
El Pollo Loco Taps ArrowStream to Fuel Supply Chain Innovation and Growth

El Pollo Loco Taps ArrowStream to Fuel Supply Chain Innovation and Growth

El Pollo Loco與ArrowStream合作,推動供應鏈創新和增長
Accesswire ·  09/17 22:00

Famous Fire-grilled Chicken Restaurant Chain Partners with Leading Foodservice Cloud Platform for Supply Chain Intelligence


CHICAGO, IL / ACCESSWIRE / September 17, 2024 / ArrowStream, Inc. ("ArrowStream"), the leading foodservice cloud platform for supply chain intelligence, is pleased to announce its newest partnership with El Pollo Loco, a famous fire-grilled chicken restaurant chain with 495 locations across the United States. ArrowStream will help modernize El Pollo Loco's supply chain operations, allowing the company to focus on strategic growth and innovation.

芝加哥,伊利諾伊州/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月17日/ArrowStream公司(「ArrowStream」)是領先的供應鏈雲平台,爲食品服務提供供應鏈智能化解決方案,很高興宣佈與el pollo loco建立的最新合作伙伴關係,el pollo loco是一家在美國擁有495家分店的著名火烤雞餐廳連鎖。ArrowStream將協助現代化el pollo loco的供應鏈運營,使該公司能夠專注於戰略增長和創新。

With plans for continued unit expansion, El Pollo Loco recognized the need for a robust supply chain solution to manage the complexities of scaling operations across both corporate and franchise locations. By leveraging ArrowStream's advanced software solutions, El Pollo Loco will now have the ability to optimize their supply chain management, streamline processes, and improve spending efficiency.

考慮到繼續擴張計劃,el pollo loco認識到需要一個強大的供應鏈解決方案來管理企業和特許經營地點之間擴展運營的複雜性。通過利用ArrowStream先進的軟件解決方案,el pollo loco現在將能夠優化他們的供應鏈管理,簡化流程和提高支出效率。

"Having previously benefited from ArrowStream's capabilities, I understood the advantages their software offers for navigating a complex supply chain," remarked Jeff Burrus, Vice President of Supply Chain at El Pollo Loco. "Upon joining El Pollo Loco, it became evident that integrating ArrowStream was essential to not just meet but anticipate the needs arising from our expansion. ArrowStream seamlessly augments our dedicated team, enabling us to enhance the effectiveness and agility of our supply chain operations."

「以前從ArrowStream的能力中受益,我了解到他們的軟件在應對複雜的供應鏈問題上提供的優勢。」 el pollo loco供應鏈副總裁Jeff Burrus說道。「進入el pollo loco後,變得明顯,整合ArrowStream對於不僅滿足但預見到我們擴張所帶來的需求是至關重要的。ArrowStream無縫地增強了我們專注的團隊,使我們能夠提高供應鏈運營的效果和靈活性。」

ArrowStream's technology platform provides visibility, control, and automation across the supply chain, allowing El Pollo Loco to move beyond reliance on spreadsheets and distributor data. The system will empower their supply chain team to make data-driven decisions that drive productivity and profitability.

ArrowStream的技術平台爲供應鏈提供了可見性、控制和自動化,使el pollo loco能夠擺脫對電子表格和分銷商數據的依賴。該系統將賦予他們的供應鏈團隊通過數據驅動的決策,促進生產力和盈利能力的提升。

Marc Larson, Vice President of Sales at ArrowStream, expressed his pride in welcoming El Pollo Loco to the ArrowStream network. "We are thrilled to partner with El Pollo Loco, a brand with a rich history and a bright future. Their story is one we've seen before-a talented supply chain team relying heavily on manual processes. With ArrowStream, we will supercharge their supply chain operations, enabling them to enhance efficiency and impact their bottom line. We're excited to be part of their journey as they continue to grow and succeed."

ArrowStream的銷售副總裁Marc Larson對於歡迎el pollo loco加入ArrowStream網絡表示自豪。「我們非常高興與el pollo loco建立合作伙伴關係,他們是歷史悠久、前景光明的品牌。他們的故事我們以前見過-一支充滿才華的供應鏈團隊嚴重依賴手工流程。通過ArrowStream,我們將增強他們的供應鏈運營,使他們能夠提高效率,影響他們的盈利能力。我們很興奮能夠成爲他們發展和取得成功的旅程的一部分。」

This partnership marks another milestone for ArrowStream as it continues to expand its network of forward-thinking restaurant chains, paving the way for sustained growth and innovation in a competitive restaurant industry. This is the reason that businesses like IPC Subway, Denny's, Sbarro, and others use ArrowStream to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance the overall customer experience.

這一合作標誌着ArrowStream在繼續擴大其優秀餐廳連鎖網絡方面又邁出了重要一步,爲競爭激烈的餐飲行業的可持續增長和創新鋪平了道路。這也是諸如IPC Subway,丹尼斯,Sbarro等企業選擇使用ArrowStream來優化運營、降低成本和提升整體客戶體驗的原因。

Get in touch with an ArrowStream supply chain expert today for a free consultation to find out how ArrowStream can assist your team in modernizing your supply chain.


About ArrowStream
ArrowStream is the leading foodservice cloud platform for supply chain intelligence, with over 1,300 distribution locations, 9,000 manufacturers, and 300 leading brands across 120,000 restaurant locations tightly integrated into a single global network of applications and industry data. ArrowStream provides unparalleled levels of transparency, control, and actionable insight to mitigate risks, streamline operations, protect the brand, and optimize profitability.


Contact Information
Joe Ferrell
Sr. Director, Marketing

Joe Ferrell

SOURCE: ArrowStream, Inc.

來源:ArrowStream, Inc.

