greene Concepts Inc. (OTC Pink: INKW) is pleased to announce the Company's second year in a row selection to be a presenter at Walmart's 2024 Open Call event at Walmart's HQ in Bentonville, AR. For the second consecutive year, the Company received one of the few coveted Open Call invitations to present its new gallon sized bottling line to Walmart and Sam's Club representatives.

北卡羅萊納州馬裏恩——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年9月17日)- Greene Concepts Inc.(OTC Pink:INKW)很高興宣佈公司連續第二年被選爲沃爾瑪的2024年公開招標活動的展示者,在沃爾瑪在亞肯色州本頓維爾的總部舉行。對連續第二年,公司獲得了很少幾個令人垂涎的公開競標邀請,以向沃爾瑪和山姆會員代表展示其新的加侖裝瓶生產線。

After receiving Walmart's coveted "Golden Ticket" for its BE WATER brand at last year's 2023 Open Call, Greene Concepts is now ready to introduce its expanded gallon jug production for large-scale distribution. The company is eager to present the all new gallon sized Be Water jugs of artesian spring water to both Walmart and Sam's Club merchant buyers.

在去年的2023年公開招標活動中,格林概念公司憑藉其BE WATER品牌獲得了沃爾瑪的令人垂涎的「黃金入場券」,現在準備推出其擴大的加侖酒瓶生產線以進行大規模分銷。公司熱切期待向沃爾瑪和山姆俱樂部的採購商展示全新的加侖裝BE WATER飲用天然泉水瓶。

The 2024 Open Call will be held at Walmart's corporate headquarters in Bentonville, AR, on September 24-25. Companies awarded a "Golden Ticket" gain the opportunity to have their products sold in Walmart stores. Additionally, Greene Concepts was selected to participate in the Mentoring Program to assist and mentor potential new vendors at this year's event (see: July 11, 2024 press release). Additionally, Walmart has selected and arranged to have BE WATER available throughout the event for the well over 1,000 attendees and several hundred Walmart associates that are expected to participate in Open Call 2024.

2024年公開招標活動將於9月24日至25日在沃爾瑪的總部位於亞肯色州本頓維爾舉行。獲得「黃金入場券」的公司將有機會在沃爾瑪商店銷售其產品。此外,格林概念公司還被選爲參加指導計劃,以協助和指導今年活動的潛在新供應商(請參見:2024年7月11日新聞稿)。此外,沃爾瑪已選定並安排了BE WATER在活動期間供預計有超過1000名與會者和數百名沃爾瑪員工參與的人可使用。

Lenny Greene, CEO of Greene Concepts, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "We welcome this opportunity to present our expanding product line to both Walmart and Sam's Club merchant buyers. Our current sales in North and South Carolina have been strong, and Walmart's trust in us for a second year highlights our growing partnership. We are confident in Be Water's appeal to consumers and we are thrilled at this year's Open Call opportunities."

格林概念公司的首席執行官Lenny Greene充滿熱情地表示:「我們歡迎這個機會向沃爾瑪和山姆俱樂部的採購商展示我們不斷擴大的產品線。我們在北卡羅萊納州和南卡羅萊納州的銷售一直很強勁,沃爾瑪連續第二年對我們的信任凸顯了我們不斷增長的合作伙伴關係。我們對Be Water對消費者的吸引力非常有信心,對今年的公開招標活動機會感到非常興奮。」

Mr. Greene continues, "In addition to BE WATER being available throughout the event for attendees, Greene Concepts will also have a prominently positioned tent and display area from which to interact and mentor attendees seeking to become new vendors. We are excited about both opportunities and thank Walmart for their incredible generosity. Stay tuned for more exciting developments."

格林先生繼續說:「除了在活動期間供與會者使用BE WATER外,格林概念公司還將設置一個顯眼的帳篷和展示區,以與尋求成爲新供應商的與會者互動和指導。我們對這兩個機會感到非常興奮,並感謝沃爾瑪的慷慨。請繼續關注更多令人激動的發展。」

For more details visit Walmart's Open Call Information Page.


About Greene Concepts, Inc.

關於Greene Concepts,Inc。

Greene Concepts, Inc. () is a publicly traded company whose purpose is to provide the world with high-quality, healthy and enhanced beverage choices that meet the nutritional needs of its consumers while refreshing their mind, body and spirit. The Company's flagship product, BE WATER, is a premium artesian bottled water that supports total body health and wellness. Greene Concepts' beverage and bottling plant is located in Marion, North Carolina, and their water is ethically sourced from spring and artesian wells that are fed from a natural aquifer located deep beneath the Blue Ridge Mountains. Greene Concepts continues to develop and market premium beverage brands designed to enhance the daily lives of consumers.

Greene Concepts,Inc。()是一家公開交易的公司,旨在爲世界提供高質量,健康和增強的飲料選擇,以滿足消費者的營養需求,同時提神醒腦。公司的旗艦產品BE WATER是一種支持全身健康和健康的高端瓶裝天然泉水。Greene Concepts的飲料和裝瓶廠位於北卡羅來納州的馬里昂,他們的水源自藍嶺山脈下方深處的天然含水層中的泉水和井水。Greene Concepts繼續開發和推廣旨在增強消費者日常生活的優質飲料品牌。

Safe Harbor: This Press Release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of management and are subject to a few uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect the company's current plans and expectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition. A more extensive listing of risks and factors that may affect the company's business prospects and cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in the reports and other documents filed by the company with the Securities and Exchange Commission and OTC Markets, Inc. OTC Disclosure and News Service. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, because of new information, future events or otherwise.

安全港:本新聞稿包含根據1933年證券法第27A條和1934年證券交易法第21E條的前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明基於管理層的當前計劃和期望,並受到一些不確定性和風險的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能會顯著影響公司的當前計劃和期望,以及未來的經營業績和財務狀況。關於公司業務前景以及可能影響公司業務前景並導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明描述的結果有很大不同的風險和因素的更詳細列表,可以在公司向證券交易委員會和OTC Markets,Inc. OTC Disclosure and News Service提交的報告和其他文件中找到。公司不承擔公開更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明的義務,因爲有新信息,未來事件或其他情況。

Greene Concepts, Inc.
Investor Relations

Greene Concepts,Inc。

